

Silver Bottoming: How to Invest Now

Dear Fellow Investor,

Most investors chased silver prices earlier this year -- when they were making record highs.

But now that silver is out of the lime-light, it's the perfect time to start building a position ahead of the next major leg of the bull run in precious metals.

To help you get started, I would like to give you a FREE silver one ounce coin.

All you have to do is read the letter below.

Check out the full story below...

Good investing,

Ian Wyatt
Daily Profit

SmallCapInvestor.com PRO
The Largest Pure Silver Discovery of the Decade
One small North American company sits on over $3.7 billion worth of silver - enough to easily double your investment in the next 90 days.

The International Business Times says it's in "easily the world's most productive silver district."

In this letter, I reveal the name of a company in this area, that's producing silver today...

Dear Reader,

The silver bull market has just begun.

While the price of silver boomed to over $27 an ounce from $15 during the past year, it's STILL below inflation adjusted highs of $160 an ounce.

But the real gains are coming from a small handful of companies located in a remote mining province in Mexico. 
  • One company in this area recently saw its stock gain 40% in less than a week...
  • Another small silver company's stock jumped 33% in 21 days.
  • One of the worst performing company mining silver in this area went up 25% in 30 days.

Legendary Commodities Investor Jim Rogers

"I would rather look at silver than gold. I own gold and I own silver, but silver is still 60% below its all time high.
Gold is making all time highs. So it is usually better to buy low and sell high. I am not selling my gold. Gold will go over $2,000 an ounce certainly in the next 5 to 10 years. But silver - on a percentage basis - will probably go up even more during that period of time."
And with silver still at least 60% away from its inflation adjusted highs, there's still plenty of upside for these companies.

Even better: the company with the BEST access to this massive silver deposit is selling at a discount to its peers.

For obvious reasons, I don't expect this stock to remain inexpensive for very long.

With silver prices making new highs nearly every day, and companies mining in the region leading the stock market, it's only a matter of time before this small silver stock doubles or triples in price...

That's why if you want to profit from the massive surge in silver prices, you need to seriously consider making an investment in this small company, today.

The opportunity to buy this company before its stock skyrockets is fleeting - so please read the full story below quickly...


Aztec Silver - Rediscovered

Over the past 500 years, one-third of the world's silver production has come from a long, narrow band of mountains known as the Sierra Madre Occidental range, located in western Mexico.


The earliest miners in this area were the Aztec Indians. European settlers "re-discovered" massive silver deposits here in the 17th century - and thousands of immigrants stormed the Sierra Madre range in what was then the New World's first precious metal bonanza...

But then in the early 1900s, the Mexican revolution halted all mining projects. Mining investment didn't start back up until the 1960s. It took decades of planning and exploration to get the Mexican mining industry back on its feet.

Today, Mexico's long-lost Aztec silver is being "re-discovered" all over again.

And the bonanza is in full swing.

Dozens of small companies are vying for properties in the area. They're setting up shop today, which means their mines won't produce an ounce for 5 years, if they're lucky.

But in 2005 a small silver exploration company began drilling test holes in this area. And today, they're now sitting on the richest deposit of pure silver discovered in the past ten years.

And they're on the verge of bringing their silver to market...

As I said, it's nearly $4 billion of silver in today's prices. For every dollar that silver goes up in price, this company's silver is worth nearly $75 million more - just like that.

And the reason this company is still cheap relative to other producing mining stocks in the area...is that they're not producing...


Their development team is fast tracking the next stage of production...

That's why now is the perfect time to buy this company. When they start selling their silver, the stock will have already skyrocketed.

It happens every time.

The Company Producing Silver in Sierra Madre TODAY

In 2003 a small company called Endeavor Silver (AMEX: EXK) started test drilling in an area of the Sierra Madre range. They had no earnings. They really had no idea if they had much silver on their property. And their stock sold for less than 50 cents a share.

Less than a year later, they discovered substantial silver deposits, and later in 2004 they actually began producing silver.

But even before they sold a single ounce, their stock had already more than tripled to over $1.50. 

  • That turned every $1,000 stake into more than $3,000.
  • And every $5,000 investment turned into $15,000.

Since then, the stock has ballooned to nearly $6 a share.

I have to confess: I recommended Endeavor's stock to subscribers of a research service I've dedicated to small companies called Small Cap Investor Pro. As of this writing, my subscribers are up 60% on this stock. I fully expect it to continue to rise.

As I said, the other company in this same area is on the verge of bringing their first ounce of silver out of the ground. When that happens, it's likely that the share price will have already skyrocketed.

So I can't urge you strongly enough - if you want to ensure that you take full advantage of the surge in silver's price and this company's massive silver discovery, you need to act soon.

I've just finished writing a full research report on the massive profit opportunities in the Sierra Madre region.

It's called Sierra Madre Silver Profits and I've made it available for you to access immediately.

In this special report, I give specific details on three companies currently in different stages of production in this area.

One of them, I've already mentioned: Endeavor silver. The other one is about to start producing its first ounce.

But there's one more company I haven't mentioned - and it might be the safest way to invest in the Sierra Madre silver opportunity...

The Small Exploration Company Bankrolled by the Big Gold Players

You've probably heard that precious metal exploration companies are among the riskiest investments in the world.

And for the most part it's true. Most of them never produce a single ounce of gold or silver. Most of them are literal holes in the ground that people throw money into.

But I've recently discovered a small metals explorer that's doing it right.

For one, they have the backing of one of the largest gold companies in the world. This huge gold company is lending them their help because they too realize the profit potential of the Sierra Madre region.

But even better, this small explorer also has a variety of mining operations all over America, all in different stages of progress.

For instance...

They have access to gold and silver in the Sierra Madres...

  • They have gold, nickel and copper mines in Alaska.
  • They also have Uranium mines in Arizona.
  • Copper mines in Nevada and Utah.
  • And molybdenum mines in Texas and Montana.

In short, this company has a variety of exposure to precious and base metals, which gives you great diversification in the metals sector all in one stock.

While we wait for this company's Sierra Madre silver production to come on line, we can rest easy knowing that they have many other projects in various levels of exploration.

So the stock will remain relatively stable - and then when the silver production kicks in...

Well, suffice to say that this company currently has at least $450 million worth of indicated silver reserves in its Sierra Madre deposit alone.

Right now this company's market cap is under $200 million. It's not hard to see what will happen to this company's stock price once they start bringing just a fraction of that $450 million deposit into production.

And I reveal the name of this company in my new special report Sierra Madre Silver Profits.

To recap: in this report I tell you the three best ways to get rich from the silver-rush in Sierra Madre region.

I believe there's no better way to capitalize on rising silver prices than to read my research report and buy these three companies today.

If you're interested in accessing this report, I'll give it to you for free - I simply ask that you take a risk-free trial subscription to my service, Small Cap Investor Pro.

You can click here to get started, and immediately access Sierra Madre Silver Profits.

But you should know if you're interested in silver you might also want to look into an opportunity I uncovered with gold...

Collect an 8.5% Dividend From a Unique American Gold

If you're looking for a way to cash-in on the historic run-up in gold prices, you don't need to look any further than one company's stock.

It's a cash-rich gold company that's about to start paying an 8.5% dividend soon.

This company has little to do with mining, refining, exploration, drilling or smelting.

Instead, they provide ratings for the quality and value of gold coins. 

In short, they're completely insulated from overhead and downside typically found with your average miner or explorer. This firm has no heavy equipment to maintain, no vast tracts of gold fields to secure, no environmental groups to tangle with.

They don't have to worry about gold prices dipping, or oil costs, drilling restrictions - or any of the typical drawbacks common to most gold companies...

They simply grade gold (and silver) and collect their fee. And they've had some stellar growth recently: 28% growth in earnings the last quarter alone. 

They have nearly $20 million in cash, with ZERO debt. With a market cap of just over $100 million, that's a huge safety margin for shareholders. 

If you buy this company today, you'll benefit from the continued bull market in gold and silver - and unlike other gold investments you'll have an 8.5% dividend to show for it, on top of any capital gains appreciation. 

Right now, there's no better way to collect solid income from gold's historic run than to buy this company and wait for the dividend to be paid to you.

So if you're interested in getting signed up to receive your check, read below for the full details on how to make sure you don't miss out on this historic golden dividend...

Buy 1,000 Shares: Get $1,300

Gold stocks that pay a dividend are a rarity.  

  • For instance, the largest gold company, Barrick Gold (NYSE: ABX) pays a paltry 1.1% dividend -and that's higher than average.
  • Yamana Gold (NYSE: AUY) a $7.84 billion gold company pays a 0.8% dividend.
  • AngloGold Ashanti Ltd (NYSE: AU) only pays a 0.4% dividend - which is even lower than a two year Treasury note - almost not even worth collecting.

But right now, the small gold company I mentioned is about to pay out an 8.5% dividend -- or about $1.30 per share over the next year.

It's no surprise considering that gold soared more than $250 an ounce so far this year...

In short, this company is able to collect and distribute so much income to their shareholders because they're the ONLY publicly traded gold-grading company in existence.

All of their competitors are small-time regional privately held firms, with nowhere near the reach or expertise. 

If you want to grade your gold or silver, there's only one game in town...

If you're interested in finding out the name of this company, I'll give you the full details on this company in a special report I recently finished called Dividend Paying Small Caps for the Growth & Income Investor.

You'll get this report, in addition to my Sierra Madre Silver Profits research report as soon as you take at trial subscription to Small Cap Investor Pro.

But there's something you need to know...

What You Need to Know Now

Seeking out lucrative investment opportunities in small cap stocks.

I'm Ian Wyatt. I'm an independent investment researcher and advisor with 12 years experience -- and I spend nearly every waking moment doing one thing, and one thing only:

A Dividend
 Pay Day

Here's when and how much you can expect to get paid if you put $1,000 into each of the dividend paying companies in my special report

11/2010: $325
     01/2011: $340
     02/2011: $325
     04/2011: $340
     05/2011: $325
     07/2011: $340
     08/2011: $325
     10/2011: $340

     Total: $2,660

Click here to get on this pay-out schedule.

I publish this information in an exclusive research service with a tightly controlled circulation of less than 2,000 readers.

It's called 
Small Cap Investor Pro. 

The small circulation is just the way I like it - and it's the way it has to be, because I'm covering such small companies with such small market caps, anymore than a few thousand people can push the stock past my preferred buy price.

That makes it tough for subscribers to profit from my research, so I strictly limit subscription numbers.

Right now, I'm writing to you because I'm opening up this specific dividend paying small cap opportunity to no more than 531 new investors. That would put my readership at 2,500 - more than I've had in this service all year.

So if you're interested in getting my report Dividend Paying Small Caps for the Growth & Income Investor I recommend acting soon. 

That's because this situation won't last for long. This stock is getting close to going over my recommended buy price -- and the "golden dividend" is about to start cutting dividend checks any day now... 

Sierra Madre Silver for
Only 53 Cents a Day

As I said, you can access this golden dividend report for free.

That's in addition to the special report Sierra Madre Silver Profits which< is a $97 value. But both of these reports are FREE when you start a 30-day trial subscription to Small Cap Investor Pro.

A full year of Small Cap Investor Pro costs $195 a year.

If that seems like too much money, then I can tell you that these special reports probably aren't for you. I've charged as much as $1,000 for individual research reports. I've charged $495 for Small Cap Investor Pro in the past. 

I realize that with the economy in flux that you might be reluctant to pay $195 for a research service - but simply put, it's the bare minimum I can afford to charge for such a detailed and comprehensive investment research service. 

I've had my team of researchers and analysts working on the Sierra Madre silver project for the past two months. That's two months of salary for a team of four people. I've spent thousands on travel arrangements and research reports. We've spent hours discussing the best ways to profit from this silver boom.

We've encapsulated two months of work into one 8-page report.

But as I said, I'll give you this report for free - I just ask that you take a trial subscription to Small Cap Investor Pro. If you're so inclined, you can cancel anytime and keep this research report.

So I don't think $195 is asking too much...

If you break it down per day, that's only 53 cents - about what you'd pay for a newspaper - and with a whole lot more profitable investment information. 

And I offer a very fair guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with the book, the special report or the service, I'll refund ALL of your money, no hassle, no questions asked.

I think it's a steal, and I think you'll agree. 

So what exactly do you get with this service?

Here's the full list:

  • A copy of my new report Sierra Madre Silver Profits including all of the details on the three best stocks to buy to take advantage of the new silver bonanza.
  • Your own copy of my new report Dividend Paying Small Caps for the Growth & Income Investor rushed to you right away
  • TWO top-performing recommendations a month so you can make money NOW and even bigger gains down the road 
  • WEEKLY newsletter featuring portfolio updates, market commentary and trends to watch 
  • PRECISE entry and target prices on EVERY stock we recommend 
  • CLEAR exit strategies for every position 
  • FULL ACCESS to the entire Small Cap Investor Pro  library of Special Reports
  • REGULARLY UPDATED portfolio 
  • BONUS REPORTS to help get you started right away on building a profitable portfolio using some of the best researched small cap stocks 
  • LIVE CUSTOMER SERVICE for any time you have a question about your subscription or just want to reach out to me 
  • FULLY GUARANTEED* if for any reason you're not absolutely satisfied with the service then just cancel in the first 30 days and get a full refund for every penny you paid--no hard feelings.


Small Cap Investor PRO: Your Small Cap Profit Source

I think you'll agree - for $195 (that's just 53 cents a day) - this is the absolute BEST DEAL going today.


Click here to sign up

Best regards,

Ian Wyatt
Chief Investment Strategist
Small Cap Investor Pro

PS - The opportunity to buy my favorite silver stocks won't last forever. I anticipate a huge run-up in price some time in the next few weeks. If you're interested in learning about Sierra Madre Silver Profits please sign up to receive it today.



* Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of SmallCap Investor PRO research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such.


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Wyatt Investment Research
Ian Wyatt's SmallCap Investor PRO
65 Railroad Street
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