

Five Reasons

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Food & Water Watch

There are so many reasons to give, and only 2 days left!

Donate today!

Make your year-end donation today!

December 29, 2011

Dear Indiana,

The deadline is just 2 days away. We're getting close, but we still need your help to meet our goal of raising $50,000.

Your passion has helped us win some major victories this year, and we hope you'll donate to help us reach our goal at this critical time.

Here are 5 reasons why you should give to Food & Water Watch today:

  1. Food & Water Watch makes an impact. Our on-the-ground organizing team has won major victories this year: most recently, we stopped fracking in the Delaware River Basin! Our research teams are busting myths about fracking and changing the conversation about where our food comes from. Your gift will help us continue that work.
  2. We don't take corporate money. In order to stay independent and fight for the issues that matter, we won't accept funds from government or corporations - not now, not ever. That means we rely heavily on donations from individuals like you.
  3. We're local AND national. We believe that protecting our food and water means reforming our systems at the federal level. But many of our most important battles are fought in local communities. We now have 15 offices across the country, and you can help us grow even more.
  4. The time is ripe for change. In 2012, we've got a real chance to make sure that all genetically engineered foods are labeled. We'll also bring our fight to ban fracking to more critical states, while pushing for a national ban. We can do all this and much more if we reach our $50,000 fundraising goal.
  5. When you give now, your gift will be doubled! From now until December 31, a generous donor will match all donations up to $100,000. That means, if you give $50, your gift will double to $100. If you give $125, Food & Water Watch will get $250. But only if you give right now.

Please help us continue our crucial work in 2012 by giving generously.

Donate today: https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1185/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=7897

Thank you for your support,

Sarah Alexander
Education & Outreach Director
Food & Water Watch

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Visit us online
Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.
Food & Water Watch, 1616 P Street, NW Suite 300 Washington, DC 20036 • (202) 683-2500

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