

what are you doing?

Do you ever ask yourself that?

I know I do... all the time.

I pick up my guitar and after some time has passed
I look up... only to see that 45 minutes has gone by
and I've done... well, nothing productive.

I've done exactly what I tell my students NOT to do...

I've played the same things I've been playing for
years and things that I can play in my sleep... and
I've called it practice.

I give out one simple rule to my private students:

Practice first... noodle second.

All you need is 20 good minutes of focused practice
each day and you'll see AMAZING things happen in
a few weeks' time.

But you know what? Most people who read this
message will continue to do it all wrong.

I don't mean that in a bad way... believe me, I think
you guys are the greatest group on the planet.

I just mean that it can be a real challenge to sit
and focus for those 20 minutes... even I struggle
from time to time.

But here's the other thing... and I don't like to be
that guy that goes all "doom and gloom" on you...

... but the reality is that most people practice the
wrong things... or they practice the right things
but at the wrong time in their development as a
guitar player.

Maybe someone told you that you have to learn your
scales... so you started practicing them.

But that person didn't know that you still don't
know how to properly strum a basic 1/8th note strum
pattern over a basic folk song.

So now you're stumbling through the 5 boxes of
the pentatonic scale and you can't even play at a
campfire... makes no sense at all.

But here's something I can tell you... you need
to learn certain things in a certain order.

If you can't sit down and strum some chords while
someone sings a song... learn that. And if you
don't know the chords, you need to go back and learn

If you can't do that, don't worry about theory,
don't worry about scales, don't worry about solos.
Because they won't have any substantial value to
you until you've learned some of those basics.

But a LOT of people are at that stage where they
can strum a few chords, they can play a song or

And what you realize at that point is that the
"guitar universe" has just exploded in front of you...

There are now so many different possible things you
could learn that you feel like you'll never take
it all in or make any sense out of it.

This is where you need some help, and you need
someone to guide you through how to go forward.

The other thing you need is experience... you simply
need to play more... a lot more.

Now I would love to be that person who leads
you down this path and provides you with every
single thing along the way... but that's not

I didn't learn everything that I know from one
person... and you won't either.

That's why I mentioned my friend Dan's Ripfire
guitar course, and why I want to bring it to
your attention again.

I have been through this course, and it is very
good. It covers a LOT of material and unless
you are an advanced guitarist, I believe you
owe it to yourself to at least take a look at ita
and see if it makes sense for you.


This is one of those "I wish I'd made that" type
of courses... it's really loaded and it's really
good stuff - IF Dan's way works for you.

I can't say if it will or if it won't, only you
can decide that. But I would be doing you a
disservice if I didn't at least let you know
about this opportunity.

So again, it's at


Check it out, see if it's a fit. It may be
just what you were looking for.

At the VERY least... re-read my message again
and take this to heart when you practice:

20 minutes of *practice* on something new...
every day. Then watch what happens :)

Talk soon,

PS - The FTC now requires that I remind you
that you should always make your own decision
and do your own research before making any
sort of buying decision. You should also assume
that I receive compensation for recommending any
product or service to you.

If you would like to change your email address
or unsubscribe from future emails from me, please
click the link below or copy and paste it into
your browser window:

387 Magnolia Ave., Ste 103-412 Corona, California 92879 United States (866) 531-4741

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