



The Safest Dress You'll Ever Wear

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 11:25 PM PST

This strangely elegant looking dress was fashioned from 700 condoms by Vietnamese graphic design student Nguyen Minh Tuan, in honor of World AIDS Awareness Day.

These condoms may no longer be useful for preventing STDs or pregnancy, but the fact that they glow in the dark means you’ll still be the center of attention even after the lights go out.


Advertising Posters From Fallout New Vegas

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 10:59 PM PST

If you’ve ever wanted to own an advertising poster from the video game Fallout New Vegas in real life, you now have a chance to proudly proclaim your love of gaming and cover that massive hole in your wall at the same time!

Brian Menze designed these awesome posters, complete with wasteland wear and tear, and you don’t have to trek across the radiated desert to get your hands on one.

Link –via Super Punch

This Is Apple Wear From 1986

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 10:50 PM PST

When the Apple company was just beginning to take the home computing world by storm, they apparently thought it would be a good idea to try their hand at designing clothing as well.

These clothes are the ultimate in computing comfort, and nothing says 1986 like wrapping sweaters around yourself in strange places.


Admiral Ackbar As A Wee Mon Calamari

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 10:48 PM PST

This is what Admiral Ackbar looked like, as a newly sold alien pet shop slave, way before he was figuring out that things were traps and helping the Rebel Alliance blow up the Death Star. He looked so cute before he grew legs!

Link –via JazJaz

Bizarro Mario Bros. Title Screen

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 08:31 PM PST

(YouTube Link)

Digital artist Jonathan Fletcher has created the player select screen for a bizarro version of the Super Mario Bros. video game that would apparently take place in the Gulf of Mexico.

This has to be the skeeziest incarnation of the Bros. i’ve ever seen, but nobody ever said plumbing was a glamorous job!

Link –via Geekologie

Cool Custom TARDIS DVD Bookcase

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:48 PM PST

Model builder msmuse101 and her father threw their skills together and produced this awesome TARDIS dvd shelving unit, which looks so good they should mass produce them and sell them in stores.

The only problem with this TARDIS? It’s way smaller inside than it looks on the outside, like it was made in an alternate reality.

Link –via GeeksAreSexy

More and More US Teenagers Prefer Surfing the Net to Driving a Car

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:04 PM PST

Remember your first time driving? For most Americans, nothing symbolizes freedom more than the open road. But that's changing: for more and more teenagers, freedom doesn't mean a fast car. It means a fast Internet:

If Ferris Bueller had a day off now, would he spend it on Facebook?

Recent research suggests many young Americans prefer to spend their money and time chatting to their friends online, as opposed to the more traditional pastime of cruising around in cars. [...]

But with money tight in many households, and the cost of gas and insurance soaring, some youngsters are having to choose between buying a car and owning the latest smartphone or tablet.

In a survey to be published later this year by Gartner, 46% of 18 to 24-year-olds said they would choose internet access over owning their own car. The figure is 15% among the baby boom generation, the people that grew up in the 1950s and 60s - seen as the golden age of American motoring.


Inuit Throat Singing

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 04:03 PM PST

My obsession with throat singing continues. Today, let's take a look at Inuit Throat Singing, which is different from the overtone singing we've featured on Neatorama before.

Apparently, there's no overtone in the Inuit Throat Singing, though in the past singers used to resonate each other's notes by singing close to each other's mouths. Still, the singing method is unusual.

Take a look: Hit play or go to Link [YouTube]

The iSaucer

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 03:41 PM PST

Oh, iPad! Is there anything you can’t do? Photographer Norah Abdulaziz made this clever shot.

Link -via Colossal

Knitting Behind Bars

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 02:02 PM PST

Photo: Lynn Zwerling

Forget snitching - the hot word in this Maryland prison is stitching. Behold, the most popular course in prison, Knitting Behind Bars by Lynn Zwerling, where even the most hardened criminals got hooked on the joy of knitting:

In late 2009, Lynn Zwerling stood in front of 600 male prisoners at the Pre-Release Unit in Jessup, Maryland. “Who wants to knit?” she asked the burly crowd. They looked at her like she was crazy.

Yet almost two years later, Zwerling and her associates have taught more than 100 prisoners to knit, while dozens more are on a waiting list to take her weekly class. “I have guys that have never missed one time in two years,” Zwerling says. “Some reported to us that they miss dinner to come to class.”

GOOD Magazine has the story: Link

Skiing on Rocks

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 12:01 PM PST

No snow? No problem for these hardcore skiers. They simply ski on rocks:

The warmest weather in half a century means that many European ski resorts are without snow later in the year than any time in recent memory. Some, dedicated skiers are turning to rocks to get their fix.

In Europe, there's a shortage of snow this winter.

That's meant people in Austria have had to come up with another way to get in their skiing fix. They turned to rocks.

"At the moment we're having problems because it's too cold to make artificial snow and real snow hasn't started falling yet," said one Austrian skiier, who'd just come down a rock quarry.


Super Mario Bros. Cat Hats

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 09:59 AM PST

Lori Turnbull’s crocheted Mario and Luigi caps come with elastic bands to help them stay on your cat’s head. As though that would even be necessary! Cats love to wear hats.

Link -via Fashionably Geek

Reuters Best Photos of the Year 2011

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:58 AM PST

Expect it every December: lists and more lists of the best and worst everything of the year. This photo gallery helps us to sum up some of the important events of 2011 with photographs that made us pay attention. Reuters covered those events and has a gallery of 100 of their best photos for your perusal. Shown is a protester recorded in January in Cairo. Link -via Metafilter

(Image credit: Reuters/Goran Tomasevic)

The Hare and the Tortoise

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 07:25 AM PST

(YouTube link)

The 1947 version Aesop’s fable, produced by Encyclopedia Brittanica Films. Link -via Nag on the Lake

This Week at Neatorama

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:44 AM PST

Oh look! We’ve made it to December 2011 already! Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday that we were looking forward to the new millennium? You’re probably busy this weekend, getting holiday preparations going in one way or another, but sit down and take some time to catch up on the great features this week at Neatorama. You’ll be glad you did!

John Farrier told us 11 Facts You Might Not Know about Battlestar Galactica.

Jill Harness gave us 5 Inaccurate "Historical" Stories That Ended Up In History Books.

On the 10th anniversary of the Beatle’s death, Eddie Deezen wrote A Few Things You Might Not Know About George Harrison.

From Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader’s newest book, we learned about The Curse of the Demon Core.

Color Preference in the Insane was a look at some screwball research from The Annals of Improbable Research.

And the world of modern art gives us Modern Problems, an article from mental_floss magazine.

If you haven’t been to NeatoBambino lately, there are new videos, Christmas projects, stories, and as always, cute kids for your enjoyment!

In this week’s What Is It? game, the object in question is indeed a set of manual hedge trimmers. Berhard was the first of many with the correct answer. The funniest answer cam from SisterMerryHellish, who declared this is a wookiee toenail clipper! Congratulations to both for winning t-shirts from the NeatoShop!

The post that got the most comments so far this week (besides the contest) is Denied a Job Because of Criminal Record: Is It Discrimination? However, the Manifesto for Life post is catching up quickly!

When you’re caught up on everything from this week, you can access past feature articles at The Best of Neatorama. And have a great weekend!

The Twist Bridge

Posted: 03 Dec 2011 06:24 AM PST

Bridge over the Vlaardingervaart

The Twist Bridge in Vlaardingen, the Netherlands, was built for bicycles and pedestrians to cross the canal, but it’s also a work of art! Made of 400 steel tubes, the matrix that covers the bridge is eye-catching and also absorbs vibrations. See more pictures at Amusing Planet. Link -via the Presurfer

(Image credit: Flickr user Theo Lagendijk)

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