

Bobolink Weather Alert: Outdoor markets cancelled Saturday 10/29/11, farm store open, special cheese update

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Bobolink Dairy & Bakehouse
Autumn Update
October 20th, 2011 10:15 am

in this issue

Market cancellations
At the farm store this week
At the markets this week
Come to the Farm this weekend!


October snowstorm=Saturday outdoor markets cancelled today 10/29/11
We are sorry for any inconvenience that this may cause.
If you were scheduled to pick up pre-orders, we will contact you.
The farm store is open, and we plan to attend the Dvoor Farmer's market tomorrow
in Flemington.
Today's farm tour is cancelled, but we plan to run the 11 am tour tomorrow.

At the farm store this week:
Whey-fed pork
Smoked hams
Smoked pork bones
Scrapple (made with our own whey-fed pork!)
Suckled veal

* Frolic
* Drumm
* Cave-aged Cheddar (15 months)
* Jean-Louis Blue (limited supply) We are offering these cheeses a la carte on our
website, as well as at the farm and markets.

Jean-Louis Blue--now available by preorder and at the farm
After a two year hiatus, we are pleased to offer our Jean-Louis Blue once again.
There is a limited quantity in this release, with some more coming out of the cave
later this fall.

Jean-Louis Blue is made by an ancient Visigotic method (really!) and does not suffer
from the excessive saltines and metallic tinge that so many other blues impart.
This is a blue cheese that can be enjoyed as is, without sweet port and pears or
a salad beneath it.

Because this release is limited, we are offering it by mail order and farmers' market
pre-order only: you can order it online for shipment, or you can specify to pick
it up at your favorite framer's market, or at the farm, as you prefer. There will
be a limited amount available at the farm store this weekend, while it lasts.

Click here to order Jean-Louis Blue [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05_lOfB__yUts4yIGVSI3GacXyGhMbVcs_8DGlFYMKUl54ysXm4NaO_g_9jdcCgPSGfPTNDEe3FEtBauhvyu38pcBKerel4hVLCDF5MNL8RB6M4z3EuU3fqubVp4DVKmXPgSjRqC3D47wltHDRzrN9wJVenf7FfDiio=]

There are several nearby pick-your-own places in the vicinity, not to mention the
famed Ship Inn in the village of Milford, where traditionally brewed ales are served
along decidedly un-traditionally good pub food, and farm-to-table, no less.
We are a mere 70 minutes from the Holland Tunnel!
Click here for directions to the farm [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05-Qnj8nVdGQAgAo6kkiBFvp7ThRU1zCvU-DiPeIGUgp-jXXwOhMiCP_KcjXx1oavoqUz7OlP1Wuwb87EVXiBUDcskAbMRbyCklidkZd5Z4yw9VRqjs_57sUGprXsQ3MsYgg8n1YJ3BfbSGZ6O_mHpYBiNRsFlsiMqchdMCUGoqYaLDFt62X6ON9RvFMggrQIQ407UCM6yDexZ019FcrfCvfWhwmLkjmbihxV48HaETLn43Vk3cRdo2026Zn0Scb_UCym8m714RroeLeKKRu4yyOWza_zAfQkcCNj6h9bdoV5zi5uFbaagX0VXqke2X7wNNNdZCCbg1rjtSw84K-lrbzYqXPD2LfVeeQtasNKC0P0yiVh9dnFlWpbGG_OXMn2RTQglYlktdiX_mhOAWjLZbKCGMOWPz4mZqrvGXpeBhafg9Ebl5d2WJUivx0lmee1OFJ7JiyT8ApHhmXRrTXKQk31UvlxI716XjQHjENnDKakDNYlv8HEOXrUhK6Lg7E-NbOKGEqLsUwPXcPH4iMUSZdUalPQwVQJZbhiQvKR_G4kYRvSswf0gxCNrM0LV2UT_U=]
Click for Tours on Saturday and Sunday at 11 AM [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05_KYa40M4fFjZ7fcTUkhpwqsvvN4deie5F6UqxmJMkftzFDA3el-7yQJaYrsmAxX2kO3Qp0KZjOAMP3uejCKMkR301aoNBaB_svuMl66MmSvhS6WmXJKsUKRKN8dMvQXbk=]

Our Website [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05_IzyqsV5v9dNRAEBnS_pPmtNhW2Q39Y9zqVjjMxmMcWX8mRRogykbdc1VIgiRzQjD2373NJA-Md62wsUCjbqdLXePmtqDyksShIj5HVzi0JQ==]
Who we are and what we do
Bobolink's Online Store [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05_v73mDdu8Hd908apUae66TP7DFKy-Juy1_4fFmteTjB_pV9UayoyrDY26DwyNzRUKQsg5zQ7jc7MPQq_RBT4AoDrDofWMPlTJQsiRqL3LlsQ==]
The next best thing to coming to the farm
The Bobolink Oven Website [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05__pjc_BdSwpjOcjWSOQwX9E_vCwdJhgngWp0y3PGgelwU-cfBIuF4KYe1nFWdJtoIRUw7vrnqB1HcuLO9PRjAzVS0264hlq2_lDVwiO0qKBQ==]
Streaming video and real-time temperature display

Contact Information
Bobolink (llc) Dairy & Bakehouse [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05-n9db58EVN6eI_oW2IIUiG5zxacHtSn3ofgNAEXfmCP_vudLHP3N7S6IqQmROs3PSPakw1Tn2PfJ99A-jfsRHU112bgBJRuWQ=]
Nina & Jonathan White
369 Stamets Rd.
Milford, NJ 08848 (please note new address)
voicemail: 908-86-GRASS
Farm store open Mon, Wed Thur and Fri 12-6, Sat-Sun 9-5 CLOSED TUESDAY
Tours every Saturday and Sunday @ 11 am.
click here for ACCURATE driving directions to Bobolink [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=b98ul5bab&et=1108375447744&s=9622&e=0019hk9Jzji05-L8ORdiM6O2s9-Wg2i4n8d-Eu4Jwg7e9tdumqhBiARMV6oTgB3OOOpCkdJLX6GGNxlMhksFPgEGHXiWn_8ekUIGymL_71_vv4CIUHs5Ua2DL8sNyNdKYsqASRa3rphGX12xeHUVmkhvugRVvpk_4hUsUL1671YB6ir_ydqLUanaaVRlZdgRSbFpHaxhz96pA3ij9oCF-tZYFy9UL28SlqxmAWiXX7V4OeZV6gTMRMMJ4pcW9lTMKnCQwjUzc-FpS1mtW8bz0UCbjU0Osnjj_oI4mXA2WDm2MCLULWFuntIpUp7jMPT-YORqMLAlca7flwE7KT_JzRXnVaUR3SRq_tAPRWE1aCnsmGAiBT009-jh0-GLxrz_05v]
email us at info@cowsoutside.com

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Bobolink(llc) Dairy & Bakehouse | 369 Stamets Road | Milford | NJ | 08848

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