A special message from:
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2 The suffering in Japan continues.We have just learned that Japanese nuclear regulators have raised the Fukushima Daiichi plant disaster rating to 7.0 on the International Atomic Energy Agency scale - the same level as the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986. One month ago, a 9.0 earthquake hit Japan, which resulted in a massive tsunami. The earthquake itself was the 5th strongest in the world since 1900, and Japan's worst. It triggered a huge tsunami and damaged the Daiichi plant. Then, about a week ago, a 7.4 aftershock hit and knocked out two additional power plants. The result has been fires, floods, radiation leaks and devastation throughout the country. As in all of the 100+ countries where we bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, Youth for Christ International is on the ground right now, providing relief to the victims. We are working to provide care and compassion to the suffering, because we do it every day. The Japanese people need our prayers, and our commitment to help them recover. Over 25,000 people have died, or are missing and presumed dead. Close to 170,000 homes in the north are without power, and 200,000 have no running water. Over 45,000 buildings were destroyed, and over 150,000 more are damaged. Roads, bridges and railways were wiped out or made impassable. The country has been overwhelmed with transportation problems and power outages. Relief workers from various organizations want to get in and help, and that is a good thing - but conditions often prevent them from getting to the areas that need help the most. No new international relief workers are being allowed to go where things are the worst in Japan; but that does not impact YFCI, because our people already live there. We have not needed to find any translators to bring into Japan because our people speak Japanese already... they are Japanese. And that is why we are able to provide immediate support to those affected by these terrible events.. Will you send immediate help? Our YFCI team members have concluded that bicycles are the greatest additional need during this recovery. Youth for Christ would like to purchase bicycles with cargo capabilities to be able to transport the sick and injured to clinics and hospitals regardless of the condition of the roads. Due to a major fuel shortage and road damage, people are unable to travel by train or cars in the affected areas. Roads are being cleared and repaired, so the bicycles will be put to great use in helping the sick and injured. They will also provide people access to food and water. The Red Cross reports that as the Japanese begin to rebuild and the shock has worn off, they will need the greatest care, because they will feel great anger and sadness. Experts say that local people are best able to give psychosocial support, because they can relate to the survivors in a familiar dialect and a familiar culture. Our Japan Team Prayer Requests are:
Youth for Christ International has been able to be very effective during this crisis; we don't need to send anything through normal postal channels, or set up an organization to go over there and lend assistance. WE ARE ALREADY THERE. The bikes will be used by volunteer workers to carry supplies to these damaged homes. After the worst of the crisis is over, they will be given to families to keep. Even after recovery is finished, they will be useful to the Japanese people. Many relief workers are scared to go into the radiation-affected areas, but again - Youth for Christ International has people already on the ground, who are helping every day with rescue and care. After this horrible tragedy, now, more than ever, it is vital that Youth for Christ International staff and volunteers get into the street and talk to people, calm their Many of our YFCI workers have other jobs and volunteer or received a small stipend---but there is no work now, and we need to continue to send them support. We ask you to open your hearts and your wallets to comfort those in need and purchase bicycles for the afflicted. Your financial gift will go to all of our people who live in Japan, and they will see to it that help reaches those who need it most. Youth for Christ National Director, Kazunori Endo Reports from Nagoya, Central Japan Our country, Japan, got hit by a large earthquake on Mar 11. I was working in my house and then felt a small but very long shake. Soon I remembered the quake in Kobe (app. 5000 died) in 1995. We Japanese citizens get use to experiencing earthquakes every year and we have been trained to do appropriate actions since childhood. But we have not imagined such a big one. I was afraid for our team members' family and friends in the area. But the telephone and traffic system are totally paralyzed and I did not know what had happened to my friends there in the afternoon. Most information could be taken from the twitter site of my friend. She was hit by the quake in the train, and got out of it; it took her two hours to walk back home. On the way she tweeted from time to time with small pictures. TV & radio is OK, but they cannot cover our friends and families. We are having new information more and more. Atomic power plants are damaged, with more than 1,000 times the normal levels of radiation, which is leaking, causing nearby residents to take refuge. Some villages were washed away by tsunami in a moment. Fires are still going in some places. Some people were saved from the tsunami on the rooftops of the office buildings and it is still very cold over there. Electricity and gas supplies are stopped in the up-north area. The team staff of Youth for Christ went to the devastated area. The damage of those areas was very severe and our national government has a plan to transfer almost all the residents to another area. So that area will not be recovered by the original residents. I thought that they would stay near their houses and clean up. But the recovery process must be done basically by machines. And some companies like Toyota are preparing apartment houses for them. Your financial gift will not only send rescue to the people of Japan, but also Youth for Christ workers, who are citizens of that country and live among the afflicted. Everyone in that area needs help! Please find it in your heart to send a generous donation so we can help the Japanese rebuild their lives. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? I John 3:17 When the earthquake hit, YFCI workers were there. When the tsunami hit, YFCI workers were there. When the nuclear power plant began leaking, YFCI workers were there. They are still there today, and they will remain there, helping rebuild their lives, their missions, and the lives of those so tragically affected. Please help these very good people with relief efforts. God bless you. Warmly, David Wraight, President Youth for Christ International www.yfci.org Visit us on Facebook and Twitter P. S. When you Donate, you will be transferred to Youth for Christ's trusted partner, Response Enterprises, to ensure the security of your financial information. Your contributions are a sacred trust. Youth for Christ International is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. You are welcome to view Youth for Christ's financial report. If you would like to make a donation by check, please send to: Youth for Christ International Department Code 6013 PO Box 4555 Englewood, CO 80155 "Youth for Christ reaches young people everywhere, working together with the local church and other likeminded partners to raise up lifelong followers of Jesus who lead by their godliness in lifestyle, devotion to the Word of God and prayer, passion for sharing the love of Christ and commitment to social involvement." |
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