

ATX: Best... Stuff Of 2011!

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Thrillist Austin
Friday December 30, 2011

Best of 2011: Potpourri!
What smells so good? The year's best stories that defy categorization.
Tipsy Tech: Led by The Tipsy Texan (who's also president of Austin's USBG chapter) and ATX's top-dog female mixologist, Tech's an intensive 11-week course, centered around 2hr Twin Liquors classes focusing on cocktails and their origins...more

Michael Biehn: Over a 30yr career, Michael Biehn has battled Terminators, Aliens, and the perception that he's pretty much always ready to explode into a violent rage. Now he's in town for Comic Con, so we caught up with him for a chat...more

Living the Dream: With the launch of The Dream Collection, Hakeem Olajuwon is poised to do to the fashion world what he once did to the Knicks: twist, shimmy, and shake it into submission...more

TreeHouse: Because "smart building" doesn't have to mean hiring someone to do the work for you, check out TreeHouse: a RAD-designed, green home-improvement center from an eclectic team...more

Dr. Dre Started Burning Man: Put out by an irate ATX-er, DDSBM's dedicated to busting Burning Man's patchouli-scented bubble and showing it for what it really is: a long-term investment by West Coast hip hop impresario Dr. Dre...more

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Thrillist Rewards - Stop making plans, and start doing Rewards: get the app.


* ALLIED QUICKIE - Looks Like Win - Win an iPod loaded with Mike Posner tracks from his album, mixtapes, and new single. Enter here.


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