

Catch the premier of The US Youth Soccer Show's eighth episode Friday, Nov. 4

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Catch the premier of The US Youth Soccer Show's eighth episode Friday, Nov. 4

Check out the 2011 season only on FOX Soccer

November Show TV Listing
Friday, Nov. 4 @ 6 p.m. ET (Premier)
Friday, Nov. 18 @ 6 p.m. ET
Thursday, Dec. 1 @ 7 p.m. ET
* Subject to change. Check your local listing.

Did you miss a show? Catch up on iTunes or YouTube [ link http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=4&d=227&mid=698003&m=1541 ]

US Youth Soccer's monthly program, The US Youth Soccer Show, brings viewers in depth with US Youth Soccer events, players, coaches and more. The 30-minute show airs only Fox Soccer, the official television partner of US Youth Soccer.

Where should our cameras go? If you have a story idea or want your story to be seen on TV, email us at theshow@usyouthsoccer.org . For more information about the show, including air times and dates, go to usyouthsoccer.org/the_show/ http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=5&d=227&mid=698003&m=1541

The November show premiers on the 4th and includes stories from:

...the US Youth Soccer National League season is about to begin and last year 22 of 36 slots in the National Championships were claimed by National League teams. Learn a little more about the top league in the country for Boys and Girls.

...the Kohl's US Youth Soccer American Cup has traveled all over the United States giving thousands of recreational players the chance to show off what they've got. The event recently rolled through Kansas and we got the scoop.

...it's important for coaches to continue learning and growing with the game. US Youth Soccer Director of Coaching, Sam Snow, was up to the challenge and we caught up with him at a coaching clinic at the New York Red Bulls Arena.

...do you ever get to practice early and don't want to stand around? Would you like a quick game to play with a few friends? We show you an idea for a quick and fun game that also challenges your skills.

...Indiana Soccer Association set out to impact kids through soccer and created a unique program that met kids right where they were...in school. Learn about what kids are doing in the Indianapolis Public Schools.

...the US Youth Soccer Workshop is coming to Boston in February and one of the highlights is the annual Awards Gala, which include the Goal and Save of the Year awards. Learn more about the contest and how to send in your DVD now for a chance to win!

Don't miss The US Youth Soccer Show, now in its sixth season on Fox Soccer and running each month through December! Watch the entire 2010 season on US Youth Soccer's free podcast and look for podcasts from this season on USYouthSoccer.org.

For more information and to download full shows from iTunes, go to usyouthsoccer.org/podcasts http://idevmail.americaneagle.com/link.aspx?l=6&d=227&mid=698003&m=1541

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