

One mistake that can kill your business - Small Biz Survival

One mistake that can kill your business - Small Biz Survival

One mistake that can kill your business

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 04:13 AM PDT

A local restaurant held an auction, to sell off all their kitchen equipment. They've been closed for over a year, devastated by a water pipe break that ruined most of their interior furnishings.

Smoke obscures the sun
What if a nearby fire
forced you to evacuate
your business?
The news today is full of floods, tornadoes and even wildfires. We see businesses destroyed, damaged. We probably don't think about the business owners who have to evacuate, with no warning. I'm sure none of them felt prepared. How many of them will be back in business?

So here's that one mistake that might kill your business: not having a disaster recovery plan. 

It's not enough to think, or to know, what might happen, if you don't have a plan. Without a plan, 43% of  businesses don't recover and never reopen after a disaster.

So how do you get a plan? Head over to Get Prepared from Office Depot. They have lots of resources to help you make that plan to recover.

Because you don't want to lose everything you've built up.

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