

Man angry at speeders waves BB gun

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Man angry at speeders waves BB gun

MELBOURNE BEACH, Fla. (UPI) -- Florida police said a man who was upset with drivers speeding by his home engaged in a brief standoff with police while wielding what turned out to be a BB gun.

Melbourne Beach police said they responded to the intersection of Riverside Drive and Palm Avenue to a report of a man striking a stop sign with a gardening tool, Florida Today reported Thursday.

Police said they arrived to see the man climb to the roof of his home and shout at motorists for speeding while waving around a rifle, which was later determined to be a BB gun.

Officers said they convinced the man to drop the gun and he then locked himself inside a screened-in patio area. The man gave himself up after about an hour of negotiating with officers.

Police said the man was taken to Circles of Care Hospital in Melbourne for a mental health evaluation. It is unknown whether drugs or alcohol were involved in the incident, police said.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Eggs hatched under watchful eye of deer

NEW YORK (UPI) -- Officials at a New York state cemetery said a mother Canada goose hatched her eggs under the watchful eye of her protector, a local deer.

The Forest Lawn cemetery in Buffalo said the seven eggs, which the mother goose had laid in an urn, hatched early Wednesday and the goose led her goslings to the ground, and then led them toward Mirror Lake at about 4 p.m., The Buffalo News reported Thursday.

The events were watched by a white-tailed deer that drew national attention by taking up the role of the goose's protector when the bird was abandoned by her mate. Officials said the buck spent several hours each day in recent weeks watching over the mother and her eggs.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Woman seeks man from Easter encounter

NEW YORK (UPI) -- A Briton visiting New York said she is trying to find the man she briefly spoke to in Central Park on Easter Sunday.

Claire Hedley said she left a note outside a Pinkberry frozen yogurt shop hoping to catch the attention of the man she took a liking to after their brief encounter, the New York Daily News reported Thursday.

"We met, briefly, on Easter Sunday, in Central Park," the note reads.

"We were sitting on adjacent benches by the lake," she wrote, describing the small talk they made.

"Being from out of town, I wanted to ask you where the Pinkberry shop is ... and could I meet you again, to eat frozen yoghurt together. But I didn't. I found the shop. I wonder if I can find you," the note reads.

Hedley said she created an e-mail address, clairepinkberryeaster@live.co.uk, for the man to contact her.

"I guess I'm just waiting for the right guy to come along, but I never seem to meet anyone who comes close to being right for me," Hedley said.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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Historian searches for Mona Lisa's remains

FLORENCE, Italy (UPI) -- An Italian art historian is leading the search for the remains of the woman believed to have been Leonardo da Vinci's model for the Mona Lisa.

Art historian Silvano Vinceti said he is "reasonably confident" the remains of Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo will be found beneath a former chapel at what used to be the St. Ursula convent in Florence, ANSA reported Thursday.

"We're looking underneath the cement that was laid down when the convent was supposed to be turned into a barracks in the 1980s. Eventually we'll start digging," he said.

Vinceti said any remains discovered would be DNA tested and compared to samples taken from her two children buried in Florence.

"Subsequently, we're hoping to reconstruct her physiognomy," Vinceti said.

Copyright 2011 by United Press International

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