

How the Stock Market is Like a Hamburger...

Dear Fellow Investor,

Most people think capital gains are the most important aspect of investing, but history proves it's a company's dividends that provide the greatest return on average.

And today, people are still falling for the same old capital gains trap, when they should be seeking out the dividends.

Now you can seek out the "juiciest" profits and avoid the junk. Read the write up below for details on successful dividend investing.

Good investing,

Ian Wyatt
Daily Profit

You're Missing Out on the Juiciest Investment Profits of Your Life

Fact: The Average Investor Blindly Ignores 74% of the Profits He Could Have Taken

200-Year Study Proves That Chasing Stocks Can Turn Your Portfolio into Junkburger

Dear Reader,

You're being robbed.

If you're a typical investor, you're being robbed by the notion that hunting down the biggest gainers is the surest path to wealth.

But in truth, chasing hot stocks will usually just drain away your precious capital, year after year. It's a high-risk strategy.

So why are you still deceived by this illusion?

Simple. You're not paying enough attention to the larger picture! And the largest picture of all tells you that the biggest profits, long-term, also happen to be the safest profits. Namely, fat, growing dividends.

Yes, Dividends
Rockefeller, Carnegie, Mellon, Vanderbilt, Getty, Ford.

These giant foundations hold most of their wealth in conservative assets that give off high yields, not in go-go stocks . or disastrous derivatives . or complex plays that could vanish with the morning dew.

Indeed, the captains of industry who launched these empires did not do so by following clever stock advice. They did it by hard work and wise investments.

Now It's Your Turn to Be Wise

You've been working your tail off for most of your life, and now you want to enjoy a steady stream of income- without the risks that come with market shocks.

You've saved for years, and you want the peaceful kind of retirement you deserve. You want enough income from your investments that you'll never have to worry about money again. And that is exactly why I started High Yield Wealth.

I'm Ian Wyatt, the editor, and you're in luck: The shortest cut to extreme wealth happens to intersect with the path to extreme safety.

The Timeless and Reliable Formula
for Doubling or Tripling Your Annual Income

-- Proven for Over 200 Years

Eight years ago famed investment researcher Robert D. Arnott of Newport Beach, California, did the most extensive market survey ever. He compiled stock market data going back 200 years (1802-2002) to see where investors' biggest profits actually came from.

What Rob found was ground-breaking, almost earth-shaking. Only 8% of stock market gains came from rising stock values, while 74% of returns came from lowly dividends!

Yes, those vaunted, climbing stock prices came in a very poor second: 8% compared to 74% (from dividends, 64% + dividend growth, 10%).

To commemorate his findings, he later wrote an article cleverly entitled "Dividends and the Three Dwarfs," which included a notation saying that (disregarding taxes and expenses, etc.), $100 invested in U.S. stocks in 1802 would have grown to $766 million in 2000!

That rattling sound you hear is whole lifetimes of "modern knowledge" being tossed into the dustbin. Who would have thought that such a vast store of "common sense" could be so far off?

In fact, straining credulity even further, a recent study at the London School of Business has concluded that the real total of stock profits from dividends from 1900 to 2005 was not just 74%, but an even more impressive 90%!

As you know, most investors spend their lives believing that the whole point of the game is to buy hot stocks that will go north. But as Arnott's and London's studies clearly show, the real secret of building wealth is to buy stocks whose dividends are high, and growing!

Time for Specific Examples

Now, dividend stocks and income investing are designed for security and safety, not speed.

But just to show you that short-term gains often happen when you're sticking your nose under the right rocks, here are some fair examples from my recent recommendations, showing my ability to pick winning stocks with a conservative investment strategy:

  • 26% gain on Sterlite in 9 days

  • 27% gain on Toyota in 12 months

  • 82% gain on Hecla in 6 months

  • 35% gain on Trina Solar in 3 months

  • 47% gain on NetApp in 3 months

  • 52% gain on Cameron Int'l in 4 months

Not only do I have a history of finding great investments for the near-term, but many of my subscribers have also profited from my ability to find great "buy and hold" investments for the long-term. Some of my biggest winners of all time have included:

  • True Religion Apparel 2,216%

  • BankRate 706%

  • Peyto 648%

  • Investools 561%

  • J2 Global Comm. 546%

  • Lexar Media 444%

  • GlobalScape 376%

  • Nuance 276%

While these stocks aren't dividend payers, they highlight my track record of identifying timely investments for the long-term. After all, income investors today need to be focused on more than just the highest yields.

For maximum profits, they must also be devoted to investing in all star stocks with growing profits and dividends. And in today's market, hitting "home runs" isn't a smart strategy. Which is precisely why I'm encouraging my loyal readers to transition toward "safe" investments with healthy and growing yields.

Are you starting to see why I get so excited about dividend investing? Dividend income is the only true path to stock market wealth for you and your family. Stock prices bob up and down with the tides, but steady, long-term dividends from proven companies will build you a solid estate.

That old canard about dividend stocks being for "widows and orphans" is a relic of the 1950s. Right now is the perfect time to get started...

  • For folks in their forties who want some safe ways to build their fortunes.

  • For moms and dads wanting to help their kids get through a top university.

  • For seniors looking for the most safe and sane way to prosper as they enjoy their finest years.

In case I haven't made it clear so far, the unique advantage you'll have with High Yield Wealth is a safe and steady approach to maximizing investment income-a unique blend of a staunchly conservative portfolio with a progressive strategy.

Of course, countless advisors claim to offer you growth with safety.

That kind of reminds me of politicians promising you the moon and stars-along with lower taxes. But watch my portfolio recommendations month by month and judge me by my steady results!

The Big Drought Is Over

During the 2008 crunch, thousands of companies chopped their dividend payments-or even killed them altogether.

Even in 2009, after the financial crisis had already taken its toll, 804 public companies cut their dividends, costing investors another $58 billion.

But that trend is officially over. A new dividend bull market has started, and corporations are eager to start rewarding their shareholders with cash dividends again.

You have the incredibly good fortune to be living near Day One of the 30-year Bull Market for dividend stocks. So bring your bushel basket and be first in line!

Now that dividend payments are on the rise, it's a race to see who will pay the biggest dividends. In 2010, 1,729 companies boosted the dividend money they paid to shareholders. That's 47.6% more than in 2009 (when only 1,191 companies increased dividends).

This trend is accelerating. All told, U.S. companies added $26.5 billion to dividend payments in 2010. That works out to a smashing $15.3 million more in payments per company.

More exciting still: 32% of those burgeoning payouts came in just the last three months of the year! That's why I say the Dividend Bull Market is just getting started.

There's No Hand-Wringing in Our Neck of the Woods

And consider this: That $15.3 million could boost your dividend income by 20% . 30% . or even 50% a year.

With the obvious exception of painful unemployment headaches, times are good. All that screaming and wailing you hear about deficits and debt ceilings are coming from Washington and state capitals, not corporate boardrooms (much less from Beijing, Brazil, and Moscow).

Corporate cash flows are at record levels, so the rising dividend trend is your #1 wealth-building tool for 2011 and beyond. There is nine TRILLION in cash sitting on corporate balance sheets, and it isn't going to disappear. The best dividend stocks are prepared to begin increasing their dividend payments, creating a profit windfall for their shareholders. Plainly, now is the perfect time for you to add to your dividend stash.

Yet you may be astounded to learn just how much more income you could be making from your growing pile of dividends. Read on.

As today's bull market in dividends continues to compound itself, you'll be sitting next to a big rainbow and hugging your personal pot of gold. With High Yield Wealth in hand, you'll soon be cashing in on the 74% of investment gains that most investors are missing out on! (Not to mention those phony and illusory gains from inflation!)

The time to safely nail down your own steady stream of dividend payments is finally here. Why? Because...

The cash dividends you pick today could double and triple in the years to come ... multiplying your pile of cash!

Below I'll tell you how to solidly lock in 7%, 8.5%, or even 10.8% payouts. (My top-rated cash cow is paying out 10.8% right now!)

Free Bonuses: Immediately, I'll send you up to four special reports with details on how to do it, using "Lone Ranger" stocks so unique that you probably could never find them! (They aren't a part of any definable group or category, and thus are not very easy to find.) See below.

Newsletters: Every month, I'll be sending you the details on top companies that are poised to grow their stock price and their dividends! High Yield Wealth will be your treasure map to such stocks and special opportunities, month by month.

Lock-Box Portfolio: I recognize that many investors just don't have time for investing, or start to get nervous at the mere mention of Wall Street! For those types, I offer a quiet "Lock-Box" selection of stocks designed as a buy-and-forget, zero-maintenance "portfolio." Just decide how big your investment goal is, buy the roster, kick back, and enjoy your siesta! If the markets affecting the Lock-Box change, I'll announce it noisily-and more than once-to wake you up and get your attention! (But that will seldom happen.)

It makes you wonder: How can they get away with calling this a bank?

No free pens, no calendars, no mints at the teller window, no red-velvet ropes, no toasters for bringing in your friends. In fact, no frills at all. Not even a posted rate on a website. Nor even one branch anywhere.

And they call this a bank?

All they have is a small office in the "old-money" section of Park Avenue near the Waldorf. That, and an 8.26% annual yield that sucks in investors by the trainload!

It's truly an oddity in these slick times. Yet it's typical of the surprising, super-high yielding opportunities you'll find in High Yield Wealth.

How much does your bank pay you in interest?

Most banks pay you a pathetic 1.25%. Or less. Without even blushing.

So how can this "Mystery Bank" afford to pay you 8.26% annually and still stay in business?

They've never taken even one red cent in Obama bailout money. (He has lots of bailout cents, and they're all in the red)!

This "Manhattan bank" obviously has a different agenda from the Establishment. They don't play the usual games with sub-prime lending, high-leverage derivatives, or other ways of pushing the regulatory envelope. In fact, they operate under rules that are even more strict than other banks.

Yet they make more money than the "Too Big To Fail" banks. Just how much? Try a profit margin of 152%!

That means every time they lend out $100, they get back $250. What a system! It's no marvel that they're able to pay out 8.26% to ordinary investors.
As a matter of fact, though, they don't really have a whole lot of ordinary investors... or ordinary borrowers, for that matter. As a subscriber to High Yield Wealth, you can get started with this institution for under twenty dollars!

And to boot, you'll have no check-writing fees or monthly service fees!

Their Secret

By now, you're asking yourself, "What kind of operation is this, anyway?"

It's pretty simple, actually. Almost 100% of their customers are businesses-profit-making businesses in the mid-range, with values between $20 million and $200 million.

Mostly, they're too small to go public but too big to get attention from their local banks. So they fall into the cracks where no one is interested in helping them-except for this mystery bank.

But fortunately, there is a way out for them. The government has passed a special law for their benefit, providing that they're willing to "share" (meaning pay back) 90% of their profits to their shareholders.

In return, "the Mystery Bank" is exempt from federal taxes.

That's right, they are allowed to pay a grand sum total of zero corporate taxes.

If this sounds hard to believe, I don't blame you. But it works like gangbusters.

See? While the crash of 2008-2009 was prompting most bankers to slash their interest payouts (if not their wrists), the mystery bank was thriving on the hard times. And still is- after 30 years in business.

Their shareholders were thriving, too. Like Paula G. Schwartz, a 58-year-old former airline employee. Last year, Ms. Schwartz collected $7,208 from this bank-or about $140 a week.

And Berta St. Cruz, 45, who saw her account go up by $16,443 in the month of December, 2010, alone. She's been a shareholder of the 8.2% secret bank since 2007.

These two individuals only tell part of the story, though. The real Secret Manhattan Bank money is being made by the big banks and mutual funds on Wall Street, like Vanguard, which collected $16.4 million in 2010; T. Rowe Price, which collected $8.6 million in 2010; and like Legg Mason, Oppenheimer, Fidelity, etc, etc.

The list goes on and on. It's a Who's Who of megabanks and mutual funds-all collecting 8.26% a year from this Manhattan Mystery Bank. And they're all keeping it a secret from you!

If that sounds slightly paranoid, just ask yourself: Has your financial advisor or stock broker ever tipped you off about this bank?

Well, no matter. The secret is out now. I'll be happy to give you the full details on exactly how to become an owner of this specialized bank in a research report I wrote called "The 8.2% Secret Manhattan Bank."

In it, you'll learn everything you need to know about how to get started as a member, including how to make an initial investment as well as how much you can expect to make over the coming months.

And I'll give this research report to you FREE.

This excerpt from Berkshire Hathaway's 2010 annual report shows just how important dividends are to Warren Buffett's success:

"Coca-Cola paid us $88 million in 1995. Every year since, Coke has increased its dividend. In 2011, we will almost certainly receive $376 million from Coke, up $24 million from last year.

"Within ten years, I would expect that $376 million to double. By the end of that period, I wouldn't be surprised to see our share of Coke's annual earnings exceed 100% of what we paid for the investment."

Coke is a great example of the real beauty of owning stocks that are growing their dividends. In 15 years, investors saw their annual dividend yield rise from 1.7% to 7.2% (split-adjusted)! Plus, the value of their shares has jumped from $26 a share (split adjusted) in 1995 to $65 a share today, appreciating at an annual rate of 6.3%. That might not seem like much, but it is, because now early investors own a stock with a 2011 expected return that's 13.5% based on their original purchase price.

When a company raises its dividends, it is signaling shareholders that its profits are rising and are expected to continue into the future. In short, the company is issuing an implicit guarantee of its current financial health.

The Grand Canyon of Wall Street

Ned Davis Research, an esteemed investment research firm, analyzed returns on S&P 500 stocks from 1972 through 2010 and found that stocks which grew their dividends provided far higher returns overall.

In this table, you see how investments in different types of stocks performed. Pay particularly close attention to the yawning gap between dividend growers and non-dividend paying deadbeats:

Extreme Performance of Stocks 1972-2010

So dividend growers lead the pack.

And just as impressive is that the superior returns of dividend-growing stocks come free of extra risk. Instead, dividend growers post greater return with less risk. It turns out that there really is a free lunch!

Conventional financial theory says that you have to be willing to accept more risk for more reward. The chart below reveals that's simply not the case.

As the chart above shows, dividend-growing companies give higher total returns and lower risk than any other class of equities.

The 20% Money-Making Machine: Life Without It Would Be Intolerable

If you want BIG annual dividend increases, look no further than this Florida-based, recession-proof conglomerate. It has delivered nearly 20% total annual returns over the past decade. In fact, its dividend payment has increased an extraordinary 20-fold since 2001, while its share price has quadrupled! No wonder I call it a money-making machine.

As the #1 leader in its niche, it enjoys a near-stranglehold on big project equipment, and it came sailing through the recent economic unpleasantness in high gear. Over the past 20 years, it has made 57 acquisitions throughout the country.

You wouldn't want to survive a year without this company, yet you've probably never heard of it. Price appreciation, when combined with the current dividend yield of 3.5% could produce a total return of around 14% over the next 12 months. And 75% of the company's sales were from replacement parts and units-which seem to wear out and need replacement about every 11 years.

See all the details in your free copy of How to Get a 10%-20% Raise Every Year - Even If You're Retired.

The Unassailable 10% Annuity

What's in a name? This $3 billion consumer products company has earned the right to be called an "annuity" - even though it isn't - because it has consistently delivered 10% annual returns.

It owns some of the most unassailable brand names in any market niche worldwide. I'm sure you are familiar with them, though you probably never thought twice-or even once-about investing in their stock. Their control of their niche is so powerful that they now own 60% of the market! And what they don't control directly, they control indirectly through private label partnerships.

The company's dominance extends beyond its own supermarket shelf space - though that by itself is prodigious. Forty percent of the company's sales are from large consumer - product partners, like Kraft, Pepsico, General Mills, and Yum Brands.

Both earnings per share and dividends have grown at a yearly clip of 10% over the past decade. Even more impressive, free cash has grown at an annual rate of 12%.

Indeed, the share price has more than doubled over the past decade, which means shares have been appreciating at an eight percent average annual rate. When the average appreciation rate is combined with an average yield of around 2.3%, investors would have realized just over 10% in average annual return over the past decade.
Now, a steady 10% return might not sound exceptional, but it really is. Consider that if you had bought this gem at $20 a share ten years ago, you would be holding a stock yielding 5.3% today that would have already paid you $6.83 in dividends, and that has more than doubled in price. That is true Buffett-style growth... or might I venture to say, true Wyatt-style growth?

I expect the stock to provide investors with a total return of 11% over the next year. Long-term investors will be comfortable holding this consistent dividend fountain for the long-term.

Also, if you subscribe for two years, you'll get...

The greatest stock you can own is a salmon.

A salmon stock is one that can swim upstream against the current. Even while every stock on the Big Board may be heading south, a true salmon will refuse to follow the flow of the current-and perhaps even set records for swimming upstream.

Over time, High Yield Wealth catches some salmon-not very many, because a wild salmon is quite a rarity in our waters-but when we do, we love to brag about it, like a sportfisherman who has just landed a 1,500-pound marlin.

You Can Pocket Cash Payments of 10.8% Starting Today

Our current salmon champ has a stock price that has gone up 82% since 2007.

Yes, while the rest of the stock market was drowning in a river of red ink, our favorite fish was racing upstream as if there were a cute little girl salmon waiting for him at the headwaters.

While 98% of ordinary stocks were falling in price - with many losing over half of their value - this salmon was thriving. even though it hadn't started paying dividends at all to that point!

What a time to starting paying major dividends, right? While much of the world seemed to be falling apart, this stock was just gathering momentum. Starting in 2007, when others were crashing and slashing dividends, this stunning stock was rallying - climbing and setting new records.

The Dividend Climbed 39%

But not only was the stock climbing, it was actually raising its dividend the entire time-by an amazing 39% over 2007 levels! Talk about contra-cyclical! It even surprised us at High Yield Wealth.

What sector is it in? It's a telecommunications company. Now, telecoms are often noted for being rock-solid steady income generators. But this one leads the pack by a long shot.

Moreover, its already-huge 10.8% dividend payment is likely to rise more in 2012 and beyond, according to my best calculations, because at this point it is offering you more safety than an average mainstream bank.

This solid salmon has already proven its strength in bad times. I can hardly imagine what it's going to produce for you in good times. Also, I believe another 39% dividend boost (to a market-clobbering 14.2%!) could be coming shortly. And the stock itself might jump another 82%, too! What else could you possibly want?

The details are yours free in The Best 10%+ Dividend Stock You'll Ever Own. Really, I can't wait for you to see it. You'll get the full profile on page three of your special report. It will show you why these dividends will obliterate the profits from any government bond, any CD, or any annuity... and give you a stable income for life.

Now, isn't that the sort of fortune-builder you'd like to have anchoring your portfolio?

You can have your copy of this report in your hands in a few days - and get started securing your financial future without further delay.

For several years, it seemed like the whole investment world had discovered ETFs (exchange traded funds), but not dividend-oriented investors-who are a different breed of cat, far more cautious than most.

But now that the word is out about high-yield ETFs, everything has changed. As proof, we offer you this special new report when you subscribe to High Yield Wealth for two years. This report can truly be a beginning cornerstone of any safe and growing income portfolio.

Basically, there is nothing fancy or markedly different about high-yield ETFs ... except that they pay a whompin' dividend-and you get to keep it all (along with the possible big tax advantage)!

This ultra-stable ETF pays 4%.

But you could easily make an additional 31% as this fund moves back to pre-crisis levels (pre-2008). Who said conservative income investing has to be dull?

You'll get the complete analysis of this reliable money-maker on page 7 of Three High-Yield ETFs.

This could be the original "dog-wagging tail!"

You'll start this fund with a tight focus on top-quality companies with a history of raising their dividends. But then you may wake up one morning to discover that your 3.5% has ballooned into a much larger part of your portfolio picture!

With a steadily rising dividend added onto a rebounding share price, it could remake your future. A detailed analysis starts on page 10 of Three High-Yield ETFs.

The Best of Both Worlds

Would you secretly like to be a global investor with solid properties in lucrative developing countries like Indonesia, Turkey, and Vietnam? ... but you're wary of the hassles and possible risks of operating in foreign venues with foreign currencies?

Your key to a simpler type of dividend-based investing is an ETF that handles all these potential problems for you.

It's no secret that emerging markets will tend to be the top-performing world economies for years to come. But now you can get low-risk profits from high-growth countries you've seen only in travel brochures. You'll never ever need to buy a single stock or bond on their exchanges, yet you could reap the giant rewards of a sophisticated international tycoon!

You'll get our money-making analysis on an emerging market bond ETF that pays nearly 6% on page 13 of Three High-Yield ETFs. It's yours free when you join us on a two-year ride through the wide world of income-based investing.

Relax and Let Us Do Your Worrying For You

Admit it, you've never seen an offer quite like this before. It's the end of your up-and-down financial troubles, the perfect blend of caution and progressive strategies.

Dividends never looked this good before!

Act now, you're old enough to know what happens to things you dawdle with.

Toward a growing future with sound sleep,

Ian Wyatt
High Yield Wealth

* Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of High Yield Wealth  research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such.


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Ian Wyatt's High Yield Wealth
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