

Huge news about the iPhone 5

By now, you've probably heard...


That the iPhone 5 will reportedly be unveiled at a special media event on Tuesday, October 4 -- and will hit the shelves shortly after that...


That we may not only see a brand-new iPhone 5, but also a cheaper, unlocked version of the iPhone 4 that could potentially be used on virtually any cellular network...


And that the iPhone 5 may be available on all major U.S. carriers, including Sprint -- which would be the only carrier to offer unlimited data plans for the iPhone...

But there's one thing you probably haven't heard about the iPhone 5... and as this eye-opening presentation reveals, this shocking fact could help make you a small fortune -- if you act now. To access this exclusive report, simply click the button below.

Click here to discover how you can profit from surprising information few investors know anything about

To your wealth,

Andy Cross
Andy Cross
Chief Investment Officer
The Motley Fool

P.S. -- I urge you to get the full story even if you don't plan on investing today, as this may well be one of the more intriguing opportunities you've heard about in years.

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