

Don't Let Big Coal Set Mercury Standards

Dear Indiana,

You've probably heard about limiting the amount of fish you eat to reduce your exposure to mercury, which can harm your nervous system and brain functioning. What you might not know is that much of the mercury in our water and food comes directly from coal fired power plants. “Big Coal” has lobbied for years to make sure it doesn't have to follow strong standards for air pollution, but currently the EPA is considering strong pollution standards that will protect our health and the environment.

Can you join our friends at Save Our Environment by taking action to make sure that the EPA stands strong on mercury standards?
By limiting the amount of chemicals released by coal fired power plants, it's estimated that we can help prevent 17,000 premature deaths a year. We support the work of our allies who are taking on “Big Coal” and hope you'll take action to help them reach 30,000 comments by August 4th.


Wenonah Hauter
Executive Director
Food & Water Watch

Dear Friend,

Should Big Coal Decide How Much Mercury Is Too Much?

We have just over a month to convince the EPA to stand strong on mercury standards despite strong pressure from Big Coal and other deep-pocketed energy companies.

Send your letter demanding protection today and help us reach our 30,000 comment goal by the August 4 deadline!

Last week, the EPA caved to pressure from Big Coal, giving the energy industry an additional 30 days to try to weaken the first-ever national standards that would lower the amount of mercury, arsenic and other poisons contaminating our air, water and food supply.

But we can make Big Coal’s “victory” backfire in its face by using this delay to send the EPA 30,000 public comments in support of strong mercury standards by August 4.

Don’t let Big Coal weaken new standards limiting mercury pollution – send your letter to the EPA now!

Right now, hundreds of coal-burning power plants are releasing dangerous levels of toxic chemicals – including mercury – into the air. Mercury, which contaminates lakes and rivers, accumulates as it moves up the food chain and can reach levels dangerous to humans.
These plants have smokestacks hundreds of feet tall, specifically designed to push emissions over local monitoring stations and directly into the jet stream, from where it falls to the earth in the form of rain, snow and dust. By limiting the amount of these chemicals released in the air, it’s estimated that we can help prevent 17,000 premature deaths each year.

Make sure the EPA sets strong limits that will protect our health instead of Big Coal’s profits. Send your letter today and help us reach 30,000 comments by the August 4 deadline.

Reliable, affordable technology exists to keep this poison from entering the food chain. Industry lobbyists are attempting to spread misinformation about these new standards, claiming that they’ll eliminate jobs and destroy our economy. In fact, for every $1 spent on these life-saving standards, the American taxpayer will see $13 in benefits.

Send your message demanding that the EPA set stronger protections against harmful pollutants.

Once you’ve sent your letter, please ask your friends and family to join you in taking action. We only have one more month to make a difference so it’s crucial that we deliver 30,000 comments in support of strong standards by the August 4 deadline for public comments!

Thanks again for your help,

Michael Town
Director, SaveOurEnvironment.org

Sent by Food & Water Watch, 1616 P Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 • (202) 683-2500

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