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Say Hi to i3 Detroit Tonight Through Matt's Costume

Just a friendly reminder. Put all those little final touches on your costume and head out to our halloween party tonight! Matt has rigged up a personal interactive LED display for people to mess with. Send tweets to @MattsCostume tonight (7pm and later) to display your tweet on his sign. Pretty cool! Be sure to do a twitter search for @MattsCostume after the event to read all of the past hilarity that he had to walk around with. Dont be too wordy though, the sign is only capable of displaying 76 characters at once, so you'll get cut off if you ramble too much!


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Prosthetic Sculpture: Ira Sherman (video)

Ira Sherman is an artist who sculpts work that has been shown worldwide in museums such as the Smithsonian. At Maker Faire Bay Area 2011 he brings structures that are created from tubular frames in curvilinear shapes that are meant to fit the contours of the human body.

Subscribe to the Maker Faire Podcast in iTunes, download the m4v
directly, or watch it on YouTube and Vimeo.

Check out more videos from Maker Faire Bay Area 2011.


Halloween Hack: Kinect Enabled Portrait of Vigo the Carpathian

In an excellent homage to Ghostbusters II, Eric used Processing and a Kinect to create a Vigo portrait with eyes that follow you as you pass by. With a little Photoshop help from his coworkers, Eric created this interactive display in just one day for his company’s Halloween-themed open house. It looks like a lot of fun, but just remember, “he is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!” [via Hack A Day]


Inspired to make something for Halloween? Be sure to enter it in our MAKE Halloween contest to win cool prizes. Costumes, decor, food, whatever you create for Halloween, is welcome in the contest.

Read our full contest page for all the details.


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Intern's Corner: Making Apple Cider

One crisp Autumn afternoon, I had the privilege of joining MAKE General Manager Dale Dougherty as he used his wooden apple press to make cider from the apples that grow on his property. Dale has been making cider for over 20 years, and since this was only my second time making it, he was kind enough to share his technique with me as we worked together.

You can find the rest of the images as well as the instructions for making your own cider  at Make Projects: Making Apple Cider


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