

Weekly Recap: Top Internet Marketing Stories via Brafton News

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Your Week in News from Brafton.com

One-third of Twitter users follow between one and five brands

While consumers aren't against following brands on Twitter, most prefer to add only a few to their lists, according to new data from Lab42.

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Early morning emails have strongest performance

Email marketing campaigns that are sent to consumers in the early hours of the morning garner better open and click-through rates compared to messages sent later in the day, according to a new report from email service provider MailerMailer.

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Google changes the way it classifies internal links

Having a healthy library of incoming links is crucial to effective search engine optimization. Google is now changing the way it evaluates incoming links from subdomains, counting them as internal links.

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Twitter buttons drive social media interactions

A new report from Bright Edge suggests that featuring social share plug-ins, such as Twitter's retweet button, on a brand's website may encourage more visitor interaction.

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Affluent consumers are more active online

While most consumers tightened their purse strings and began spending less during the economic recession, some affluent Americans continued to shop at the same pace, making them favorite targets of businesses.

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Report: Consumers consult blogs before making purchase decisions

Blog marketing increasingly influences consumers' purchase decisions, with a new report from Cone suggesting Americans are 50 percent more likely to read blogs and articles for product research this year compared to 2010.

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As new media emerges, marketers shifting priorities

The rise of digital and online marketing tools has sent many small- and medium-sized businesses back to the drawing board, as these companies are looking to leverage new channels to boost their marketing campaigns.

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Smartphone growth changing mobile habits

As more Americans make the upgrade from traditional cellphones to smartphones, mobile habits are changing significantly - a development that should not be lost on businesses and their marketing departments.

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Content marketing alert: Googlebot takes over News crawling responsibilities

Rather than using a dedicated web crawler to index news pages, Google announced that Googlebot will now crawl web content and news content.

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Consumers searching for Google+ are younger, more affluent than Facebook searchers

Consumers researching Google+on the web tend to be younger and more affluent than those searching for Facebook, new comScore data suggests.

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