

Amazon, the Company That Ate the World

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BW Insider

Sep 29, 2011

This Week's Top Story

This Week's Top Story - Amazon, the Company That Ate the World


Amazon, the Company That Ate the World

Jeff Bezos' new tablet, the Kindle Fire, is cheap, pretty, and puts Amazon in perfect position to take a bite out of Apple-and every online transaction you make

More Top Stories

2011 Finalists: America's Best Young Entrepreneurs

Businessweek.com profiled the founders-all age 25 or under-behind 25 promising companies across the U.S.

CEO, the Least Popular Job in Silicon Valley

Potential CEOs are opting for quicker dollars at startups and investment firms

Stocks & Markets

U.S. Investing: Are the Best Times Over?

An elevated risk premium for stocks may be a buy signal, but only if you think the U.S. will shake off its current economic difficulties


Health-Benefit Costs Rise Most in Six Years

The average cost of a family policy climbed 9 percent in 2011 to $15,073, according to a recent poll

Nike Betting on Venture Capital in Effort to Step Up Innovation

The sneaker maker is setting up the Sustainable Business & Innovation Lab to back startups focused on alternative energy and more efficient manufacturing

Nuke-Free Germany Isn't Exactly Nuke-Free

The Czechs eagerly supply nuclear power to their green neighbor

Shaker Consulting Culls Weak Job Seekers With Online Games

Shake is one of only a handful of companies that creates sophisticated job simulation tools, melding audio, video and graphics within an interactive environment that measures users' ability to perform specific tasks clients consider crucial

A Quantum Physicist Bets on Microchips to Build a Better Cat Flap

To combat the problem of stray animals entering through his cat door, quantum physicist Nick Hill developed one that's activated by a microchip in the cat's back

Rethinking the Boosterism About Small Business

Politicians may love to extol the virtues of small business, but big companies are still the key to growth

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This week in BW Insider

This week’s Insider Top Story is a profile of Amazon and its founder Jeff Bezos. Our Brad Stone talks to Bezos on the eve of the introduction of the Kindle Fire, designed to compete with Apple’s iPad.

They’re young, they’re brash, they’re creative, and they want your votes. Take a look at our 25 finalists in the 2011 competition for America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs. Help our Small Business team narrow the field down to five. Vote here.

And as usual, we’ve collected the best from Bloomberg Businessweek, Businessweek.com, and Bloomberg.com.

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