

Why I Love the Current Debt Crisis



Dear Fellow Investor,

While everyone worries and frets over the European and American debt crises, I've been licking my chops.

You see, I discovered a precious metals investment that solvent U.S. state governments are using to bolster their coffers - and actually pay out checks to their citizens with.

The thing is, you don't need to live in resource rich Colorado or Alaska to collect these payments.

I've put together the full detail on how ANYONE can collect income using this investment.

Just read the details below for the full story.

Good investing,

Ian Wyatt
Chief Investment Strategist
Wyatt Investment Research

FIGHT BACK against government cuts in your  retirement benefits

I'm Using this Income Secret of America's Wealthiest States to Secure  Steady, Double-Digit Profits...

Fellow Investor:

42 of America's 50 states have serious budget problems.

In 2010, California ran a $45 billion budget deficit. New Jersey came up $9 billion short. And New York went in the hole for $17 billion.

Total 2010 losses at the state level were $190 billion.

And 2012 budgets aren't shaping up to be much better. State budget shortfalls are expected to be at least $130 billion.

But here's the part that individual investors like you and I should pay attention to -- there a few states that are using a specific income secret to create a budget surplus and reward their residents... 

  • Every year, Alaskan state residents get a dividend check in the mail...as much as $3,269...just for living in Alaska...and there's no state income tax, either!

  • North Dakota has the lowest unemployment rate in America, runs a $1 billion budget surplus and just cut income and property taxes by $400 million...and more cuts may be coming...

  • Colorado, South Dakota and Texas have the lowest state income tax rates in the country...

  • Wyoming doesn't need to collect state income tax...

I'm using the very same income secret these wealthy states use to secure my own profit stream...and I'll show you how to do it, too!

So, what do Alaska, Colorado, Wyoming and North Dakota all have in common? They are all rich in natural resources (oil, precious metals and minerals) -- so rich, in fact, that all of their citizens are benefiting.

Even though you may not live in one of these states, you can use the very same investment plan to secure your wealth now, and for the future. And I'll show you how to easily and safely set up your own resource-based income stream -- and nail down double-digit profits every year...

This "Best Ever" Business Plan Creates Debt-Busting, Wealth-Building Double-Digit Profits

Not only is America struggling with debt, but the government is preparing to cut retirement benefits to make up the deficit. Medicare, subscription drug buying plans, Social Security -- cuts in all retirement benefits are on the table right now!

There's only one way for American investors for fight back...

The high-profit investments you make right now to secure your future income are the only reliable way you can fight back against your benefit cuts!

And you can start with this precious metal royalty stock that generates 73% profit margins and double-digit yearly gains!

Yes, you read that right -- 73% profit margins and double-digit gains. I've discovered what may be the best business plan ever created - it's simple, powerful, and it could make you very wealthy. It stacks up against some of the biggest millionaire-makers in history like:

  • Bill Gates' idea to license Windows was pretty good -- Microsoft created hundreds of millionaires along the way... But this company's plan is even better.

  • Intel's brilliant microprocessor designs have kept profit margins over 60% for more than a decade...but the business plan I'll show you creates even higher profit margins than Intel -- an amazing 73% of every dollar is pure profit

  • Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has created thousands of millionaires. But even the great Buffett never managed to produce profit margins of 73%...

I've got the details here to show you how this company can keep these remarkable 73% margins coming for the next 10 years (at least), and it can grow revenues at 20% a year, too. Double-digit gains for the stock are a cinch.

That should be music to any investor's ears...after all, we're all here to make money, right? And this company can put big profits in your portfolio.

With the U.S. not expected to show any significant growth in the next few years...so long as debt is the big issue at the state, federal and international level...this company's shares are among the very few that can be can counted on to protect and grow your wealth...

You can buy shares in this company right away -- in fact I think you should buy them as soon as possible. Because I can't dream up a scenario where you can't double your money in a very short period of time...

Buy into the World's Top Producing Silver Mines -- for Just $3.90 an Ounce

Now, I'm going to let the cat out of the bag. My favorite resource investment -- the one I've put my own money into -- is a silver company. But to understand why I'm still confidently recommending this company...

to learn how it's still possible to buy silver at the incredibly low price of $3.90 an ounce...

to clearly see how this company can easily give you double-digit annual returns...

we have to start high in the Andes mountains...

The Andes mountain range stretches for 4,300 miles down the western coast of South America. The highest mountains outside of Asia, the Andes are part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of high volcanic activity. In fact, the highest volcanoes on the world can be found in the Andes.

Areas of volcanic activity often create huge mineral and precious metal veins. In the High Southern Andes of Chile and Argentina, you'll find the highly mineralized El Indio Belt. As much as 500 meters wide and 300 meters deep, pyrite veins can run 20 meters wide. And these veins are chock full of gold... and silver.

A massive gold and silver deposit was discovered in the El Indio Belt in 1977. Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX) acquired the Pascua-Lama mine in 1994. Total deposits are 14 million ounces of gold and 494 million ounces of silver.

Now, I'm sure you know that Barrick is a gold mining company. They weren't interested in silver, especially when it sold for less than $10 an ounce not so long ago. So, to offset some of its own costs, it sold the rights to much of the silver that it would find in the Pascua-Lama mine -- to the company I recommending to you today.
So Barrick will pull 20-25 million ounces of silver a year from the Pascua-Lama mine. And the company I'm recommending already owns 25% of that silver -- 4-5 million ounces a year for 25 years -- for just $3.90 an ounce.

At current prices that's $200 million worth of silver a year -- for the next 25 years. (That's 125 million ounces total.) And this company will pay just $19.5 million for it. There's no exploration risk and no hidden costs for this company ...just pure profit!

Now, I probably don't have to tell you this a pretty unique opportunity. There aren't many companies that had the foresight to lock in a 125 million ounce silver supply when prices were rock bottom.

And the truly amazing thing is -- that's just ONE of 16 deals this company has inked. Can there be any doubt that you can this company this should easily  secure 35% a year stock price gains from this company's stock?!?

Now, let me tell you about another one of these incredible $3.90 an ounce silver deals...

The Amazing Silver Secret To Steady Stock Market Gains

Mexico's massive Pascua-Lama mine is a good example of how this company's brilliant plan can create wealth for you. But you'll also want to know how this company secured 25% of the world's biggest silver deposit...

Owned by Goldcorp (NYSE:GG), the Penasquito Mine in Mexico's Silver Belt will be the will be the world's biggest. Geologist's believe it will produce 30 million ounces of silver a year for the next 22 years.

And once again, the profit-building company I've been telling you about had the amazing foresight to buy 25% of that silver -- over 7 million ounces a year for 22 years -- at just $3.90 an ounce.

Just between these two mines, this company is getting around 12 million ounces of silver for $3.90 an ounce. That's $480 million --nearly a half billion -- of silver a year! And that's revenue stream is locked in for over 20 years! At current prices, that's a total of $10 billion in silver!

I'll tell you, if I were a shareholder in Barrick or Goldcorp, I would be some kind of mad. To just give up $10 billion worth of silver is like the island of Manhattan for $24 dollars worth of beads and trinkets!

$3.90 an Ounce for Silver is Like Buying Manhattan Island for a Bunch of Beads!

Needless to say, the company I'm telling you about has made some pretty savvy silver deals. They've locked in $10 billion in silver for $3.90 an ounce...they incur no exploration costs...their silver is not hedged, so they can sell it at the highest price, whenever they want...they are not affected by rising mining costs, like oil and water...

You'd think this deal was simply as good as it gets. I mean, $10 billion in silver for $3.90 an ounce is darn good.

But as I'll show you, the silver supply deals this company has struck actually keep getting better. Perhaps the most exciting part of this silver story is -- the silver reserve estimates at these two mines  just keep going up!

I don't know if the initial silver reserve estimates were sloppy...or maybe Barrick and Goldcorp just didn't care about silver...and frankly, I don't care. Because this is like free money for this company.

Here's what I mean...

In April 2007, the Penasquito Mine was estimated to hold 575 million ounces of silver. Today, after further exploration, geologists realize there is over 1 billion ounces of silver in the mine. Reserve estimates at Penasquito have nearly doubled in just a few years.

Can you imagine the look on the CEO of Goldcorp's face when he realized his mistake?

Because once a deal is inked, it doesn't change, even if the actual amount of silver doubles, triples or more!

Since this remarkable company began operations, it has seen proven and probable reserves jump 60% -- each and every year! Who knows, by this time next year, it's costs could be down to $1.56 an ounce!

You can probably see why I've been recommending this company -- and why I've put a sizable chunk of my own money in it. It's a money maker, pure and simple...

And I have a plan to turn $100,000 of my own money into $1 million in 10 years. And you can join me, if you'd like to work toward a $1 million goal, too...and this company will help us get there.


Join me as we turn $100,000 into $1,000,000 together

In January 2009, I put $100,000 of my own money on the line to show investors exactly how to profit from the financial crisis and make the kinds of investments that will turn that $100,000 into $1 million. 

Real money, real investments, real wealth. That's Ian Wyatt's $100,000 Portfolio.

The premise is simple: show you, step by step and with my own money, how to become a millionaire and retire in style.  Why?  No one else in the investment world is taking the time to lay out a concrete plan for your success

Think about it: mutual fund managers are in it for the fees. Stock brokers just want you to keep buying and selling. And the mainstream media will say anything just to keep their circulation or viewer numbers high enough to support their ad rates. 

I'll show you how to start building your wealth with nothing but a regular brokerage account, a little bit of time and your undivided attention.

So, you're probably wondering what makes me an authority?  How am I different from the Wall Street fat cats? First, I've already done it. I've proved I can build a fortune in the stock market.

And second, I've made top-quality, independent investment research my business. It's simple: if my subscribers don't make money from my research and insights, they leave. That means our interests are perfectly aligned.

Don't miss this opportunity to grow your wealth alongside an investment master. Join Ian Wyatt's $100,000 Portfolio today.

Click here

How We'll Become Millionaires Together

I'm Ian Wyatt. I launched Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio with my own money in January of 2009. That was just a few months before the stock market bottomed. Back then, every day the Dow, the Nasdaq, the S&P 500 went lower than anyone thought imaginable.

It was a time when many investors simply gave up on the market and walked away. But my readers and I were buying during the March 2009 lows, and we bought stocks on the rebound. We bought the lows in February 2010. And we bought the recent weakness brought on by the debt problems in Europe.

We scored some fantastic gains for Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio subscribers in 2010, like:

  • 75% on Coeur D'Alene (NYSE:CDE)

  • 71% on oil exploration company Brigham Exploration (Nasdaq:BEXP)

  • Our investment in the SPDR Gold Shares ETF (GLD) has a 67% gain

  • 63% on Manning and Napier World Opportunities Fund (EXWAX)

And our money is growing even faster in 2011...and Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio has returned a total 49% since inception. That's far better than most mutual funds and hedge funds have done.

It's unfortunate, but, even now, many individual investors still aren't buying the stocks today that are virtually guaranteed to help you grow your wealth in the months and years to come.

Like the stock I was telling about you about earlier...

It's the PERFECT Time to Buy Top Quality Stocks

Now, I know, unemployment is still painfully high. And the housing market is still struggling. European debt problems -- and our own in the U.S. -- seem like a very real threat to economic recovery.

But corporate profits are surging to all time highs!

America's companies have done a remarkable job increasing productivity, profits -- and their stock prices. 

I can understand that you may be skeptical. There are still a few leading economists and investors that think the U.S. economy is on the verge of collapse...

That's why I'm using $100,000 of my own money and proven profitable strategies to show you the investment reality.  I'll tell you what I'm buying before I buy it.  I'll tell you what to sell before I sell it.  And we'll enjoy every penny of profit...

I know, this may sound unusual.  Most stock market "gurus" talk a good game. They'll tell you all day long where to put your money but they never tell you where their money is going.

And they won't tell you how to make money when stock prices are falling. But you'll see every move I make - and right now, I'm holding a fund that consistently outperforms the market when stocks are headed lower.

It's no joke. Real investment gains are here. The time to get fully invested is now...

The Single Most Important Trend for 2011

It's unfortunate, but debt issues have been the most notable trend in 2011. That's why gold and silver stocks have been doing great lately. And it's why they will continue to great for years to come.

Because let's face it, America's $14 trillion debt problem isn't going away overnight. In fact, with the recent debt ceiling deal, it's expected to breach $16 trillion in the next two years.

Gold and silver stocks may be the best performing investments for all of 2011. And you can get all of my top choices -- the ones I've put my own money in -- in the Special Investment Report, called Top 10 Investments for 2011 and Beyond.

My $100k Portfolio is chock full of stocks and ETFs that are growing, despite the serious debt issues plaguing the U.S. and Europe. That's how I've turned $100,000 into $149,929 in less than two years. I'm well on my way to the million dollar goal.

And it's stocks like the silver stock I've been telling you about that are helping us  -- my $100k Portfolio members and I -- reach our goals.

I'm not doing anything risky, or complicated. I'm simply using tried and true investment strategies to grow my wealth. It's no different than the way Alaska, Colorado and North Dakota have used their assets to provide wealth for their citizens.

And you can use this double-digit silver stock winner in exactly the same way...

You'll make money as silver prices rise...you'll profit as proven reserves rise...you'll secure your financial future as this company inks more deals in the future...

With investments like this one, you'll get a head start on most investors with Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio.

I'll keep you profiting from the best stocks in the strongest sectors.

Your Invitation to Profits

Real money, real investments, real wealth -- that's Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio.

I'd like you to join my $100k Portfolio members and I as we put simple, proven investment strategies to work and build our wealth together. And there's no better way to start than with this silver stock that's getting $10 billion of silver at $3.90 an ounce.

So here's my offer: since you're a new subscriber, I'd like to give you a chance to just see what Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio is all about for the lowest price ever: $39. 

That $39 will get you a year of the Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio, as well as my latest special report titled Top 10 Investments for 2011 and Beyond - which details my "Blueprint for Profits" in 2011 -- as well as this silver stock that should return 35% a year -- every year...

You'll get immediate access to this report in the next 5 minutes after you sign up to try out Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio.  And it's only $39. That's far less than any newspaper subscription - and far more valuable.

Plus, you'll get my money-back guarantee: if you're not completely pleased with the Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio, or the special Report Top 10 Investments for 2011 and Beyond then I'll give you a full refund.  The best part?  I'll give you 6 months to see if this product is right for you.  If you're not well on your way to becoming a millionaire by then, I WANT you to cancel. 

When you join Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio you'll receive:

  • Monthly newsletter with market insights and portfolio review.  At the beginning of every month I'll send to you an email newsletter with a review of key events affecting our portfolio, updates on our current positions and those I'm considering for the portfolio, and an assessment of our performance and outlook.

  • Pre-purchase alerts on every position. I'm confident I can make money for you in this market, and for that reason I'll let you know before I take any action in my real world portfolio - giving you the opportunity to make the trade before I do.

  • Buy and sell confirmations. Once I've made a trade in my $100k Portfolio, I'll send you an email alert with the details of the trade, including the position, ticker symbol, number of shares, price, and total transaction cost.

  • Investment profiles. I'll send you a detailed report on each investment I make -- whether it's an exchange traded fund (ETF), a mutual fund or an individual stock.  I'll tell you exactly what I'm buying and selling, and more importantly - WHY. This way you can determine if the same action makes sense in YOUR portfolio.

  • Bonus Report #1:
    The Top 10 Investments for Outstanding Profits in 2011 and Beyond: This Blueprint for success will set up for years of investment profits and portfolio growth, starting with the silver stock we've been discussing. That's because we're investing to profit from the most important themes for the years ahead. PLUS, this report answers the most critical investment questions like: Which way are interest rates moving?  Where are oil prices headed, and how can you profit? What is the safest way to way to profit from emerging market growth? What mutual fund will be the top performer on 2011? How high will gold and silver prices go?

  • Bonus Report #2:
    Don't Bet Against America
    : the "super issue" special report details a few of the core holdings of the $100k Portfolio. These are top quality companies that prosper during good times and bad. And they're trading at a deep discount to fair valuation.


  • Bonus Report #3:
    The 10 Year Millionaire
    : my detailed plan on how I'm taking $100,000 of my own money and turning it into $1,000,000 within 10 years. You'll discover the Seven Secrets to Profitable Investing as the blueprint for taking whatever amount you have to invest and achieving the best possible returns.


  • Bonus Report #4:
    Profits from the Government Sponsored Healthcare Boom
    : whether you were for or against the recent healthcare legislation, big changes are coming. And seasoned investors know this means one thing: profits. My new report will show you where to make money from the healthcare boom in the months and years ahead.


  • Bonus Report #5:
    Best Income Investments for a Safe Retirement
    : whether you're currently retired, a few years out, or decades away, income investments are a must if you want a truly stable stream of cash coming from your investments. These are the investments that should be the bedrock of your portfolio.


  • Bonus Report #6:
    Profits from the 5 Winning Mutual Funds You're Financial Advisor Doesn't Know About
    : This Special Report is designed to ensure that individual investors like you have the information they need to make the best, most profitable retirement investments possible. These funds are core holdings of the $100k Portfolio and are part of the long term strategy to get to $1,000,000.

Join Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio, get Top 10 Investments for 2011 and Beyond and get started with me on a wealth-building mission. And you can start with 35% annual gains from the silver stock we've discussed.


Good Investing,

Ian Wyatt
Chief Investment Strategist
$100k Portfolio

P.S. - Not only has this company locked in deals to buy silver at $3.90 an ounce, the amount it can buy just keeps growing by 60% a year. That means the profits this company makes will just get bigger and bigger! 35% annual gains for this company's stock should be easy. Why wait to start making those gains for your portfolio? Join Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio today!


Click here to sign up


* Investing in stocks carries certain risks for loss just as much as it presents opportunities for rewards. While each of the stocks in this new investment report has been thoroughly researched by professional analysts, investors are advised to perform their own research and due diligence before investing. Future returns claims made in this promotion are based on calculations and evaluations made to the best of the ability of $100K Portfolio research analysts, however they CANNOT be guaranteed and should not be considered as such.


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Ian Wyatt's $100k Portfolio
c/o Wyatt Investment Research
65 Railroad Street
PO Box 790
Richmond, Vermont 05477


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