

The mobile optimization strategy every brand must employ

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October 28, 2011 Issue
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The mobile optimization strategy every brand must employ

By Jason Kreidman

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Nearly half of all mobile searches on Google and Bing are local, which is why forward-thinking brand marketers are currently investing in optimizing their presences in this arena. Here's how you can too.

The marketing potential of non-tweeters on Twitter

By Josh Mackey

It's easy to focus on those doing the tweeting. But it's the "passive audience" that has the real potential to spread your message. Here's why.

War stories from a digital media lawyer

By Alan Gerson

Alan Gerson has worked with NBC, HSN, AOL, MSN, Ticketmaster, and many more. Here are some of the surprising things he's seen, and the lessons he's learned.

Media Motion: blurbIQ, McCann Erickson, and Wikia

Announcements by Underdog Media, Datonics, and Ooyala, plus other news about industry hires, partnerships, and launches.

Blog Posts

Do companies capitalize on the promise of big data that comes with Digital Marketing?

By Francois Gossieaux

Digital Marketing came with huge promises - big data that would allow us to predict consumer behavior with amazing accuracy and finally turn our marketing departments into measurable, predictable, and accountable departments.Where's the Modern...


By Tom Troja

Last week's ANA Master of Marketing was an interesting gathering in Phoenix of many of the world's top brands and marketing minds. We heard from marketing leaders at AT&T, IBM, Kimberly Clark, Kraft, Weight Watchers, EA, Visa, facebook and others...

Dear Diary...

By Doug Weaver

If you've ever questioned whether or not God had a sense of humor, the answer is in:Oh yes, he absolutely does. Because today, October 27th, 2011, the 17th anniversary of the first ads on the web, something very special is happening in my life.Today...

VW Uses Mobile AR To Launch Beetle (Video)

By Rick Mathieson

Gotta love this new mobile augmented reality experience from VW.It does involve a special app - which is asking a lot of consumers. But for those interested...

Cover Stories
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A survival guide to SoLoMo (social, location, and mobile)

The secret to Virgin America's happy customers

How to find the best marketing medium for your budget

Blog: Are we in the Industrial Age 2.0?

Blog: Trends and opportunities in music listening

Blog: Sneak Peek: What's coming in car tech

Blog: What marketers need to know about the future of technology

Blog: A sneak peek at the Breakthrough interview studio

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