Weekend Catchup: highlights from the week of 7/11/11
The highlights at Parent Hacks this week: Save money in grocery stores while traveling; use "Jenny's" number to get club discountsGreat money-saving hack for when you're shopping at a grocery- or drugstore you don't frequent. Wondering who Jenny is? Read the full post for a bonus: the music video of the 80's hit song. Brings back memories of my MTV-watching days. 40+ creative uses for wooden clothespinsAn unbelievably diverse list, including a few forehead-smackers of brilliance. Do you have more to add? Empty fried chicken bucket good for carsickness "insurance"One of two of this week's vomit hacks! I apologize for putting the words "fried chicken bucket" and "carsickness" in the same sentence. We do what we must. Easy, homemade coconut ice creamMy major dessert victory. Would work well as popsicles, too. Version 2 is my inauthentic version of Indian kulfi: used light coconut milk, swapped out the vanilla for ground cardamom and a pinch of saffron, pinch of turmeric for color, and omitted the toasted coconut. OMG. Wanted to fold in toasted pistachios, but was overruled by my kids. Put your random bag collection to work by creating "activity totes"A basic "get organized" hack which set off an absolutely amazing conversation in the comments. Must read. Read this before you see the final Harry Potter movieAre you seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 this weekend? Consider reading my (and sharing your) thoughts on the phenomenon before you go. Vapor rub helps you tolerate post-stomach flu cleanupVomit hack #2 of 2. For those who can't help but throw up while cleaning up throw up. Twitter and Facebook highlights:
And, going along with this week's vomit theme, we've been talking about the effectiveness of Sea-Bands for nausea. Short answer: they work for many. While I was on my road trip, I tweeted about how much I enjoy reading about people's lives (this, after reading a newspaper tribute to Betty Ford). Suddenly I had all of these replies with your recommendations for biographies and memoirs, which several of you asked me to share. Here you go, with Amazon links when I had specific titles:
Thank you to all who replied...I can't wait to dig in. My library list is now full! I got a lovely email from Adrienne of Baby Toolkit the other day. She and I have been corresponding since the earliest days of Parent Hacks, which means that we've now been friends for six years. Six years. It's a minor detail that our families have not yet met. She said: I was bowled over to see a rude comment on PH today. Then I realized that such a comment wouldn't surprise me ANYWHERE ELSE on the Internet. You run the nicest site on the web, lady...thanks for making Parent Hacks a civil haven on the sometimes snippy internet. I wanted to share this because YOU are the heroes here. YOU are the ones who, since 2005, have been a part of a generous, intelligent, often funny, sometimes life-changing conversation about parenting. It's a huge deal that it feels so good here given how much the Internet has changed since Parent Hacks launched. Thank you for doing this with me. Year after year, I am so grateful to do this "job." Follow @parenthacks on Twitter, and/or "like" the Parent Hacks Facebook page (different stuff happens in each place). Perfect way to ask quick questions, share links, and hang out with the smartest parents around. Visit Parent Hacks to read the responses to this post or leave your own! More Recent Articles |
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