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"Small Business Conversations by Network Solutions" - 2 new articles

  1. Website Redesign Spotlight: See the New Site!
  2. How Do I… Assign Account Contacts?
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Website Redesign Spotlight: See the New Site!

This month, Goose Creek Music launched their new website.  We included analytics tracking code on the site so that Mike will be able to see how his site is performing and where he needs to make changes.  After the site design and content had been integrated, Gus showed Mike how to maintain his site using Joomla!. Mike was then able to add more pages and content to the site on his own.  He will be able to continue maintaining the site and was very excited to be able to make frequent updates.  The initial redesign process has been completed and the site has been released to Mike at Goose Creek Music.  The new site is available at GooseCreekMusic.com.

Now that the site is live, it's important that the content is updated on a regular basis to keep the site fresh and to provide more text for search engine spiders to index for search results.  If Mike needs help improving these rankings, we offer services that will help him market his site successfully online!

We're excited that Mike is so pleased with the new site and comfortable making changes himself but we're happy to help him make changes later if he finds himself too busy running his successful business to maintain his site.

Thanks for following along during for the redesign of the Goose Creek Music website.  To find out how Network Solutions can help you redesign your own site, contact us today!

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How Do I… Assign Account Contacts?

It's time to talk about Account Contacts!  What are they? How important are they? What do they do?  You and your business need to know!  Why is this so important?  Let's talk real life here:

When I first registered my domain, k8music.com, I had a designer working on my website for me.  (Hey, I was still just a rookie back then!) Since I was the Primary Contact, I assigned her to access my Network Solutions Account as an Account Technical Contact so that she could set up my domain and upload my website to my nsHosting package.  I remained the Primary Contact and eventually moved on to work with a different designer, so I revoked the first designer's access and assigned my new designer as the Account Technical Contact later.  I was able to focus on the main aspects of my business- songwriting, performing, and recording- without worrying about losing control of my whole project, all while my designers had the access they needed to help me be successful.

Now let's make this work for you.  Read on and let us be your guide to finishing up that Account Setup- the right way.

Staying In Charge!

Network Solutions Account Contacts are the people you assign to access Account Manager so that they can perform various tasks like configuring your services, renewing products for you, or even assigning Account access to others.  We reviewed the importance of setting up the right Account Type in my last post- if you missed it, catch up right here (link to last post).  Whether you've set up an Individual Account or an Organization Account, you've got the ability to assign Account Contacts and you should definitely use it when you have someone working with you on the domain or website, etc.  The most important thing is making sure you don't share your User ID or password with anyone else!  When you set up Account Contacts, they will get to set up their very own User Profiles.

Having multiple Account Contacts and different levels of Account Access is what makes it possible to ensure that you (or your organization) ultimately maintain full control of your domain registration.  This is because the Account Holder (Registrant) and Primary Contact can add or revoke permissions of an Account Contact at any time!  See why it was so important to set up the right Account type and list yourself as the Primary Contact?

Which One Do I Choose? Types of Account ContactsDecisions

We've already mentioned the Primary Contact a few times- Remember, the Primary Contact is the legal representative with full authority to act on behalf of the Account Holder to manage the Account.

  • For Individual Accounts, the Account Holder and the Primary Contact are the same
  • For Organization Accounts, the Account Holder and Primary Contact should be different:
    (The Account Holder should be the company or organization.  The Primary Contact should be the person responsible for the Account.)

It's also important to note that Account Contacts are NOT listed in the public WHOIS Database unless they are also designated as WHOIS Contacts.  (WHOIS Contacts will be covered in an upcoming post.)

So let's review the 2 other Account Contact types:

  • The Account Administrative Contact can purchase/renew services, configure domain names/services, and manage user access and privileges
  • The Account Technical Contact can renew services and configure domain names and services

So just like the example I started with, you'll need to determine what level of access you need to give the people who are helping you, based on the

How Do I Do It?

To assign an Account Contact, follow these steps once you're logged into Account Manager:

  1. Within Account Manager, select the Account Settings Tab
  2. Click on Accounts and Contacts
  3. Click on the Account you want to add the Contact to
  4. Click the blue button, Edit Account Contacts
  5. Click the link to Add new Account Administrative or Technical Contact
  6. Identify the new contact by providing his/her email address, User ID, or NIC Handle
  7. Select the type of access you want the User to have- Administrative or Technical- and click Go!
  8. An email will be sent to the contact you want to add inviting him/her to accept access to your Account.  If access is accepted, he/she will either use their existing Network Solutions User ID or create a new one to access Account Manager.

Learn More!

Check out this great article in the Support Center that explains Account Contacts in more detail!

Explanation of Account Contacts

So that's all for this week!  I hope ya'll are having a great holiday season!  To celebrate, I'm sharing a very special gift with all of you!  It's not a holiday track, but you can click here to download the first single, "Pieces of You" from my first CD, Something Out of Nothing, absolutely FREE.  Don't forget to let us know what you think and what you'd like to hear more about in the "How Do I…?" Series.  You can comment below, connect with us on Facebook, or tweet @netsolcares with #nsHowTo!

Image by Flickr user @katietower (Creative Commons)

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