

[Crime Scene] Do you know whodunit?

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Butch Weaver

Detective Armstrong and I spoke to James Mason, who owned The Juke Joint when Kevin Gilmore worked there. He talked a little bit about Kevin and the rumors about how he died. He also told us more about the circumstances surrounding his sale of The Juke Joint about a year after Kevin's death.

We also interviewed Butch Weaver at the suggestion of the Physical Plant Director, who thought Weaver might know about the hidden room. When we asked him about why the room wasn't on the blueprints, he said,

Butch Weaver: Well, I can tell you this. Those blueprints, they were never updated, you know. I mean, nothing was ever noted about what was done, who did it, why they wanted it to have done. I mean, frankly, blueprint-wise, it was a mess.

The Whodunit Contest is here
Do you know whodunit? You can win a prize by identifying the correct suspect. There are two entry options. You can either choose the killer from a list of suspects or create a whodunit theory.

email-contest-reverseAn excellent theory will tell us who your prime suspect is, what that person's motive is, and what evidence points to him or her as the killer.

Whodunit theories win the best prizes! Crime Scene forensic shirts and other prizes from our online store will be awarded to winners.

Entering is easy. A "Whodunit Contest" entry link appears at the top of every case page. There is no entry fee. The contest is open to everyone.

Crime Scene members can Ask the Detective for information they need for their theories, and everyone can review the questions and answers. Have you prepared your theory yet, ?


Det. Murphy

Hidden Room Case

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