

Best Practices for Protecting Laptop Data

eBook: Managing Data Growth for Growing Businesses
Webcast: Myths of the Cloud
eBook: The Do-It-Yourself Security Audit
Whitepaper: The Case for Virtual Desktops
Video: Defeating the Cyber Mutants--Protecting Your Business from Modern Malware
Whitepaper: New Approaches to Power Distribution
Best Practices for Protecting Laptop Data
Sponsored by i365
To guard corporate data on endpoints at all times, companies can follow a number of data protection and data security best practices. Incorporating these best practices can help you control sensitive information to mitigate the risk of regulatory and financial exposure and keep IT costs in check. Download this paper now to learn more. >>

Key Considerations for Selecting Endpoint Security Solutions
Sponsored by ESET
Do you know the specific capabilities your organization needs to look for when selecting an endpoint security solution? Today's endpoint security products need to work across environments, in virtualized infrastructures and with removable media. They need to carry a small footprint for employees and features centralized management and remote administration for IT. Watch the on demand webinar now. >>
Managing Data Growth for Growing Businesses
Sponsored by Dell
This issue of Data Storage Insights focuses on how growing businesses can manage their data growth. Get expert advice on how to use storage tiering to save your IT budget, how to expand your storage capacity, and how to tell if your organization has outgrown its backup strategy. >>
Myths of the Cloud
Sponsored by New Horizons
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 10:00AM PST
Cloud computing represents the next major shift in the way that IT will be delivered to companies large and small. This complementary 75 minute session will address these myths and give you a better understanding of the next steps to take to enable your organization to reap the benefits of cloud computing. It can provide much more than savings, creating a foundation for new competitive advantages. Sign up here. >>
The Do-It-Yourself Security Audit
Sponsored by Dell
The cost of a serious security breach can be very high indeed, so most organizations devote significant resources to keeping malware and malicious hackers from getting on to the corporate network and getting access to data. Join Internet.com contributor Paul Rubens as he shows you how to conduct penetration tests and network security scans, check password security, safeguard your wireless network, and more. >>
The Case for Virtual Desktops
Sponsored by Scale Computing
Client-centric topologies add cost, reduce control and are highly inconvenient to manage. That's why many companies are moving to virtualize their environments. Virtual Desktops give IT managers the cost savings, control and convenience they require. Start here to learn more. >>
Defeating the Cyber Mutants--Protecting Your Business from Modern Malware
Sponsored by Symantec
Modern malware rarely strikes the same way twice. Today's malicious code rapidly mutates, bypassing traditional defences. This on-demand webcast will examine these threats and the new technology that organizations from small businesses to large enterprises can use to protect their physical and virtual environments. >>
New Approaches to Power Distribution
Sponsored by APC
Significant improvements in efficiency, power density, power monitoring, and reconfigurability have been achieved in data center power distribution. The past techniques of massive transformer-based power distribution units feeding under-floor hardwired circuits via rigid or flexible conduit are shown to be obsolete. This paper explains some the newer approaches to power distribution including modular power distribution and overhead power busway, and shows their advantages when compared to the legacy approach. >>

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