

New Game Allows Users to Take a Crack at the Debt Ceiling - TMCnet's Legal eNews

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July 14, 2011

New Game Allows Users to Take a Crack at the Debt Ceiling

By Juliana Kenny, TMCnet Web Editor

A new computer game now enables users to take a stab at handling the U.S.’s national debt crisis. The game, “Budget Hero 2.0,” is a newly updated version of the game released in 2008, and allows players to try to virtually fix this nation’s problems with real obstacles cropping up such as party policies and debt constraints when they try to implement solutions.

The game has been issued at a crucial moment in American history as the nation balances a tumultuous load of combined wars abroad, internal job strife, a suffering economy, and general unrest and displeasure with governmental processes... Read More

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Transcript of the ICC & FUSF conference call on the FCC NPRM

By: Carl Ford
Carl Ford [15:07] play Welcome everyone. This is Carl Ford. I wanna thank everyone for participating here. I see people dialing in still. So we're going to get started here shortly. I'm going to give a brief thank you to our four panelist speakers. I wanna thank Glenn Richards. Glenn, why don't you give everybody a sound... [15:29] play ...of your voice.... Read More

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