

Obama Stands by While Christians are Massacred

A special message from:

Conservative American,

One million on the Ivory Coast have been displaced. Thousands have been killed - reports ABC News.

Yet, when one looks into those killings, they will find that most of the killings have been a massacre of Christians who have supported the former President Gbagbo. Christians in the Ivory Coast face near-annihilation. Yet, Mr. Obama casually stands by the new insurgent president-elect, Alassane Ouattara........

We must ALERT every member of Congress to do what is humanitarian correct; and that is to protect the lives of innocent civilians in the Ivory Coast.

Ex-President Laurent Gbagbo was hauled from his subterranean hideout four months after losing a democratic election to Alassane Ouattara. Forces loyal to Ouattara say they stormed the underground bunker at the presidential palace in Abidjan and found Gbagbo there with his wife and son. "He wasn't hurt, but he was tired and his cheek was swollen from where a soldier had slapped him," said a pro-Ouattara soldier, reports the GUARDIAN from the UK.

Yesterday, French and United Nations gunships had paved the way by battering the presidential palace to take out heavy weaponry. New President Ouattara said Gbagbo, a former Marxist firebrand and history professor, would now face justice. "I call my fellow countrymen to abstain from all form of reprisal and violence, " Ouattara said. "Our country has turned a painful page in its history..."


Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of U.S. Congress make sure that the Christians of the Ivory Coast are protected, in spite of the supposed "transfer of power." Ouattara, backed by radical Muslims, is inclined to destroy and annihilate his opposition, including the Christians. Yet, Mr. Obama sits idly by, in "indirect" support of the Muslim radicals---and does absolutely nothing. That's why we must call upon our U.S. Congress to make sure that the Christians are protected!

Ouattara is a Muslim, who prevailed in this election over his Christian opponent Gbagbo on the strength of masses of illegal immigrants who had emigrated over the last several decades from the neighboring Muslim states of Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea. It is estimated that nearly ONE-FIFTH of the 21,000,000 people now living in Ivory Coast are illegal immigrants (much like the United States!) most of whom are Muslim.

It is quite ironic that on the very day that France's law banning the wearing of full-face coverings ("Berka") went into effect, French military forces helped Muslims add another country in Africa to their growing Caliphate - the Ivory Coast.

Yes, France and the United Nations enabled an Islamist takeover of Ivory Coast.

The French, the former colonial rulers in the Ivory Coast, forced the surrender of former president Laurent Gbagbo to forces loyal to president-elect Alassane Ouattara, who the international community, including President Barack Obama, had recognized as the victor in last year's presidential election.

You might think that Gbagbo's surrender was a good thing, ending a bloody civil war and allowing the democratically-elected president to be able to assume office while the strong man standing in his way of in custody to face justice.

However, as bad as Gbagbo's forces behaved in attacking his own citizens to hold on to power, Outtara's forces also behaved badly. HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH claimed last weekend that forces loyal to Ouattara had killed hundreds of civilians, raped more than twenty women and girls and burned at least ten villages in the western part of the Ivory Coast.

According to those in the know, the Islamists want to revive what they claim was originally an Islamic emirate in the Ivory Coast.

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of U.S. Congress make sure that the Christians of the Ivory Coast are protected, in spite of the supposed "transfer of power." Ouattara, backed by radical Muslims, is inclined to destroy and annihilate his opposition, including the Christians. Yet, Mr. Obama sits idly by, in "indirect" support of the Muslim radicals---and does absolutely nothing. That's why we must call upon our U.S. Congress to make sure that the Christians are protected!

"People interviewed by Human Rights Watch documented that forces loyal to Ouattara forces, now called the Republican forces of Cote d'Ivorie summarily executed and raped Gbagbo supporters in their homes, as they worked in the fields, as they fled, or as they tried to hide in the bush. The fighters often targeted people by ethnicity, and the attacks disproportionately affected those too old or too feeble to flee."

The silence of the Obama administration on the violence in the Ivory Coast makes hypocritical the president's declaration in his May 28 speech on Libya that U.S. military action there was necessary to prevent a massacre by Gadhafi that :would have reverberated across the region and stained the conscience of the world."

Here is the real truth: OBAMA, like the French and the United Nations, supports the radical Muslims that have taken over the "rebel forces" in Libya, just like Obama, the French and the United Nations support the Muslims in the Ivory Coast trying to remove from power the current Christian president, even if the Muslim supporters of Ouattara engage in MASSACERS and MASS RAPE against Christians!!

Here is the bottom line: MR. OBAMA supports the radical Muslims that have taken over the "rebel forces" in Libya, just as Obama, the French, and te United Nations support the Muslims in the Ivory Coast trying to remove form power the current Christian president, even if the Muslim supporters of Ouattara engage in massacres and mass rape against Christians.

What the Ivory Coast situation makes clear is that the consistency in the Obama administration's policy regarding the turmoil in North Africa is that Obama directs U.S. policy to SUPPORT RADICAL ISLAM, even to the point of being hypocritical in arguing United States policy is motivated by a desire to protect human rights and prevent massacre in the various ongoing conflicts in countries including the Ivory Coast and Libya."


Actually, the politics is very simple: the November 28 election has contested results.

The Ivory Coast Election Commission, or CEI, declared Outtara the winner with 54.1 percent of the vote, only to have the Constitutional Council nullify the CEI's decision and declare that Gbagbo won with 51 percent of the vote after votes attributed to voter fraud were thrown out.

Most of the international community, including the United Nations, the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States, has REJECTED this result, declaring instead that Ouattara is the legitimate winner!

Both, in separate ceremonies, have taken the oath of office as president.

Gbagbo is a Christian who is supported by Christians that dominate the northern part of the Ivory Coast. Will Christianity long survive in the Ivory Coast?

Outarro is a Muslim who is supported mainly by Christians that dominate the northern part of the Ivory Coast; and by Barack Obama!

Will "Christianity" long survive in the Ivory Coast?

Will the majority tip toward Islam? Or not?

That is the direct question that everybody is asking!

Will you please FAX your United States Congressman to vote correctly?


Will the Ivory Coast tip the "balance of power" towards radical Islam?

Please respond today!

Christianity will long survive the Ivory Coast!! Maybe.

We must not let radical Islam people get their way!

Please fax today!

Your alarm must be faxed to your Congressman today.


Tony Adkins
Conservative Action Alerts

P. S. Please vote your conscience today! Read the historical perspective, not the spread out words. The meaning means a lot to your people!

Please CLICK HERE to FAX every Member of U.S. Congress make sure that the Christians of the Ivory Coast are protected, in spite of the supposed "transfer of power." Ouattara, backed by radical Muslims, is inclined to destroy and annihilate his opposition, including the Christians. Yet, Mr. Obama sits idly by, in "indirect" support of the Muslim radicals---and does absolutely nothing. That's why we must call upon our U.S. Congress to make sure that the Christians are protected!

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