



Cymbal Strike at 1,000 Frames Per Second

Posted: 26 Jun 2011 04:39 AM PDT

(Video Link)

I had no idea that a cymbal changed shape so much during a strike! This video was made by the Fluke Corporation, which makes electronic testing instruments. It shows a cymbal getting hit at 1,000 frames per second. -via The Presurfer | Company Website

Elephant Paper Clip Holder

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 09:05 PM PDT

Elephant Paper Clip Holder – $11.95

Is your desk as boring and depressing as your job?  You need the Elephant Paper Clip Holder from the NeatoShop.  This nifty little elephant with banana-shaped paper clips won’t make your job suck any less, but it will dress up your desk.  It will also be a friendly reminder that you are so much cooler than your job.  Boring people do not have Elephant Paper Clip Holders with banana-shaped paper clips!

Be sure to check out the NeatoShop for more fun and functional Office Supplies.


Conveniently, Evidence from Bigfoot-Hunting Expo

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 08:42 PM PDT

Stop it–if you roll your eyes too hard you won’t be able to read the rest of the post. So the Sanger Paranormal Society had its annual Bigfoot stalk-down and–what are the odds??–the super-elusive Bigfoot they were looking for was kind enough to leave evidence right on a vehicle owned by the society’s founder, Jeff Gonzalez.

During the Memorial Day weekend—when society members make their annual Bigfoot-hunting expedition in the Sierra National Forest in California—Gonzalez had to abandon the truck because of snow. Either one or three days later, he returned to the truck and discovered that—lo and behold!!—something had left “stubby fingerprints and smudges,” including face marks, all over the windows, like some kind of rude slob. A forensics photographer took some pictures and also some samples for DNA testing.

At a press conference in Fresno the other day, Society members displayed the smudge-picture evidence. They are now either seeking donations to test their DNA samples, or waiting for a DNA lab to volunteer its services. Whichever the case, Gonzalez won’t trust the samples with just any old lab:

Previous attempts to analyze potential Bigfoot DNA haven’t resulted in anything that could be considered as the scientific find of the ages. That’s why Gonzalez is being very careful about who he’ll turn over his reported Bigfoot DNA to.

“We need somebody to come forward to take this DNA and get it mapped,” he told AOL. “Since nobody knows what a Bigfoot is, there’s no available DNA for it. But by testing this DNA, by process of elimination we can find out if it was a bear, gorilla, baboon or something else.

I can hardly wait to find out if it was really Bigfoot! Also, the truck was full of food and the area in which it was abandoned is home to bears. But I’m pretty sure these Sanger guys are onto something.

Link | Image: Universal Pictures

First Fashion Show in Full 3D Holograph

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:54 PM PDT

(Watch on YouTube)

Yeah, it’s a little bit “performance piece in a warehouse”, but I think it’s pretty cool. Motion-graphics designer Tim Jockel created this first fully 3D holographic fashion show for the German designer Stefan Eckert, which premiered in April 2011. Other designers have incorporated elements of holographic design into their runway shows, but this is the first to run without live models.

via Flavorwire

Sgt. Reckless, the Korean War Hero Horse

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:46 PM PDT

(YouTube Link)

Sgt Reckless was a small chestnut-colored horse with a white blaze on her face and three white stocking feet who joined the marines in 1952.  She was purchased at the Seoul Racetrack from a young Korean and  was originally named “Flame “but became “Reckless,” after the nickname Marines had given to the recoilless rifle.She went through equine boot camp, learning to jump in and out of a jeep, how to take cover and carry loads of ammunition on a pack saddle. Later she also learned to string telephone wire. She was a true heroine at the re-taking of Vegas where she made 51 trips from the ASP to the gun sites that day, carrying 386 rounds, despite being injured by shrapnel. She transported more than 9,000 pounds of explosives! After the war a private company provided free passage for Reckless to travel to the United States. She was guest of honor at many events over the years and gave birth to four foals.  She was promoted to staff sergeant in 1959 and retired on Nov. 10, 1960, with full military honors.

Reckless’ decorations included two Purple Hearts, Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit Citation with star, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal, and Republic of Korea Presidential Unit Citation, all of which she proudly wore on her scarlet and gold blanket.On May 13, 1968, the Corps lost a dear friend with the passing away of SSgt Reckless. Some reports state she was 19 and others say 20 when she was injured and had to be put to sleep.But, the legend of Reckless lives on.

Link - Via Metafilter

Gravedate.com: Love for the Living-Impaired

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:03 PM PDT

(Watch on Vimeo)

It’s not the first zombie-centric dating site, but it does have the best commercial.

Gravedate.com is a real site set to launch “soon”. If you’d like to be notified when undead folks just like you are looking for someone to talk to over a few brains, maybe a little uncoordinated running through town square, then sign up on the site.

via Kuriositas

2010 Saw Record Extreme Weather

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:44 PM PDT

Dr. JeffMasters of Weather Underground was astonished at the weather extremes of 2010. There was so many weather events that he put off writing about it for six months.

Every year extraordinary weather events rock the Earth. Records that have stood centuries are broken. Great floods, droughts, and storms affect millions of people, and truly exceptional weather events unprecedented in human history may occur. But the wild roller-coaster ride of incredible weather events during 2010, in my mind, makes that year the planet’s most extraordinary year for extreme weather since reliable global upper-air data began in the late 1940s. Never in my 30 years as a meteorologist have I witnessed a year like 2010–the astonishing number of weather disasters and unprecedented wild swings in Earth’s atmospheric circulation were like nothing I’ve seen. The pace of incredible extreme weather events in the U.S. over the past few months have kept me so busy that I’ve been unable to write-up a retrospective look at the weather events of 2010. But I’ve finally managed to finish, so fasten your seat belts for a tour through the top twenty most remarkable weather events of 2010.

What follows is a rundown of weather events from “Snowmageddon” to record flooding the world over, with plenty of graphs, charts, and videos to explain them. Link -via Fark

Yoda Named World's Ugliest Dog

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:44 PM PDT

That little cutie is Yoda, who has just been named World’s Ugliest Dog 2011 in the annual at the Sonoma-Marin Fair. She replaces last year’s chihuahua champ, Princess Abby.

The 14-year-old Chinese-crested Chihuahua mix has come a long way since since was found behind a block of flats by Nicole Schumacher.

Originally frightened out of her wits and under the impression the mangy-looking mutt was a rat she almost ran a mile.

But on closer inspection she soon discovered it was an abandoned dog in need of a good home and quickly took her in.

While it certainly isn’t the type of competition most people would want to enter their hounds into most of the dogs were keen to prove that ugly is the new good-looking and paraded around, proudly showing off their protruding tongues, buck teeth and hairless bodies.

Chihuahua’s appear to be firm favourites for the title of the ugliest dog as a pedigree Chinese crested won in 2008 and another Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix was named the ugliest in 2007.

For a closer look at Yoda and her competitors, read the rest on DailyMail. Link

Image: Splash News

Irish Dancer Dog

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:42 PM PDT

Redditor webby_mc_webberson took his son and his dog to a beach in Wicklow, Ireland and snapped this picture. He said the dog “loves to express her emotions in the form of dance. Today she was feeling vertical.” Link

Darth Vader Riding a My Little Pony Cake

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 04:43 PM PDT

No! Don’t give George Lucas any ideas!

Actually, though, this would be an improvement over the prequels. So, yeah: go with a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover.

You can view other wonderful Vader birthday cakes at the link. Link -via Geekosystem

Psychologist: Stupidity Is Contagious

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 03:08 PM PDT

College students were asked to read a story about a rather daft person, and then take a test. They did worse on that test than a control group that read a story about a non-idiot:

Sixty-three Austrian students read “Slow on the Uptake,” about Meier, who wakes, is confused by an adage on his calendar, gets drunk, attends a soccer match and misses the outcome because he brawls. The students either summarized the story or underlined passages where Meier differed from them. A control group of 18 read a story with an innocuous protagonist.

Afterward, on a difficult test covering geography, science and the arts, the students who had read about Meier but not underlined how he differed from them scored from 30% to 32%, compared to about 37% for the control group and for students who distanced themselves from the character.

Hollywood mentioned this tendency a few years ago.

Link -via Althouse | Image: Despair

Should I Change My Password

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:32 PM PDT

With the Lulzsec recent post of email addresses and passwords, along with all the regular hacking that occurs on a regular basis, it can be really hard to know if your email password has been compromised. Fortunately, Should I Change My Password can help automatically scan a variety of these info leaks to check if your password has been hacked. This way, you only have to change your password if it actually needs to be updated.

Update: Just to be clear, you don’t have to enter your password on the site, just your email.


Puppy Playing Bowser

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:25 PM PDT

At first glance,  it looks a little mean, but the dog can’t be all that upset if his tail is wagging that much, can he?


BioShock's Rapture In LEGO

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:21 PM PDT

If you’ve ever played BioShock, then you know just how amazing the setting, which takes place in the underwater city of Rapture, looks. That’s why it’s so cool to see this amazing recreation of the city created entirely in LEGOs. Be sure to click the link for even more amazing detailed photos.


How to Avoid Getting Hit by a Train

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:13 PM PDT

(Video Link)

YouTube user BlackMoonCGI took a huge risk parking over railroad tracks. It’s a good thing that he thought of a solution at the last second! -via Doobybrain

The Most Awesomely Geeky Tattoo Ever

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 02:04 PM PDT

To be fair, this tattoo will only make sense to those of you who have seen King of Kong and are familiar with Billy Mitchell’s obsessive Donkey Kong antics. If you haven’t seen the movie, go watch it and then revisit this post so you can laugh and laugh.

Link via GameFront

The Amazing Imitating Lyrebird

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 01:57 PM PDT

The lyre bird attracts its mates by doing accurate impressions of the other birds in the forest. When they are put an urban setting though, they quickly start copying the other noises they hear instead though, whether that means cars, construction equipment or camera noises. Here’s one doing its thing at the Adelaide Zoo.

On an interesting side note, a group of lyrebirds is known as a musket. For more cool animal grouping names, this Environmental Graffiti article may prove useful.

Video link

Seagull Swipes Camera

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 10:03 AM PDT

(YouTube link)

For some reason, possibly to achieve a viral video, this guy puts his GoPro camera down on the ground, running. The temptation was too much for a seagull in Cannes, France. It snatched the bait and took off, saying “Mine. Mine. Mine.” There is no information on how he got the camera back. -via Metafilter

Previously: Cameras stolen by a lion and an octopus.

Solar-Powered 3D Printer that Prints Glass

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 07:54 AM PDT

Markus Kayser – Solar Sinter Project from Markus Kayser on Vimeo.

Markus Kayser’s Solar Sinter project is a printer that uses solar power as raw energy to heat up sand and form 3D glass objects.  A laser cutter is also powered by solar energy.

Solar-sintering aims to raise questions about the future of manufacturing and triggers dreams of the full utilisation of the production potential of the world's most efficient energy resource – the sun.

The video above shows the project being tested in the Egyptian desert where sand and sun are both abundant.

Link – Via Boing Boing

This Week at Neatorama

Posted: 25 Jun 2011 06:14 AM PDT

Why is the Neatobot holding a Canadian flag? Because Canada Day is coming up on Friday, July 1st! OK, that’s our look ahead. Now let’s take a look back over the past week and see if there’s anything you might have missed here at Neatorama. The weekend is a great time to catch up!

On Wednesday, Jill Harness told us about Six Seriously Strange Animal Adaptations. Mother Nature, you scary!

We took a trip back in time with Eddie Deezen’s remembrance of The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show.

The nostalgia trip continued with 17 Facts You Might Not Know about Bonanza from John Farrier.

We learned about the beginning of professional wrestling as we know it in The Man in the Mask from Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader.

Mental_floss magazine gave us 5 Comic Superheroes Who Made A Real-World Difference.

The Sound-ness of Tree Falls gave us a glimpse into how scientific research is really done, courtesy of The Annals of Improbable Research.

Giveaways! This week saw the return of the Tokyo Flash Treasure Hunt. I’ll slide the winners’ names in here as soon as I get them.

Another prize giveaway is still open for entries. Read the instructions for What’s In The Box? Transformers and you might win some nice movie swag! At least, that’s MY guess as to what’s in the box…

This week’s What Is It? game came up a day earlier than usual, and we got a winner faster than usual.

Ladybuggs knew this was a knife designed to be used in a life raft. Here's the description from Rob at the What Is It? blog:

A US Navy life raft knife, part of the survival kit on a life raft, cork handle so it floats, holes make it lighter, rounded end so it won't puncture the raft, painted orange so it can be seen if lost overboard, also a lanyard to tie it to the raft

The Professor had the funniest answer -a hedgehog quill-scraper! Both winners will receive a t-shirt from the NeatoShop!

Want more? Be sure to check our Facebook page every day for extra content, contests, discussions, videos, and links you won’t find here. Also, our Twitter feed will keep you updated on what’s going around the web in real time.

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