

Police: T-shirt bore robber's picture

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Police: T-shirt bore robber's picture

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (UPI) -- Police in North Carolina said they arrested a robbery suspect who left a T-shirt bearing his picture behind at the scene of the crime.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said two men broke into a home March 29 while a man and a woman were home and stole a wallet and jewelry from the residence, The Charlotte Observer reported Monday.

The man struggled with the robbers as they fled the home and a T-shirt fell from their vehicle before they sped away. The man told investigators the man pictured on the T-shirt was one of the suspects.

Police said Jonathan Huntley, 25, of Charlotte turned himself in to police two days later and was charged with felony counts of robbery and breaking and entering.

Investigators said they were still searching for the second suspect.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Police: Man tried to light hearing aid

JENSEN, Fla. (UPI) -- Authorities in Florida said an allegedly intoxicated driver apparently mistook a hearing aid for a cigarette and tried to light it during a traffic stop.

The Martin County Sheriff's Office said David Wagner, 53, of Jensen, was pulled over at about 8:50 p.m. April 5 and a deputy who detected the scent of alcohol noticed the man attempt to light the hearing aid while he was calling for another deputy to complete a driving under the influence investigation, TCPalm.com reported Monday.

A breath test found Wagner's blood-alcohol content was well over the legal limit for driving in the state and the arrest affidavit said the motorist admitted to drinking "a half a bottle of Jagermeister" earlier in the evening.

Wagner was arrested on a DUI charge.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Police: Hungry woman refused to pull over

CORAL SPRINGS, Fla. (UPI) -- Police in Florida said a woman motorist being pulled over for having faulty brake lights instead pulled into a drive-through and ordered some food.

Coral Springs police said an officer attempted to pull over Roberta Spen, 64, at about 2 p.m. Monday but the woman instead pulled into the University Drive McDonald's drive-through lane and ordered some lunch, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported Wednesday.

Officer Courtney Vassell, whose patrol car was behind Spen's with its flashing lights on, exited his car and told the woman to pull out of line and into the parking lot for a traffic stop. However, police said she instead finished her order, received her food and pulled out of the parking lot onto Northwest Sixth Court.

Vassell said he turned on his siren and stopped Spen outside the McDonald's, where he said she "rolled her window down one inch and said she was not speeding and she would not roll her window down."

He said the woman refused to show her license, registration and proof of insurance before driving away.

Several other police vehicles joined the pursuit and removed Spen from her car by force when she stopped at a gas station.

She was arrested and charged with fleeing and eluding, resisting arrest without violence and driving with defective equipment.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Police: Man hid in Walgreens for beer

WICHITA, Kan. (UPI) -- Police in Kansas said a burglar hid inside a Walgreens store until it closed and tried to leave with a case of Bud Light beer.

Wichita police said they responded to the Walgreens store at 21st and Maize Road Saturday night after a burglar alarm was tripped at the store, KDFI-FM, Wichita, reported Tuesday.

Officers arrived to find a 25-year-old man near the store with a case of Bud Light. The man allegedly told officers he hid inside the store because employees refused to sell him the beer. He said he waited until the store was closed and employees had left to emerge and with the beer.

Police said he apparently tripped the burglar alarm on the way out. He was placed under arrest.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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