

Labor Day Sale at The Angling Bookstore

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The Angling Bookstore

Labor Day Sale- $5 off your Purchase


Enjoy the $5 discount on all purchases over $30.  We've chosen some brand new titles and a few signed editions that are available on demand.  The discount will be automatically applied to your shopping cart during checkout.  Happy shopping!



Ben & Brooke


Latest Deals
Books for your Region
Fly Tying Corner
Good Reads
$5 Coupon
Great new Region-Specific Books
New Hatch Guide
Pocketguide to Western Hatches
Hughes' peers include Ernest Schwiebert, Rick Hafele and Jim Schollmeyer.  Learn about the habitat, emergence, appearance, behavior and tactics of each bug in your water.  This guide will most definitely make you a better fly fisher.


Paul Weamer, 2nd Ed.
Fly Fishing Guide to the Upper Delaware River by Paul Weamer
Everything from boat launches to guide services and wading options.  The 2nd edition provides detailed information on the West & East Branches, and the Main Stem of the Upper Delaware.


Colorado's Best
Colorado's Best Fly Fishing by Landon Meyer
Landon Meyer is well-known for his knowledge of Colorado fly fishing.  This book provides updated information on guide shops as well as excellent coverage of Colorado fly fishing waters. Complete with beautiful photos that will entice you all the way to Landon's favorite fishing spots.


Take your Fly Tying to the Next Level
Art of the Fly
Art of the Fly
A great addition to the novice-intermediate fly tier.  Includes 50 fly patterns with step-by-step instructions.  Great hi-res photos with clear instructions for tying both saltwater and freshwater flies.



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Brown's Bonefish Patterns
Bonefish Fly Patterns by Dick Brown
197 patterns from expert bonefish angler, Dick Brown.  Each pattern is flanked by exact specifications, notes on best conditions to use the fly and "anecdotes" from the fly tier.  We all know how elusive bonefish can be, so the more patterns you have in your arsenal, the better! 



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Better Flies Faster
Better Flies Faster by Dave Klausmeyer
Dave Klausmeyer, longtime editor of Fly Tyer, has compiled tips and tricks from the best tiers in the industry.  This full-color instructional book incorporates new tools and materials, tricks to help you tie faster, work with naturals and more!



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Live to Fly Fish
Holding Lies by
John Larison
Holding Lies by John Larison
"Holding Lies is a taut, bighearted novel. It brings to life a tapestry of community sustained by the river, with the steelhead at its core.
A novel about fathers and daughters, friends and mentors, steeped in the ecology of place."


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Signed by Borger
Reading Waters by Gary Borger
A best-seller right off the press.  We have signed copies of Borger's latest in the series.  This comprehensive book will help you understand where fish will be feeding and the best techniques on mastering various waters. 



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Signed by Gierach
No Shortage of Good Days
This book is the next best thing to a day of fishing.  As always, Gierach writes about everything fly fishing...familiar waters, fishing etiquette, night fishing when the trout and the mosquitoes are both biting, and the delights of fresh fish cooked and eaten within sight of where it was caught.





Celebrate Labor Day with us!

Get $5 off your entire purchase during Checkout.  Discount will be automatically applied.


Offer Valid 9/2/2011-9/9/2011
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The Angling Bookstore | P.O Box 2986 | Crested Butte | CO | 81224

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