

Become An M2M Authority

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Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications Is The Most Disruptive Technology In Global Communications

Become The M2M Authority Your Colleagues Turn To And Your Competitors Fear

Bob Emmerson, M2M and Mobile Enterprise Author (and an independent communications thought leader), has created for The Comm School a comprehensive overview of what is happening throughout the field of M2M, using video and downloadable content with real business cases from leading companies in the market.

Bob gives you a clear, concise informative guide to M2M--you'll be able to assess its potential for your job and company quickly and easily. Be the hero in your office, whether you are the one speaking to others about it, or taking the actions to use it to beat your competitors. Check out the M2M Communications course or see what Thomas Howe is thinking...Click Get Smarter Now!

The Comm School is the Online Telecom Training school—led by experts and thought leaders in their fields, getting you the unbiased authoritative knowledge you need without the hassle of traveling!
Learn from the comfort of your own computer at home or at the office.

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