

EcoGeek News: LEAP Engines, EcoRide Bus, and Grid Connected EVs in Denmark


Mass transit is big in this week's news. Whether it's a new, high-flying engine on Virgin America's jets that cuts, fuel use, carbon and nitrogen oxide emissions, and noise, or whether it's a more earth-bound transit bus that offers a 600 percent improvement over conventional dielsel buses, read on to find out more about those, and other new technology developments.

Texas Law Requires TV Manufacturers to Offer Free Recycling

The Texas state legislature has passed a bill that will require television manufacturers who sell TVs in the state to offer free recycling programs to consumers. Governor Rick Perry signed the bill into law last week. TVs both old and new, like other electronic waste, can leach heavy metals and other toxic materials into the ground when not disposed of properly, but this new law will make sure manufacturers have a better plan for them at the end of their lifecycle, and possibly even start making them with safer materials.

Virgin America Switching to More Fuel Efficient LEAP Engines

Virgin America has recently announced that they will be switching to a new, more fuel efficient engine that will save $1.6 million in fuel costs per plane per year. Virgin will use the so-called LEAP engines, which were designed by CFM International, Snecma and GE, in 30 new airbuses and in 30 existing A320s. The engine will cut fuel use and carbon emissions by 15 percent, while reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by 50 percent. For those worried about noise pollution as well, the new engines will reduce noise by 15 decibels -- a significant difference.

One Million Solar-Powered Homes in Bangladesh

Bangladeshi officials have announced that there are now over one million homes powered by solar energy in the country. In a flurry of expansion, Bangladesh went from 7,000 solar-powered homes in 2002 to the one million mark only 9 years later.

Denmark to Pay EV Owners for Their Battery Power

Denmark will be the first country to start a program for EV owners that lets them earn money on power they feed to the grid from their charged car batteries. An EV owner could make as much as $10,000 over the life of the car.

EcoRide Bus Offers 600 Percent Improvement Over Diesel

The EcoRide BE-35 is a lightweight, composite body transit bus with battery-electric drive that offers a 600 percent fuel efficiency as compared to a typical diesel bus. A test fleet is currently in operation near Pomona, California, and other tests are being planned for San Antonio TX and Tallahassee FL later this year as the company seeks federal validation in order to begin large scale production.

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