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Brass Farthing: Victorian Barbershop Tunes (video)

The Steampunk inspired barbershop group Brass Farthing croon and serenade attendees at Maker Faire Bay Area 2011. In this video they tell the story of one rapscallion of a trombonist who steals the heart of a concert-goer’s wife. With their Victorian clothing and brass aviator goggles, you can squint and almost imagine yourself within a Jules Verne novel.

Subscribe to the MAKE Podcast in iTunes, download the m4v video directly, or watch it on YouTube and Vimeo.

Check out more videos from Maker Faire Bay Area 2011.



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Knock On This Block; It's Actually a Clock

This charming Knock Clock was made by three Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design students for a 48-hour design project. When you knock on the top of this minimalistic wooden box, it knocks back the time of day (to the nearest quarter hour). It even has a basic alarm function, which—naturally—is set by knocking as well. [via Adafruit]

Update: Check out the interior of the Knock Clock here.



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