He assured me it wasn't personal. I could have his blessing, but I shouldn't get my hopes up. For all my good intentions, NOBODY can expect to provide his daughter a happy and comfortable life. Not even an ambitious college graduate like me, heading east to an Ivy League business school in the fall. Not in these times... Not with the "socialists" in the White House... millions pounding the pavement for work... our military mired in conflict and worn out. At best, we should prepare for a lifetime of mediocrity and scraping by. It's not my fault, he assured me. It's The End of America. It makes you want to cash out your 401k... stockpile guns... and start a working farm!The story you just read isn't mine. It's my best recollection of something I heard this summer in the American heartland. I was asked not to record the conversation. I respectfully agreed. You'll understand why once you know whose story it is and how it ends. But you get the gist of it, right? You've probably heard a variation of it from your own family and friends. You may even have one like it yourself. I certainly do. I'd love to compare experiences with you just ahead. But first, I want you to see something remarkable you won't hear about on CNBC or in any "End of America" video. Yet it might be just the opportunity you've been waiting for and the most interesting story you hear all year. How one U.S. company quietly fueled the most fortune-generating innovations the world has ever seen...Without the contributions of this U.S. pioneer, Thomas Edison might never have invented the light bulb... and he certainly wouldn't have been able to mass-produce it... Thousands of railcars would have ground to a standstill at the turn of the century due to the lack of a safe and reliable means to manage an ever-increasing amount of traffic... Radios and TVs might never have made it into millions of homes across America -- not to mention the world. Ultra-high-powered telescopes -- including the Hubble and Subaru -- would have never glimpsed distant galaxies... and NASA astronauts may well have never made it to the moon. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. High-speed Internet would be a luxury reserved for university libraries and top-secret government agencies... wonder drugs would have gone undiscovered... and you would have no idea what a "flat screen" TV even looks like. Amazingly, this one master innovator had a hand in all these and nearly every other technological innovation you can name. I'd defy you to go a day without using something that relies on its technology. Yet, despite its incredible 160-year track record -- much like the great nation that spawned it -- this company has been counted out time and time again by Wall Street analysts, loud-mouthed "experts," and the investing public in general. And you know what? That's music to my ears -- and it's fantastic news for hardworking, profit-minded investors like us. Because much like EVERY SINGLE TIME some clown sends you an urgent video update declaring "It's The End of America..." these wiseacres have been proven dead wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME. Meanwhile, investors who have recognized this company's uncanny ability to reinvent itself have gone on to make spectacular fortunes -- again and again. And you can mark my words when I tell you this time is no different. Which is why I think we're face to face with a once-in-a-generation opportunity...If the Wall Street gearheads have this story straight, you could expect this company to grow 2% per year for decades (you'll see why that's downright crazy in just a moment)... But they've got it wrong yet again. And it's not entirely their fault. Remember, most "professional investors" make a living trading in and out of stocks day after day. Their focus is on how much they can make their clients -- and more importantly themselves -- in the next day or week (or hour!). They're just clever enough to realize that for the past decade this company's bread and butter has been supplying behind-the-scenes components critical to the manufacture of LCD and other fla-screen TVs. And now that everyone and their mother has upgraded to flat screens, it's only natural that they assume that the company's sales are about drop off a cliff... making this story unsexy and irrelevant. They're on to the next hot story. But they're wrong on two major fronts, DEAD WRONG. For starters, here are a few very important details these short-sighted "analysts" are overlooking at their own peril...
Couple that with the fact that this remarkable All-American innovator ...
And you can see why I am so eager to get in touch with you today. And we haven't even discussed the "hidden" catalyst that's poised to drive this All-American company higher. Namely, that the company has developed yet another revolutionary new product (more on this just ahead) with sales realistically projected to grow 700% between 2010 and 2014. I'll tell you more about this unusual opportunity just ahead, the details on this game-changing new product breakthrough and everything you need to get invested yourself. But first you have every right to wonder... Is RIGHT NOW the time to be buying stocks?Seriously, right now? With all the negativity and volatility in the market... with the economy on the brink of a double-dip recession... Europe on the ropes... and "The End of America" barreling down on us? To put those concerns in context, let me tell you what became of the college graduate who headed east to make his fortune, claim his young bride, and prove his future father-in-law wrong. In fact, he did marry his young girlfriend. They did not, however, endure a life of "mediocrity and scraping by" as predicted. Quite the contrary. Over the next 60 years, he methodically turned a $100 investment into one of the greatest fortunes in history. And he didn't do it by hoarding silver and gold... stockpiling guns... or starting a working farm. He certainly didn't build his fortune by shorting American ingenuity and fretting over his father-in-law's warning about "The End of America." He amassed a stockpile of wealth -- totaling more than $39 BILLION -- by methodically identifying America's best companies... investing his own personal capital in them... and riding their coattails to unthinkable wealth.
You probably realize I'm talking about Warren Buffett -- the world's greatest investor and second-richest man -- and that it was Buffett who shared his story with me at his annual stockholders' meeting in Omaha this past summer. You also probably realize that it was no coincidence that Buffett launched his miraculous career precisely at a time when EVERYONE around him was crying the blues and burying their heads in the sand... When EVERYONE was convinced that America was going to hell in a hand basket! Sound familiar? You bet it does. And you know what? Just as a young Warren Buffett knew back in 1952 that warnings of "The End of America" create once-in-a-generation opportunities for serious investors, I know in my heart that we've just been handed such an opportunity ourselves. Why am I so sure? Because like you, I've been there. Yes, I've seen the "End of America" with my own eyes...You see, when I was 18, my buddy Eric came home on leave from the U.S. Military Academy. He was determined but shaken.
The Soviets, he told me, have nine tanks for every one of ours. Morale is low... equipment shoddy and outdated... recruits aren't joining... enlisted men aren't re-uping. The Red Army, meanwhile, was "hardening" its silos against the effects of nuclear weapons -- meaning they could successfully launch their missiles AFTER taking a direct nuclear hit... And failing that, they have mobile missile launchers that are essentially invisible to us but can deploy nuclear warheads from truck beds and railcars all over Eastern Europe. That was some grisly intel -- but it was no "loss of innocence" -- it was more like the last straw.By then, every living soul on the planet knew that America was in the crapper. It had been 10 years since a bunch of goofballs called OPEC turned the spigots off, and our neighbors' banged-up cars snaked around the street corners ... When I was 14, angry mobs of "students" stormed OUR embassy in Tehran, kidnapping 52 Americans, and burning OUR flag on national TV... Inflation AND unemployment hit double digits before I turned 15... and when I climbed behind the wheel of my parents' Grand Prix, mortgage rates hit 18%.
The so-called "misery index" peaked above 20% for the first time in history. On my 17th birthday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 851, almost exactly where it closed that same day 10 years earlier. Factories slammed shut... U.S. Marines slinked out of Saigon... a president resigned... New York City flirted with bankruptcy... and the Soviets paraded their tanks in Red Square. Japan, once the butt of jokes in Detroit factories and bars, flexed its muscles -- and everyone knew it would be the world's next, ultimate, and perhaps only economic superpower. Bad times. I fled my parents' house to study economics in the fall of 1982, surprised that the other shoe hadn't already dropped. And you know what? That's not the worst of it...And I don't mean crawling beneath our desks to prepare for "the big one." I don't mean Three Mile Island... the New York City blackout... Baader Meinhof... the rise of class warfare and urban street crime... or the general feeling of despair that washed over everything and everybody. That was bad enough, but this was worse. I mean standing in front of a candy machine, your mother trying to explain that when you're her age -- if you live that long -- a Snickers bar will cost $20...
A can of Coke will cost $50... and a gallon of gas $100. Dinner and a movie will set you back a week's wages, if you can afford such an extravagance... "IF you even have a job at all!" Looking back, I call this period the "great acceleration" -- and that's exactly what it felt like coming of age in the 1970s. Things were bad, and they weren't going to get better. Ever. They were going to get worse and keep on getting worse... only at a faster and faster rate every day. If I had to guess, I'd say that's what it feels like at "The End of America!" Of course, I'm not telling YOU anything you don't already know...But when I first tried to explain this to my colleague, Austin Edwards, he looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Then again, I don't call him "The Kid" for nothing. He didn't live through "The End of America" like we did in the 1970s... or endure the "prepare for a lifetime of mediocrity and scraping by" speech from his girlfriend's father. This is his first trip to the rodeo. And for awhile there, "The Kid" was pretty rattled by all this new "End of America" talk... So you can probably understand why I'm so glad he was with me to hear the gloomy story we opened with today. Suffice it to say that neither of us rushed home that day to cash out our 401ks... stockpile guns... or start a working farm. Quite the contrary. We decided then and there to double down on our savings and invest in America -- for the future. And that's why I'm writing you this unusual personal plea today. You see, we have identified an opportunity that I expect to make both of us a great deal of money. In fact, I'm going to personally invest the instant my compliance officer gives me the green light. And lest you dismiss me as some senile old Wahoo, you should know that my young colleague, "The Kid," is investing his own money, too. In fact, the whole thing was his idea. We'd love for you to join us (in fact, you are invited to invest ahead of us). Of course, I'm talking about the remarkable American technology leader with a revolutionary new product breakthrough. So let me tell you more about it, the unusual gentleman who led me to it -- and why I'm convinced NOW is the time to move. This could be the growth story of the decade -- maybe the centuryWe've discussed this company's breakthrough technology, cutting-edge products, fortress balance sheet, forward-looking management, and uncanny ability to reinvent itself. Also why I'm convinced "the market" has the story all wrong. Couple this with general investor skittishness, and you can buy this innovative, cash-generating company at about half of its 52-week highs -- amazingly, at roughly just SIX times earnings. That might be a bargain for a low-growth, cigar-butt business whose best days and meaningful growth are behind it. LET ALONE a technology leader whose products have fueled everything from the light bulb to the Internet to flat-screen TVs... And whose latest breakthrough invention is a crucial input in the manufacture of what is shaping up to be the growth story of the coming decade -- if not the century. You probably know what it is. If you're like me, you and everyone you know have already dropped hundreds -- if not thousands of dollars -- of your own money on one of these must-have gadgets. You may even think you know the very best way to profit from this explosive trend...But I urge you to bear with me just a moment longer and get the full story -- for two reasons. First, in the next few paragraphs I'm going to share a crucial piece of intel with you that investors seem to overlooking. Since 1994 -- a period spanning a dot.com bust... credit meltdown... and a "lost decade for stock investors" -- his fully documented recommendations have earned investors 17.9% annualized, better than 2.5 times the return of the S&P 500. In fact, you may already know him. He first appeared on the cover of Fortune back in the early 1990s when he STRONGLY recommended a company called America Online to an underground group of investors who were avidly following his stock-picking strategy. Of course, it hardly took a genius to notice that millions were "going online" in 1994. But when the stock more than quadrupled in 12 short months, Wall Street analysts wrote the company off as a passing fad and moved on (again, sound familiar?). This unorthodox investor begged to differ. He recognized that the Internet wasn't a fad, and that America Online was the undisputed leader of what would become the most important and explosive industry of the coming decade. A few early doubles and triples are no reason to turn your back on the opportunity to invest in a "first mover" and "top dog" in an important and growing market sector. Quite the contrary. He pounded the table to his growing legions of followers, insisting that NOW is the time to buy. So who was right? You tell me... As you can see, shares of America Online went on to shoot up more than 10,000% -- AFTER this unusual gentleman told us to buy. Meaning had you followed his advice you would have turned a $5,000 investment into over HALF A MILLION dollars...Yes, you read that correctly -- $500,000. In just six short years. And this was no one-time fluke or lucky break. This same gentleman also told me, along with thousands of otherwise ordinary investors, to buy ...
Imagine: $5,000 invested in each of those stocks would now be worth $545,000. And those are just a few of literally DOZENS of massive winners this unconventional investor recommended over the past 17 years (I'll show you more just ahead). By now, you may have guessed that I'm talking about David Gardner, best-selling author and co-founder of the grassroots investment community, The Motley Fool. And you can understand why any time David Gardner gets worked up about an investment opportunity, I stand up and take notice. And I can assure you, this is about as excited as I've seen him in 10 years. In fact, Gardner not only made this U.S. technology leader a formal investment recommendation to members of The Motley Fool's flagship investment advisory service, Motley Fool Stock Advisor... He just named it one of a handful of "Best Buys Now" stocks. Frankly, it's not hard to see why. Buying this stock right now is like buying Hope Diamond growth potential -- at cubic zirconia prices...It's time I revealed the catalyst Wall Street is overlooking and unconventional growth investor David Gardner is convinced can realistically earn you a double or triple on your investment -- or more. The company recently developed a component that is absolutely critical to the production of two of the fastest-growing products in history: smartphones and tablet computers. In fact, although it's not verified or confirmed by the company, the speculation among in-the-know industry insiders is that this company provides these ultra-crucial components for Apple's newest iPhones and iPads. Not to mention smartphones like the Kyocera Echo... the Samsung Galaxy S and S II... and dozens of models from HTC, Motorola, and Nokia -- including the HTC EVO 4G, the Motorola Droid X2, and the Nokia N9... As well as the Motorola XOOM tablets... the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1... and the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet. You'd be hard-pressed to find a smartphone or tablet that doesn't rely on this company's best-in-class, product breakthrough. Yet, because it operates behind the scenes, you won't hear too much about it... Just like you wouldn't have heard much about Cummins (maker of industrial truck engines) when the Interstate trucking revolution was just beginning... Or Intel when the PC revolution was first gaining steam... or even Cisco (maker of network routers) when the Internet began to spread like wildfire. I don't have to tell you how successful these companies went on to be -- and the fortunes they made for investors. Or that the mobile computing revolution could very easily wind up being every bit as massive (and profitable). But you don't have to take my word for it...Just have a look at the eye-popping estimates and mind-boggling numbers being offered up by some of America's top market research firms and industry insiders...
Industry watchdog IHS iSuppli seconds this opinion, predicting worldwide tablet sales will triple to 60 million units this year from last year -- and that that number will grow to over 275 million units by 2015. If those estimates are even in the ballpark, it should come as no surprise that this company expects sales of its patented, breakthrough component to rocket from $250 million last year... to $800 million this year... and $2 BILLION by 2014. In other words, 700% REVENUE GROWTH over the next four years. Yet the market is pricing this U.S. technology leader as though it will grow just 2% per year for the foreseeable future. No wonder company insiders snapped up over $1 million worth of stock in the past two months... and the board just authorized the company to buy back another $1.5 billion worth of its own shares over the next two years. And it's the major reason why David Gardner, one of the most successful growth investors of our time, insists that right now is the time to invest -- AND why my colleague, "The Kid," and I are going to do just that as soon as our compliance officer gives us the go-ahead. By now I imagine you're giving some serious thought to investing yourself. Just ahead, I'll show you how you can access a new research report giving you everything you need to know -- you can even download it to your desktop in minutes. It's called "The Ultimate 'End of America' Play: One Stock You Must Buy While The Chips Are Down" -- and it reveals the full details on this remarkable company, including its name, stock ticker, and a full rundown of its financial health, growth prospects, and even any potential risks. I'll also show you how you can access it free of charge when you agree to sample The Motley Fool's top equity research -- David and Tom Gardner's Motley Fool Stock Advisor -- at the lowest price we've ever offered, with no risk or obligation. Ready to get started? Claim your FREE report right now and lock in the absolute lowest price we've ever offered on Motley Fool Stock Advisor. Simply click here now for our very best deal. Or read on for more about the two remarkable investors Money.com calls... "Among the most widely followed stockpickers in the world" -- Money.comRemember, I've been at this a while and have met my share of Wall Street gurus. Yet I have NEVER crossed paths with an investor with a Midas touch quite like David Gardner. We've discussed how Gardner led me to Amazon in 1997... Starbucks and Amgen in 1998... eBay in 1999... and countless others since March 2002, including...
But we both know it's your overall performance that matters. Earlier I mentioned that going back to 1994, David Gardner's fully documented recommendations have earned investors 17.9% annualized. Meaning that by following David Gardner's advice -- simply buying the stocks he told you to buy, WHEN he told you to buy them... you could have doubled the value of your portfolio every four years. Since March 2002, when David and his brother Tom Gardner launched their Motley Fool Stock Advisor newsletter advisory service, David Gardner's AVERAGE recommendation is up 99% -- yes, nearly a double per pick. And overall, Motley Fool Stock Advisor members have been treated to 16.7% portfolio gains. Just look at what earning that 16.7% per year can do to your wealth, even with a modest upfront investment... Beating the S&P 500 by 8 to 1 Yes that's a fully documented track record and the same annualized number mutual funds are required by law to report. But you'd be hard-pressed to find a mutual fund with a track record like that. I know this sounds fantastic. And I can assure you I've spent a great deal of time over the past decade digging into HOW David Gardner has generated such improbable returns. Here's the best I can do to explain those gaudy results...Like Warren Buffett, David Gardner invests in things he understands from the inside out -- in his case, disruptive technologies and game-changing trends. Often these are paradigm shifts that shake our foundations and change our lives. In other words, major long-term trends like Internet retail... digital animation... online gaming... medical technology... new media... cloud computing... and, of course, the mobile revolution we're discussing today. As important, unlike other growth investors I've studied, Gardner almost always insists on identifying the industry-defining companies driving these trends and is willing to pay up when he finds one. In my view, that's a big part of what led him to life-changing investments in AOL in 1994... Amazon in 1997... Starbucks and Amgen in 1998... eBay in 1999. More recently, it has led his readers to fortune-building profits on...
The list goes on and on. Again, I've studied his methods for going on 10 years. Frankly, I don't know exactly how he does it. But results don't lie.
The game is about to change again -- and one company is leading the charge...Of course, I mean the American technology leader with the knack for reinvention and the breakthrough component that's fueling the mobile computer revolution. We've discussed it at length today. Including how I'm so convinced there's big money to be made on this opportunity, my colleague, "The Kid," and I are putting our own skin in the game -- buying the stock for our own portfolios. And now that Amazon has just announced that it will use this critical input for its hugely anticipated new Kindle Fire tablet scheduled to ship within the month, you can see why I say the time to act is right now. But you need the whole story before you invest -- preferably straight from David Gardner himself. That's why I'd like to send you a copy of his report, "The Ultimate 'End of America' Play: One Stock You Must Buy While The Chips Are Down" with my compliments. That way, you'll have all the facts you need to decide if you want to invest along with us. In return, I ask that you simply agree to sample David and Tom Gardner's market-beating stock research, without risk or obligation, for 30 full days. Why accept this unusual offer?You've heard about the market-beating research, forward-thinking stock recommendations, and life-altering profits members of David and Tom Gardner's Motley Fool Stock Advisor have been enjoying. So let me quickly tell you about the other advantages you'll enjoy when you agree to sample Motley Fool Stock Advisor without risk or obligation today -- starting with everything you'll get on the members-only, password-website, including:
I hope you can see why I say that Motley Fool Stock Advisor won't just help make you money -- it will make your life easier by eliminating the hassles and inconveniences you'd otherwise have to deal with on your own. But even that's just the beginning of the benefits you'll enjoy as a member...Of course, you'll also get immediate access to a brand-new issue of Motley Fool Stock Advisor -- delivered to your inbox and mailed directly to your door on the third Friday of every month. That's where you'll find an in-depth rundown on two brand-new recommendations -- one from David Gardner and one from his brother Tom Gardner... As well as an updated list of stocks from their current scorecard they consider to be "Best Buys Now" -- either because of a new product announcement, a new growth catalyst, or a temporary pullback in share price. Each new Motley Fool Stock Advisor issue also brings you a wide variety of other exciting and amusing features, including...
And every one of those valuable wealth-building tools, insights, and benefits are yours for the taking when you agree to sample Motley Fool Stock Advisor through this private invitation today. Here's why I say the risk is all mine... My invitation is backed by a 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEEI want you to profit from Motley Fool Stock Advisor for a full month. If at any point, you're not 100% convinced it's making you money, say the word. I will make sure you get a prompt and courteous refund -- NO QUESTIONS ASKED. And if you'd rather not continue receiving the benefits of your Motley Fool Stock Advisor membership at any point after your first month, I'll be happy to refund the full dollar value of the remainder of your membership term. It's as simple as that. Regardless of how long you stay on as a member, the brand-new report, "The Ultimate 'End of America' Play" -- revealing the full details on the remarkable tech leader that's driving the mobile communication revolution... Plus all the content you can access on the Motley Fool Stock Advisor members-only website -- every report... every past issue... every article full of proven investing lessons -- plus the special bonus report detailed below (valued at $99)... are ALL YOURS TO KEEP WITH MY COMPLIMENTS. That's how confident I am that David and Tom Gardner's straight up and plainspoken advice will help you build your wealth, not just this year, but for many years to come. Here's how I propose we proceed...Simply click the button at the end of this email and accept my personal invitation right now. I'll rush you immediate access to David Gardner's new report "The Ultimate 'End of America' Play: One Stock You Must Buy While The Chips Are Down." Within minutes, you'll have everything you need to decide for yourself whether this marvel of American ingenuity and innovation legendary growth investor David Gardner just named a "Best Buy Now" really could be the opportunity of a generation. Plus, you'll have a full month to sample Motley Fool Co-founders David and Tom Gardner's top equity research at your leisure -- without risking a dime. Take a few moments to read over the report. Get the full story on this remarkable opportunity... post any questions you might have on the members-only discussion boards... and get invested only when you are ready. And rest assured, I'll be right with you. You see, we don't call ourselves investors writing for investors at The Motley Fool for nothing. But we have strict compliance rules. My colleague, "The Kid," and I have been given the go-ahead to buy this stock along with you with two stipulations: First, we agreed to hold the stock for at least three years (we both plan on holding much longer). Second, if you choose to invest, you will have plenty of opportunity to buy ahead of us. But please don't wait too long. The moment our compliance officer, Lawrence, gives us the go-ahead, I will invest $5,000 of my own money. My young colleague, "The Kid," will invest $3,000. This is a 100% FIRM commitment -- we will even forward you our official trade confirmations to prove it. All the details are waiting for you in David Gardner's new report. I think you'll be surprised how little it will cost you to join...Given the remarkable track record (again, the AVERAGE Motley FoolS Stock Advisor pick is up 79% vs. just 15% for the S&P 500)... and all the wealth-building tools you'll have access to... you might think joining will cost you an arm and a leg. Let me put your mind at ease. You see, David and Tom Gardner didn't start The Motley Fool back in 1994 to help Wall Street big wigs or multi-millionaires with houses in Hamptons get even richer... Their stated mission was -- and always will be -- to level the playing field and help hardworking folks like us harness the awesome power of U.S. stocks and grow our hard-earned money into lasting wealth. Which is why under normal circumstances, you can join Motley Fool Stock Advisor for just $199 per year -- a great value given the market-beating returns members have enjoyed.
But because I don't want you to miss out on this rare opportunity -- and am determined to make sure you have the help and support of David and Tom Gardner over the long haul -- I want you to have a much better deal. When you respond to this invitation today, I've arranged for you to lock in the lowest rate I've ever seen on Motley Fool Stock Advisor for three full years -- saving you $448 off the regular membership price and giving you plenty of time to profit from the coming bull market. Of course, if you'd rather not take me up on our best offer today, you can still put David and Tom Gardner and their entire Motley Fool Stock Advisor team to work for you for one year -- not for $199, but for just $49. That breaks down to just $0.94 per week, and is a full 75% LESS than other investors have gladly paid. And remember, whichever offer you choose, you can sample everything Motley Fool Stock Advisor has to offer... Including the brand new report "The Ultimate 'End of America' Play"... for 30 full days with no risk or obligation whatsoever. When you respond today, I'll sweeten the pot. I'll send you immediate access to another valuable report prepared for you by some of The Motley Fool's top analysts...
But what if it really is "The End of America"?I wasn't born in time to cash in on "The End of America" when a love-struck Warren Buffett launched a career that would culminate in a $39 billion fortune. And I was too young to take advantage of "The End of America" back when I graduated high school in 1982. That's a shame. If I had invested just $10,000 in a plain vanilla index fund in January 1980, my investment would now be worth $112,000... And, remember, we were in the midst of the worst recession since the Great Depression... Inflation, interest rates, and unemployment ALL were in the double-digits... Our military was in tatters. U.S. manufacturing had fallen hopelessly behind. And Japan stood poised to become the world's next and ONLY economic superpower. Yet you could have turned a $10,000 investment into $112,000 by simply buying and holding a plain vanilla index fund. We've been given a second chance. And I intend to take it!
I do hope you will join me. Beginning with the remarkable American technology leader you'll read about in David Gardner's brand-new report. You're just one click away -- and, remember, the risk is all mine. And at less than $1 per week, there really is no reason to delay. Simply click the link at right to get started right now. And let's make some money together! To our next million, Paul Elliott P.S. This isn't the first time I've done something like this. You may have heard that on September 30, 2008 -- again in the midst of a frightening bear market -- I pledged to buy three of David and Tom Gardner's top Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommendations for my nephew's college fund. As of today our "mini portfolio" is up 69% -- and counting. I expect to do at least as well this time around! To join me click here now. P.P.S. I know this "End of America" talk can be unnerving. I have my fears and doubts like any investor saving for retirement. But you know as well as I do that EVERY SINGLE TIME we've heard this nonsense before has marked a generational opportunity to make a fortune. I know you do, you wouldn't still be reading otherwise. So let's take the next step together. Click here to start. All official newsletter returns as of October 19, 2011. Annualized returns as of September 30, 2011. Unless otherwise noted, all numbers as of October 13, 2011. |
This site is an experiment in sharing news and content. Almost everything here came from email newsletters.
The "End of America" is coming. Are you prepared?
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