

Boss Kut Sale/New product

20% off all accessories and Craft Supplies
60% off all die shapes
(excluding the bargain bin )
Great time to stock up on supplies for your Holiday crafting
We are now carrying, La La Land Stamps, Magnolia, Sara Kay, Penny Johnson, and Penny Black Stamps as well as a large selection of Copic Markers.  Just go to the Catagory Craft Supplies at www.bosskut.com .
Hope everyone has a relaxing and great Holiday weekend. Fall is offically in the air here in Rolla, MO.
This is a welcome relief to the hot sticky days we have been having.
Be sure and join us on Facebook and check our Blog for lots of inspiration and some free files.
Happy Crafting,
Phyllis and John Parkins
Boss Kut
  Http://www.bosskut.com       email: info@bosskut.com     tel: 573-364-7849

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