Big Tip: Turning your signature into a QuickSign signature
One of our favorite features in Nitro Reader is the QuickSign tool. This revolutionary feature allows you to quickly apply your handwritten signature to any PDF file (security allowing), or any other file that can be converted to PDF (using the free creation capabilities in Nitro Reader).
Why would you need to apply your handwritten signature? Simply because you can drastically reduce the time it takes to approve, sign and deliver your signed document. The typical scenario requires printing out and signing the document by hand, then rescanning to send it via email, or sending it via the traditional postal service. Now you can sign and send your document without ever removing your hand from your mouse! Actually, you might rejoice by throwing your hands in the air, so don’t take our word for it.
But how do I get my handwritten signature onto my computer, you may ask? That's where this tip comes in handy. If you have a scanner or a mobile phone, we'll show you how to get up and running (and signing) in no time.
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