

What's Your Madonna IQ?

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MyDailyMoment most popular quiz | editor's pick | all quizzes
Quiz Corner Saturday, December 3, 2011
What's Your Madonna IQ? What's Your Madonna IQ?
She's the reigning queen of pop, but how much do you really know about her Madgesty? We're talking about the one, the only... Madonna. It's time to put your knowledge about this one-woman phenomenon to the test. Take the quiz and find out.
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Is Your Man Gay?
Are You A Flirt?
Self Inventory
What's Your Vacation Style?
Are You Afraid of Commitment?
Have You Fallen For A Jerk?
Is Your Partner Cheating?

General Trivia
Do You Know Barack Obama?
What's Your Hostess Style?

What's Your Dessert IQ?
Drink in Some Wine Savvy

How Many Calories Are You Burning?
Is Your Workout Effective?

What's Your Dancing With The Stars IQ?
What's Your Celebrity Gossip IQ?

What's Your Style Say About You?
Do You Love The 80s?: Fashion

What's your Vitamin IQ?
What's Your Carb IQ?
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