

Last-minute Christmas campaign ideas and a free holiday template

Pump up your opens with our guide to preheaders | The trouble with sending to two or more lists | Aquabumps, on taking your inbox to the beach |
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Campaign Monitor

December 2011 NEWSLETTER 
Grab the Campaign Monitor Holiday Kit

It isn't too late to share the Christmas cheer, with a sprinkle of inspiration and our animated email template. Plus, if you send a great campaign this month, you could score a Kindle Fire, 50k email credits and more in our holiday email competition!

Pump up your opens with our guide to preheaders

Curious as to how you can change the summary text that appears alongside emails in your inbox? Or do you wish it was easier to customize for each campaign? Make your emails mobile-friendly and give your results a boost with our practical guide to preheaders.

Five new email designs to move you

Our email design gallery never stands still, thanks to the constant flow of new and unusual customer campaigns. Join Chef Anahita's moveable feast of color, relocate with Statusboard, or find yourself in a different place with Different Projects via this month's email round-up.

Statusboard Atlas Travel Chef Anahita Different Projects Naughty Fish

The trouble with sending to two or more lists

Email frequency may seem like a no-brainer when sending to a single list or segment, but when managing multiple newsletters at once, list fatigue can easily take hold. Read our analysis on Amazon's approach, then do a better job at engaging your subscribers.

Aquabumps, on taking your inbox to the beach

Want to know what it takes to live and work on Sydney's iconic Bondi Beach? Dive into our interview with surf photographer and cool customer Eugene Tan, on the sublime business of sharing his blue crush with thousands of subscribers worldwide via email.

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Campaign Monitor

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