

[VIP Update] T.H.E. Ocular Optimizer


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T.H.E. Ocular Optimizer

Caring for our vision and the health of our eyes radically effects our making the
most out of our capacity for sight. The general cause of the eye disorder called
glaucoma, for example, appears to be a pressure problem within the eye that often
has its roots in our nutrition and lifestyle. Just as most of us have experienced
poorer or weaker eyesight when tired or unwell, the better our nutrition and overall
condition is the better our eyesight will be. Our eyesight can actually improve
along with concerted improvements in our general health, even as we age and come
to simply expect our eyes to deteriorate over time.

As for most cases of glaucoma, this eye dysfunction is usually a result of pressure
within the eyeball which, as it increases, damages the optic nerve. At the front
of the eye, there is a small space called the anterior chamber. When functioning
normally, clear fluid flows in and out of this chamber to bathe and nourish nearby
tissues. The potential for unwanted pressure may be found in a failure or developed
dysfunction of the tissue integrity and fluid control mechanism of the eye. Due
to this abnormal pressure, the fluid drains too slowly out of the eye. This is often
caused by free radical damage and/or inflammation. As the fluid builds up, the
pressure inside the eye rises. Unless this pressure is controlled, it may cause
damage to the optic nerve and other parts of the eye, even partial or total loss
of vision. [1]

The increase of pressure in the eye causes pressure on the retinal nerve fibers
and sometimes also causes the collapse of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the
light-sensitive cells of the retina and fibers of the optic nerve, both of which
play a vital part in vision. As the tissue weakens the pressure on cells and nerve
fibers within the eye begin to die and vision begins to further diminish. As we
age in particular, eye dysfunction occurs more often due to poor nutrition and
deteriorating or poor health in general. In some of us, the tissue and capillary
breakdown within the eye may be caused by a high glycemic diet or diabetes. Also,
a deficiency of arterial and collagen supporting nutrients such as vitamin C, zinc,
and procyanidins may be contributing factors. Although true for all ages, over time,
optimal health becomes more and more important in maintaining delicate tissues and
capillaries of the eye. The problem with glaucoma appears to be a structural eye
problem due to breakdown of the eye's drainage canals. They tend to angle and bend
with age, interfering with the flow of fluid. The resulting backup of fluid causes
an increase in pressure within the eye. Collagen supporting and capillary strengthening
nutrients, and often lack thereof, play one of the most important roles in the development
of many eye dysfunctions. [2]

There is evidence that a vegetarian diet will help in weight reduction, lower blood
pressure, and arteriosclerotic vascular disease, all of which drastically impacts
the health of our eyes. A vegetarian diet can actually help reduce the incidence
of diabetes. This directly relates to an improve blood flow to the eyes. A vegetarian
diet is usually high in vitamins and minerals which are essential to healthy eye
capillaries. Some of the most beneficial nutrients to optimal eye health are found
in vegetables and fruits. Many citrus fruits contain vitamin C, which is very important
in maintaining the integrity of collagen in our eyes. [3]Collagen is a protein found
in the tubes of our eye that drains the fluid. It has been shown that sufficient
intake of vitamin C lowers the fluid pressure in the eye. Furthermore, many fruits
and vegetables also contain flavonoids which possess protective eye properties.
The flavanoids quercetin and rutin are also reported to increase the effectiveness
of vitamin C in people with glaucoma.[4] This is why we highly recommend Vibrant
Health Super Natural Vitamin C. This whole food formula contains some of nature's
most potent sources of natural vitamin C.

Research has also shown that the hormone melatonin, which is naturally released
from our pineal gland each night to help us sleep, can also help lower intraocular
pressure of healthy people with glaucoma. Periodic supplemental melatonin may be
helpful for people with glaucoma. Interestingly, the production of this hormone
decreased with advanced age which may be responsible for many chronic problems
with the elderly. Also, the mineral magnesium, which is found in green leafy vegetables,
can help dilate blood vessels and improve vision.[5] The mineral chromium helps
the eye's muscles to focus closely and intently. When our bodies have low level
of chromium, our bodies compensate by increasing the pressure in the eye. So clearly
you can see that a diet of empty calories like our Standard American Diet or (SAD)
can be detrimental to our vision over time. On the other hand, a balanced diet of
vegetables, fruit, and herbs high in antioxidants is vital to optimal eye health.
[6] For these reasons, we highly recommend Vibrant Health Rainbow Vibrance, a formula
of 37 different antioxidants. Rainbow Vibrance contains plant pigments/antioxidants
from astaxanthin to turmeric, with multiple berry extracts. This is an excellent
product and comes in a convenient powdered form which can be added to foods for
higher antioxidant content.

Two of the carotenoids that are especially plentiful in spinach called lutein and
zeaxanthin are primary antioxidants in several regions of the eye, including the
retina and the macula. We've also seen at least one group of researchers suggesting
that spinach has a likely role to play in prevention of eye problems, including
glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. Other lutein and zeaxanthin rich
vegetables include kale, turnip greens, collards, mustard greens, squash, green
peas, and broccoli. Chlorophyll rich algae like spirulina, chlorella, and blue-green
algae also possess nutrients that are beneficial for the eyes. Carrots are loaded
with vitamin A and beta-carotene which are also a great help to optimal eye health.[7]
This is why a vegetarian type of diet is often recommended for concerns due to optimal
eye health. We also recommend juicing greens and adding one of the very best greens
and antioxidant formulas called Green Vibrance from Vibrant Health. It is loaded
with multiple grasses, superfoods, antioxidant herbs and vegetables all in a powdered

The powerful antioxidant found in fruits and berries called procyanidins are known
for their ability to scavenge and neutralize harmful free radicals. Another bi-product
of nature called french maritime pine bark also contains procyanidins which helps
to regulate the cell's antioxidant network and associated gene expressions. Human
studies have shown that french maritime pine bark improves vascular endothelial
function. This is the delicate layer of critical lining cells inside blood vessels
that possess wide-ranging effects on vessel tone, integrity, inflammation, antioxidant
protection, and repair of the eye. Disorders of endothelial function have also been
cited as contributing factors to the development and progression of glaucoma. The
active components of pine bark may act on a molecular level to decrease inflow of
the liquid called aqueous humor, which improve microvascular tone and integrity.
French marine pine bark decreases resistance across the region of the eye responsible
for this fluid drainage, and possibly contributes to better fluid outflow.[8] If
you want a high quality pine bark/pycnogenol product we suggest Natural Factors
Pycnogenol which is standardized with 15% procyanidins per capsule.

The daily pressures and stress we all confront in our lives is often unavoidable.
The pressure and stress that we experience in our eyes that can literally destroy
how well we see is manageable, if not completely avoidable. "Food as Medicine",
an often repeated mantra of ours, couldn't be truer than in the case of our vision.
'T.H.E. Ocular Optimizer' is actually the management of the choices available to
us. Integrity is often viewed as a matter of honesty or what we believe. The integrity
of our eyes, especially when challenged, can be a matter of choice.

[This information is for educational purposes and is not recommended as a direct
means of diagnosing or treating an illness. Regarding the best information we can
find, we hope to help make available some of the finest quality food and supplements
and associated products that may be of use in your individual management of your
good health. As always, we recommend a consultation with your Physician prior to
the initiating of or use of any nutritional products, especially if you are taking
medications, are pregnant, or are nursing.]

30% OFF

Vibrant Health Super Natural Vitamin C (60 caps)

Sale Price $18.54 [ SRP $26.49 ]

100% Plant Source Vitamin C

Vibrant Health Rainbow Vibrance (177 grams)

Sale Price $32.17 [ SRP $45.95 ]

Full Color Spectrum Antioxidants

Vibrant Health Green Vibrance ( 12.17 oz)

Sale Price $ [ SRP $49.95 ]

Organic Greens-Grasses-Herbs-Phyto-nutrients

Natural Factors Pycnogenol (60 caps)

Sale Price $20.97 [ SRP $29.95 ]

French Maritime Pine Bark

30% OFF


[2] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7933422?dopt=Abstract

[3] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7933422?dopt=Abstract

[4] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1993036?dopt=Abstract

[5] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7715920?dopt=Abstract

[6] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17664009

[7] http://lpi.oregonstate.edu/infocenter/phytochemicals/carotenoids/


Thank you for including us in your day. We value your time and are committed to
your health and happiness. From all of us at The Health Emporium, we wish you well.
We hope, every day, you have a great day!

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