

20 ways to make LinkedIn jump through hoops

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August 24, 2011
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Today's Buzz 
  • Facebook pulls the plug on Places in favor of location tags
    Facebook says it will shutter its Places geo-location service, but the social giant isn't giving up on location-based networking. After axing Places' mobile-only check-ins, Facebook says, it will launch a system that lets users add location tags to any content posted to the site. That could pave the way for more location-targeted ads and promotions, and should dovetail well with Facebook's Deals service, writes Kelly Fiveash. The Register (U.K.) (8/24) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
As volumes of data build up, marketing silos need to come down so that growth opportunities can be revealed. Read about how every customer is a potential marketer and how you can use social media to your advantage. To download the white paper, Drive Marketing Relevance in Today’s Digital World, click here.
Ideas in Action 
  • Facebook announces new privacy controls
    Facebook is rolling out tools designed to ease users' concerns about privacy. The system takes a cue from Google+, giving users more granular control over who sees their social content, while also highlighting features previously buried deep in preference menus. "We want to make this stuff unmistakably clear. It has to be clear that Facebook is a leader in how people control who sees what," said Chris Cox, vice president for product at Facebook. The New York Times (tiered subscription model) (8/23) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Google+ privacy features charm teachers
    Google+ appears to be beating Facebook when it comes to winning over teachers, thanks to the site's privacy and security features. Some educators are using the service to set up circles for classes, allowing easy, secure communication. T.H.E. Journal (8/24) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Facebook plans a spending spree to spruce up site
    Facebook is planning to make about 20 acquisitions in 2011, double the number made last year. The takeovers would give Facebook the technology and expertise needed to improve site design, polish its customer service and implement more advanced mobile features, says Vaughan Smith, the company's director of corporate development. "Facebook is just trying to get the smartest people possible in any way it can," analyst Debra Aho Williamson says. Advertising Age (tiered subscription model) (8/23) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • Marketing on Google+? The eyes have it
    Google+ doesn't offer social advertising, but the platform could be just as well-suited to social ads as Facebook, according to an EyeTrackShop study. Researchers used eye-tracking tools to gauge the attention paid to a simulated ad-heavy Google+ page, and found that the social network compared favorably to Facebook. "People look at them almost the same, which for Google is very good," says EyeTrackShop executive Jeff Bander. InformationWeek/The BrainYard blog (8/22) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
50% Savings on Web’s Biggest Facebook Marketing Event
Join 19 experts (including Guy Kawasaki, Mari Smith, Robert Scoble and experts from Intuit, PETCO, Applebees and Intel) as they help you master Facebook marketing at Facebook Success Summit 2011. Fully online. Click here for sample class:
  • Are your company's social media marketing efforts centrally run?
    Yes -- one division handles social media outreach for the whole company  63.16%
    No -- different divisions handle their own social media outreach  33.83%
    Not applicable -- my company outsources its social media or doesn't use it for marketing  3.01%
  • How do you keep your social media presence professional?
I keep separate accounts for personal and professional networking
I use filters, such as Circles on Google+, to make sure posts are seen by the right people
I only post things that are related to my job, no matter what network I'm on
I do not use social networks for professional purposes -- only personal matters
I don't use social networks at all

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The Takeaway 
  • Should Facebook Credits be part of your social strategy?
    Facebook Credits are potentially a valuable adjunct to a Facebook promotional or retail strategy, writes John Corpus. While still mostly used for purchasing virtual goods in social games, merchants can use Credits to create Facebook markets for digital content, and marketers can give away Credits to reward desired behaviors such as engagement and brand loyalty, he writes. Mashable (8/23) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
  • 20 ways to make LinkedIn jump through hoops
    LinkedIn is potentially more powerful than many users realize, writes Pamela Vaughan. To get the most out of the network, use a smattering of search engine optimization techniques along with less-used features such as Company Buzz, LinkedIn Today and LinkedIn Groups to boost your brand and make your networking more effective, Vaughan writes. HubSpot.com (8/23) LinkedInFacebookTwitterEmail this Story
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Featured Content 

Facebook Credits may seem like uncharted territory, but that also means there's a wealth of opportunity."
--John Corpus, founder and CEO of Milyoni, writing at Mashable
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This SmartBrief was created for ignoble.experiment@arconati.us

 Andy Sernovitz, Editor at Large
Andy Sernovitz is author of "Word of Mouth Marketing" and the word of mouth marketing blog/newsletter "Damn, I Wish I'd Thought of That." Andy is CEO of GasPedal, a company that teaches word of mouth and hosts the Word of Mouth Marketing Supergenius conference.

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