

[EzineArticles] Avoid Common Article Writing Roadblocks

Avoid Common Article Writing Roadblocks EzineArticles.com Logo

Map Your Route to Success
Article writing is like taking a road trip - it requires thorough planning and flexibility if you don’t want to be caught without a toothbrush and gas.
To maintain speed and enthusiasm, map out a route to ensure you do not meet any roadblocks along the way. This plan should include a little wiggle room for added flexibility so you do not trap your creativity, but you still can plan and set milestones to check your progress.
To help you plan your route to success and bypass roadblocks, we’ve collected the most common article run-ins that halt traffic along the article review highway.

  1. Author Names Don’t Match – Your author name is your personal brand. Ensure your byline is spelled correctly and the Resource Box signature matches the byline to avoid confusion and make sure the reader can focus on the article instead of figuring out who wrote it.
  2. Teasers and the Article Series – Each article should always stand on its own, i.e. the reader should not have to click away to gain the full benefit of the article. Ensure the article body delivers on all aspects of the title.
  3. Gender and Author Name Confusion – Readers can become confused when a Resource Box signature reads “John Smith is an entrepreneur. Please visit her site…” Avoid reader confusion by ensuring the gender matches gender specific-names.
  4. Link is in a Foreign Language – Linking to a non-English site is confusing to the reader. Link to sites in English to avoid this confusion.
  5. Keyword Stuffing Your Resource Box – Keyword stuffing creates a poor user experience, violates author/reader trust, and diminishes your credibility as an Expert Author.
  6. Anchor Text Does Not Deliver – The context in or around your anchor text must deliver as promised. Misleading the reader by promising something and not delivering kills credibility and readership.
  7. Links, Links and More Links – Article submissions are allowed to have no more than 2 Self-Serving Links (links in which you have a vested interest), and 2 Non-Self Serving Links (links most commonly used for reference). Check them once, check ‘em twice – if the link doesn’t work, or if the link doesn’t fit the context – don’t use the link.
  8. Grammar is Critical – Ensure your articles are free of grammar errors. This includes sentence structure, proper punctuation, and proper spelling. If English is not your first language, have someone proofread it for you.
  9. You’re Not Exclusive With Your Rights – Do not submit an article that isn’t yours, i.e. you don’t own exclusive rights.
  10. Not Sure, But Submitted it Anyway – Submitting blindly throws in a speed bump – it slows your article down from getting approved. If you are not sure about one of our Editorial Guidelines, contact our Member Support Team.
These common article run-ins will impede your article review momentum, so make sure you’ve removed these roadblocks for a speedy route to success.
Do you have examples of road blocks that you've overcome that you'd like to share?
How do you overcome roadblocks? Was it left off this list? Head on over to this post online and add your thoughts in the comments section.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

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But that's not all. I believe I have become a better writer because of the high standards set by this service. In addition, I have learned so much from other EzineArticles Expert Authors. The valuable community that EzineArticles has built is an educational resource that no writer can do without."

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