

Google's Panda Changes SEO Forever - Search Engine Guide

Search Engine Guide

July 30, 2011

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Mike Moran

Google's Panda ranking algorithm changes SEO forever

by Mike Moran

Every day, I run into people affected by the Panda update. "Affected" always means negatively affected, because when your rankings go up, it means that Google is finally recognizing the quality of your site. When your rankings go down, blame it on Panda. Now, none of this is to say that Google's Panda algorithm update, and its ongoing tweaking that has followed, is not a big deal. In fact, this might be the biggest search ranking algorithm change since Google inaugurated link analysis in the late '90s. Because the search ranking algorithm isn't really an algorithm any more, because people...

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Miriam Ellis

Will Think For Cold, Hard Cash

by Miriam Ellis

How niceness + smarts = your daily bread, and mine....

Mike Moran

Schemas, microformats, rich snippets, and SEO

by Mike Moran

When I was a kid, sometimes my father called me a dirty little schema. (He's from Brooklyn.) OK, OK, he didn't spell it that way. It wasn't long ago when "schema" was a word only used by database geeks. Microformats and rich snippets are even more obscure terms, but they are becoming increasingly important. If you don't know what they are, remain ignorant at your own peril, because these arcane terms are making big changes in SEO--probably the biggest markup-related changes since search engines stopped looking at the keyword meta data field....

Stoney deGeyter

Making the Case For SEO in a Social Media World

by Stoney deGeyter

In the last few years social media has jumped to the forefront of online marketing for many small businesses. Some business owners aren't even bothering to market (or in some cases even build) their websites anymore.

Stoney deGeyter

Content Optimization Tutorial: How to SEO your Content for Rankings

by Stoney deGeyter

Getting keyword rankings isn't good enough. The page must generate profits! Any page can get traffic. An optimized page should draw traffic through rankings and be a critical part of the conversion/persuasion process.

Stoney deGeyter

Is SEO a Long-Term or a Quick Fix Issue?

by Stoney deGeyter

There is an unfortunate mindset when it comes to SEO and SEM. Instead of looking at them as an investment that will grow their businesses, owners hope that both SEO and SEM can provide quick-fix solutions that will bring an influx of new customers and soaring profits. And somehow, magically, that influx is expected to stay strong, even without any ongoing marketing efforts.

Stoney deGeyter

How Much ROI Will SEO Bring? How Much You Got?

by Stoney deGeyter

With SEO, and a good business model, a seemingly sizable cost will often multiply itself into a considerable profit in just a few years, if not sooner. Don't look at the costs involved; look at the return your investment will bring.

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Stoney deGeyter

13 Quick and Easy Ways (Even You) Can Screw Up Your SEO Campaign

by Stoney deGeyter

SEO is like a complex machine. When all the gears are greased and everything is in place, all is well with the world (and your search engine rankings). But sometimes all it takes is one little snafu to bring your entire SEO campaign crashing down around you. There is nothing worse than waking up in the morning to find that Google has forgotten who you are and kicked you to the curb like a drunken date the morning after.

Stoney deGeyter

Optimizing Your Online PR Strategy for Search & Social, Part 4a: Crafting the Story p1

by Stoney deGeyter

When taking your public relations strategy online, there are some similarities to the "traditional" way of doing things, but there are also a lot of differences. Going online opens up a whole new world of opportunities that, if leveraged properly, can make your PR campaign far more successful than the old-school ways of doing things.

Stoney deGeyter

Optimizing Your Online PR Strategy for Search & Social, Part 4b: Crafting the Story p2

by Stoney deGeyter

Search engines don't read. They are not really looking for "keywords" as we seem to think, but instead they look for word duplication and context similarities on any given page. The search engines see a bunch of words, and within that content a few repeated words stand out. This gives the search engines clues as to what the topic of the page might be.

Stoney deGeyter

Optimizing Your Online PR Strategy for Search & Social, Part 5: Broadcasting You

by Stoney deGeyter

So far in this series, everything we have discussed has to do with the set-up and creation of your online PR. All of the online elements need to be taken care of before you can push your story out online. Pushing it out before it's ready will lead to a colossal failure. However, how and where you push your message out is just as critical for it's success.

Mike Fleming

Paid Search is Customer Service, Not Advertising

by Mike Fleming

What I'm about to tell you will totally revolutionize your PPC campaigns and make you A LOT more money.  It's simple, but not well known and not widely practiced.  Most of your competition isn't doing it.  This is why you should be.  Really, I should not be telling you this.  I should really keep it to myself.  Maybe I'll just write about organizing your campaigns or how you shouldn't run search and content ads in the same campaign.  Been there, done that.  Shoot.  Then again, it should be ok.  Most of you will follow the principle anyway, so I should...

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