

Keeping your fire alive - Small Biz Survival

Keeping your fire alive - Small Biz Survival

Keeping your fire alive

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 06:07 AM PDT

Another lesson I learned from my time as a Mary Kay consultant.

A new Mary Kay consultant was sitting next to a more experienced director next to a fireplace.

Fire and embers
Keep your fire alive. Photo by Becky McCray
The new consultant asked, "Why should I waste one night each week going to success meetings? I could be using that night to hold a class and make more sales!"

The experienced director said nothing. She picked up the fireplace tongs and carefully pulled out a glowing red-hot coal from the grate. She set it on the bricks in front of the fireplace. Separated from the heat of the fire, the glow faded, and the ember quickly cooled.

"Ah, I see," the new consultant said.

Of course, this lesson could apply in any business, but I think it's particularly telling for people who work independently. Let's look at what happens at a typical Mary Kay unit weekly success meeting:
  • Results are tabulated and rewards are given, with public recognition.
  • Goals are set for short term and long term.
  • New information is shared about business management and about product.
  • People get together and socialize.
  • Fun is encouraged.
Few independent business people have such a powerful weekly session. Your challenge is to find ways to get all of those benefits on a regular basis. Look for meetings and events locally that provide some of the elements. You could put together a group that meets online to provide most of the rest. But watch out for the people with the wrong attitude. Spending time with negative thinkers is like throwing your glowing ember into a pail of cold water.

How are you keeping your ember alive? How do you recharge your fire weekly?

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