Dear Fellow Investor, They say the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist. And the greatest trick Wall Street ever pulled was convincing people that they could pay someone to care about their retirement investments. I'm here to tell you that no one cares more about your finances than you do. So you have to be the steward - not some 20-something broker with a $20,000 watch. I'm turning the tables on Wall Street and their whole game, by investing my own money alongside yours. In fact I'm willing to show you exactly how I'm investing today. All you have to do is read the letter below. Good investing,  Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist Wyatt Investment Research | Are you looking for the income to achieve the retirement you deserve? I'm talking about a unique way to obtain more than enough money to last you through your golden years with plenty left over. It's an income secret that will give you enough money to buy a new car the first year you use it. The second year, you'll make enough income to put a down payment on a townhouse on a golf course. By the fifth year, you'll be making enough pure income to set up your children or grandchildren with a full ride to any top 50 University in the United States... Your retirement shouldn't be about worrying about money, it should be about enjoying your life of financial freedom. The opportunity to live this life is real. And it's within your reach. You can start down this path today, right now. | This is Ian Wyatt, and I want to share with you an income secret I've been using in my own portfolio to substantially grow my personal wealth. In January of 2009 I got started with less than $5,000, and personally collected over $26,500 using this secret alone. By this time next year, I expect that amount to hit at least $60,000. That's right - even if the market trades flat over the next year, I expect to collect enough income to be able to afford a brand new BMW 5-series. In short, I've discovered a handful of techniques that anyone can use to collect huge amounts of income every year for the rest of their life. And if you're looking for a way to regularly earn more income for your retirement, I'd like to send you the details of this secret, for free. I've put together these safe, easy to use secrets you need to start collecting income in a report called "The Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement." In this report, you'll find out the specifics of the investments I use in my personal account to collect a healthy stream of income every year. You're not likely to find this information anywhere else. For instance, did you know that there's a way to invest in government debt to boost your income by up to 10% (or more) every year? It automatically turns every $10,000 investment into over $16,500 in just five years. And it's guaranteed. There's another income secret in this report that tells you how to collect monster checks every time someone uses a cell phone. A former electrical engineer named Richard L. uses this investment to collect over $7,000 each month. Richard turned 61 this year, and he got started with this investment in 2000 - but for the past 10 years his checks got bigger every year. I want to share with you Richard's income secret, and more. That's why I'm writing this letter to you today. I'm going to show you how this income secret works - and how can you get started collecting income today. Earn Double Dividends With Less Risk | Before I fill you in on the details of how these income secrets work so well that it can pay you more and more money every year - I have to tell you about my latest income strategy. To be honest, it's the most unique income investment I've ever used - and I'd be surprised if one investor in 1,000 has ever even thought about trying it. In short, it's a way to enhance dividend paying stocks to double, triple or even quadruple the yield. For instance, most McDonald's (NYSE: MCD) shareholders are satisfied collecting the 3.2% dividend. That's not bad, especially when 30 year Treasury bonds aren't providing investors with anything better. But there's a way to more than double McDonald's dividend every year. It's a little known income secret used by the world's best investors. So that modest 3.2% dividend gets boosted, becoming more than 6.8%. Famed investor-billionaire Warren Buffett is well known for his value investing mantra - but he regularly uses this income secret to milk the market for extra cash. I'm using this secret as well - with my own money, I'm buying an ETF paying a 3.6% yield. But I'm going to milk extra income from this dividend payer with one simple strategy. I fully expect to collect 13.5% in cash over the next year using this secret. That's almost four times more than the dividend alone! If you'd like to hear about this technique for doubling, tripling or even quadrupling your dividend payments, I'll send you the full details without charge. I just ask that you take a look at my personal portfolio service all about reaching our financial goals - together. It's called the $100k Portfolio. I named it the $100k Portfolio, because after speaking with real world investors like you, I realized that many people today have between $30,000 and $250,000 to invest today. So I launched this portfolio service and got started with less than a $5,000 initial investment. Since then I've safely built this portfolio up to a $133,753 account using a combination equity and income investments that are relatively safe, and easy to use. I call it the $100k Portfolio, because so far I've put $100,000 of my own money where my mouth is. I've gradually moved $100,000 of my own money into a separate brokerage account, and I'm showing subscribers how I invest my own money with the goal of growing this account to one million dollars within the next 10 years. I'm literally investing in the same securities and opportunities as my subscribers. It's not company money, or funds from another group of people - it's money my wife and I have saved over the years. And as I've mentioned, income is an important part of my portfolio. Here's how it works: My $100k Portfolio Begins With Income | Most investors think that income from investments is for spending as fast as they get it. They don't realize that by reinvesting your income and letting your dividends grow, you can get yourself on the path to becoming independently wealthy in less than 10 years. That's why one of the most important tenets of my $100k Portfolio is all about letting that income grow and grow... Let me show you what I mean in the chart below:  This chart illustrates the magic of reinvesting your dividends. The blue line represents S&P 500 gains for the 30 year period between 1978 and 2008. And had you bought the S&P 500 index in 1978, you'd be sitting on 1000% gains. Not bad, but just by reinvesting your dividends, you would have turbocharged those gains to over 2100% for the same period. And as you can imagine, the higher your dividend yield, the better the gains when they're reinvested. For instance, I've put in a little over $14,000 of my own money to buy an investment that yields about 10% every year. In fact, it's the single largest investment in my "$100k Portfolio" today. Since we bought it last year, my $100k Portfolio subscribers and I are up a whopping 29%. But we're not cashing out that income. We're reinvesting it, to let the interest compound. If you're interested in finding out the name of this investment and how it can set you up to start receiving income for life, all of the details are found in the free Special Report I've already mentioned: "The Best Income Investments for Safe and Prosperous Retirement" and I'll send it to you in the next five minutes once you request it. Income is just one part of the $100k Portfolio service. It is an important part of an overarching plan to help regular investors secure the retirement they've dreamed of. My Plan is Called The 10 Year Millionaire | This plan shows you how to join the ranks of self-made millionaires. And it's filled with details of how to achieve the retirement you've dreamed of. It tells you exactly how to get on the right track with a mix of investments and techniques that anyone can use to guarantee success. With my plan you'll discover how to turn your nest-egg into a $1 million fortune. You see, I've been advising my readers on how to invest for over 12 years now. And in that time, I've grown my personal net worth from less than $20,000 into a multi-million dollar business. I'm investing my own personal money - advising myself and a small number of like-minded investors, using the secrets I've learned to grow a modest nest egg of $100,000 or less into a substantial sum of money - and the goal is $1 million. How? Well, I've mastered a group of safe and easy strategies and secrets that anyone can use to build a better retirement - and it's all in The 10 Year Millionaire Plan. For instance... You'll learn the #1 secret of successful investing - a simple and safe technique used by hedge fund managers and Wall Street bankers that lets them forget about EVER losing money. You'll learn how to make every penny of your savings pay you income without putting it at risk. You'll get timely and informative guidance on your investments as I walk you through every transaction - making sure you get the best return on every investment you make. In short, you can substantially grow your net worth starting today with a handful of secrets in this plan. This valuable plan is called The 10 Year Millionaire - and if you want to give yourself and your family the retirement of fun and relaxation - the retirement of fancy cruises, peaceful reflection and good living - this plan can help you get there. And you can have this report FREE - simply for taking a look at the $100k Portfolio. The $100k Portfolio will assist you, step by step, in securing the funds you will need to retire very wealthy and comfortable. That's because the $100k Portfolio will walk you through specific investments like no one has ever done before, tailored for your goals in becoming wealthy enough through your retirement without any financial worry. Like the secretive income investment I've already mentioned, that can pay you $10,000 the first year. $21,000 the second year and $61,000 by the fifth year you own it. Or the mutual fund that's NEVER been offered through a 401(k) retirement plan - but beat the S&P 500 by an average of 13% every year for the past 10 years for a total return of 204% during that time. (Yes it's a mutual fund!) You'll learn about the only bond investment personally run by a billionaire and legendary bond investor with over 30 years experience - now available for purchase through almost any discount brokerage firm. And most importantly, the reason that your success is guaranteed: You'll get guidance from me - through EVERY step of the way while I invest my own personal money alongside yours. There's no other service quite like the $100k Portfolio in the entire world. My own money is on the line. I plan on using the proceeds from this retirement account to pay for my children's college education. There are certainly other newsletter services, with rich folks putting their money on the line. You typically pay between $500 and $5,000 to even take a look at these services. Plus many of them are "closed" to new readers, making it impossible for you to try them, even if you wanted to. Other services use company money or funds collected from investor pools--all with the editor never putting his own money on the line. But the $100k Portfolio is different, much different. I want to make this service available to every individual investor. But I ask readers of the $100k Portfolio to pay much less. Normally I charge up to $97 for this portfolio service. But today I'm offering you the opportunity to become one of my Charter Members at a substantial discount. As a Charter Member, your rate will only be $39 for a full year subscription to the $100k Portfolio. That's less than $4 a month, and $58 off of the regular price. It's way less than a single session with any financial advisor - and you can bet that he's not going to put his money on the line right next to yours like I will... Why charge so little? Well, I'd like to see you invest as much as you can, and make serious profits. That's the only way I know you'll remain a loyal subscriber - and you'll gradually become wealthier and wealthier alongside with me. And you're much likelier to have success with this portfolio if you're not spending a huge amount of capital just to get started. I want you to have as much money as possible to start with. And unlike those other services, I provide detailed guidance on when and how to execute each individual strategy. Believe me - $100,000 is not an insignificant amount of money for me. This investment account is a large component of my retirement plan. It's my personal savings accumulated over years of hard work, squeezing every penny and sound investing. And I'm putting it to work to plan for my future, and the future of my family. My point is, if you want to start getting rich today, there's no better, more reliable way to do so than to get started with your and my 10 Year Millionaire plan. So what's this plan about? The 7 Secrets of Successful Investing | The plan details the seven secrets of successful investing - the secrets that rich investors use everyday to grow their wealth, preserve capital, squeeze income from their investments and find the best opportunities in the market. To be blunt, I'm using these very same secrets in my 10 Year Millionaire plan to turn my $100,000 investment into $1 million or more in just ten years. My $100k Portfolio subscribers are already with me on our way to grow $100,000 into $1,000,000. And since my money is in it, I'm on my way, too. If you're serious about taking a few simple steps to build your retirement fortune, I'd like for you to join us. So if you're prepared to make REAL gains in the current market...if you're ready for a strategy that will protect and grow your wealth during ALL of the stock market's movements...join me and you'll be living the life you want, with complete financial independence, in no time flat. Even if you start with just a thousand dollars in your account, you can start building your fortune with my tried and true safe wealth-building secrets right away. And once you see how easy it is to grow your wealth, you'll wonder why you haven't been investing this way for years. When you join my $100k Portfolio you'll receive: -
Monthly newsletter with market insights and portfolio review. Each month I'll send to you an email newsletter with a review of key events affecting our portfolio, updates on our current positions and those I'm considering for the portfolio, and an assessment of our performance and outlook. -
Pre-purchase alerts on every position. I'm confident I can make money for you in this market, and for that reason I'll let you know before I take any action in my real portfolio - giving you the opportunity to buy or sell the investment before I do. -
Buy and sell confirmations. Before I make an investment in my $100k Portfolio, I'll send you an email alert with the details of the investment, including the position, ticker symbol, number of shares, price, and total transaction cost. -
Investment reports. I'll send you a detailed report on each investment I make--whether it's an exchange traded fund (ETF), a mutual fund, or an individual stock or bond. I'll tell you exactly what I'm buying and selling, and more importantly - WHY. This way you can determine if the same allocation makes sense in YOUR portfolio. The bottom line is this: you can take full control of your financial future, outperform every 401(k) account there is, from your own computer or with your financial advisor, with no more than a few minutes of your time. What's more, I can get you started right now, for less than what you might spend on coffee each day. In addition, you'll get the Special Reports to get started: -
Bonus Report #1: Don't Bet Against America: the "super issue" special report details a few of the core holdings of the $100k Portfolio. These are top quality companies that prosper during good times and bad. And they're trading at a deep discount to fair valuation. -
Bonus Report #2: The 10 Year Millionaire: my detailed plan on how I'm taking $100,000 of my own money and turning it into $1,000,000 within 10 years. You'll discover the Seven Secrets to Profitable Investing as the blueprint for taking whatever amount you have to invest and achieving the best possible returns. -
Bonus Report #3: Profits from the Government Sponsored Healthcare Boom: whether you were for or against the recent healthcare legislation, big changes are coming. And seasoned investors know this means one thing: profits. My new report will show you where to make money from the healthcare boom in the months and years ahead. -
Bonus Report #4: Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement: whether you're currently retired, a few years out, or decades away, income investments are a must if you want a truly stable stream of cash coming from your investments. These are the investments that should be the bedrock of your portfolio. -
Bonus Report #5: Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About: this Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. These funds are core holdings of the $100k Portfolio and are part of the long term strategy to get to $1,000,000. -
Bonus Report #6: Top 10 Brokers for Individual Investors: individual investors have more choices with whom to invest their money than ever before. The choices can be dizzying. Whether you've yet to choose a broker or just want to check that you're getting the best price and service from your current one, this new report will help you make sure you have the right broker for your unique needs. -
Bonus Special Report #7: Top 10 Investments for Outstanding Profits in 2011 2010 was a great year for subscribers to $100k Portfolio and 2011 is looking even better with investment recommendations from this new report. Inside you'll discover my top sectors and individual investment ideas for 2011. When you start today you'll immediately receive a welcome letter directing you to all of the Special Reports, the Bonus Reports and the most recent issues. These issues will tell you exactly where the profit opportunities are and how you're going to profit. Then, if we need to add or reduce to our positions in between your monthly issues, you'll also receive special alerts on our holdings. You'll see what I'm buying before I buy it...and I'll tell you to take profits before I you'll probably make more money than me. But that's fine with me. As I said: You can begin a 1-year Charter Membership subscription for only $39. That's not a typo... just $39 gets you my 10 Year Millionaire plan free, the Bonus Reports, dozens of back issues, and twelve monthly $100k Portfolio issues as we work to turn you into a millionaire. And here's the best part: You have a full 6 MONTHS to evaluate whether you think the service is fulfilling its promise to you or get a 100% refund. That's right, you can read all of the issues...keep all of the Special and Bonus Reports, and the 10 Year Millionaire...follow all of the buy and sell all of the urgent action updates and still come back and tell me on the last day of your 6-month trial that you don't like it and you want your all of your money back. And I'll cheerfully refund 100% of it. No questions. No problems. That's my 100% satisfaction guarantee. This is truly a great opportunity for to get your investments back on track and start growing your wealth. That means you can start your wealth with a proven investment leader. I hope you'll join me, Ian Wyatt, today. Click below to get started. Sign up today and receive: Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement The 10 Year Millionaire + 6 Month 100% Money-Back Guarantee Click here to start now | Best Regards, Ian Wyatt Chief Investment Strategist Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio P.S. If you have less than $100,000 - I want you to know that you can still achieve your financial goals - starting with a simple investment I think everyone should own - but very few people do. I mentioned it briefly before, but I've found a very unique mutual fund that's NEVER been offered through a 401(k). Most regular investors don't even know it exists, but over the past 10 years, it's beaten the S&P 500 by an average of 13% every year for a total return of 204% during that time. You can get started with this fund, and my 10 Year Millionaire Plan even if you don't have anything close to the $100,000 I've invested so far. Remember, I got started with less than $5,000 in January of 2009 - and now my brokerage account is over $133,000. I'll send you the details of this fund in my new special report called Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds Your Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About. This Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. These funds are core holdings of the $100k Portfolio and are part of the long term strategy to get to $1,000,000. * Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of $100K Portfolio research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such. ================================= This is a communication from Wyatt Investment Research. We respect your privacy and therefore this email has been sent directly from Wyatt Investment Research. Wyatt Investment Research does not provide our email lists and other data to third parties. This is consistent with our Privacy Policy as outlined on our web site. You may review it at If you do not want to receive future communications from Wyatt Investment Research, please follow the unsubscribe instructions below. ======================== Unsubscribe Instructions ======================== You are subscribed with the following email address: To unsubscribe from Wyatt Investment Research emails click here. If you believe this communication to be a mistake or unsolicited, please e-mail with details regarding your situation, and we will be sure to promptly investigate your situation. Copyright (c) 2011 Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio c/o Wyatt Investment Research 65 Railroad Street PO Box 790 Richmond, Vermont 05477 |
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