

Brag Basket full of candy corn - Small Biz Survival

Brag Basket full of candy corn - Small Biz Survival

Brag Basket full of candy corn

Posted: 28 Oct 2011 04:30 AM PDT

The Brag Basket is our tradition of sharing. The basket is always free and open all weekend, this one October 28-30, 2011.

Pumpkin Pie Candy Corn (2)
Oct 30 is National Candy Corn Day. FYI.
Photo by SnarkyGurl
Don't hold back because of that word, "brag." When you hold back, you hide your good news and accomplishments that might inspire others. Even though I call this the Brag Basket, it's not really about bragging. It's about sharing.

What can you do in the Brag Basket?
  • introduce yourself
  • share some great news from this week
  • congratulate a friend
  • laugh about something wonderful that you tried that failed
  • applaud for each other

Speak up and add yourself or another deserving soul in the comments. We all cheer, and everyone feels great. It lets you meet each other a bit. Reading each others' stories brings us a bit closer to being a community.

How does it work? You write a comment on this post.

This is not an ad. (I delete the ads.) It's a conversation with friends. So jump in. And remember to cheer for each other.

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