

[Mind Control 101] - Hypnosis Teleseminar Announcement

Mind Control 101 Newsletter
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Greetings -

On January 11th Jeff Stephens and I will be holding a
special tele-seminar where we'll discuss Ethics and

This will be a chance to talk about what is legal as well
as what is "right" to do in hypnosis.

No doubt you can ask about how some hypnotists have
created "hypnotic assassins" and why YOU SHOULDN'T

Here's a link to show you what I'm talking about:

Mark your calendar
Date: Wednesday, January 11th, 2012
Time: 3pm Pacific Time
4pm Mountain Time
5pm Central Time
6pm Eastern Time

Conference Dial-in Number: (605) 781-1000
Participant Access Code: 546793#

Final instructions: Put in in your calendar!!!

We will attempt to record the call and make it available
if there are no technical issues.

Hope to hear you on the call!

Dantalion Jones

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