

SD: Best Tech Of 2011

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Thrillist San Diego
Thursday December 29, 2011

Best of 2011: Tech
Tech it to the limit with the year's best
Eco POD: An all-weather, impact-resistant MP3/ smartphone/ whatever'll fit case with 100% waterproof headphones and the power to keep delicate tech "safe from sand, sun, and water"...more

The Juice Pack: Outdoor Edition: Mophie amped up their external iPhone battery pack by pairing it with an advanced GPS app developed with help from the mapping geniuses at NeoTreks...more

Lytro: The greatest advance in photography since the digital camera, amateur photographers can now rejoice in the existence of the Lytro: a fool-proof image snapper...more

Vidcinity: Vid's a free iGadget video app that stores user-uploaded, time stamped videos that're triggered only when said gadget-holder enters a set radius...more

Audiowood: Audiowood was born after its North Florida-based owner Joel's handmade wood turntable got so many "whoa man, you should sell these" props from friends that he now turns all sorts of wood into a full range of audio and home gear...more

-----------------Morning Quickie------------------
^ Thrillist Rewards - Stop making plans, and start doing Rewards: get the app.


* ALLIED QUICKIE - Looks Like Win - Win an iPod loaded with Mike Posner tracks from his album, mixtapes, and new single. Enter here.


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