

carpal tunnel syndrome

January 18, 2012 Create or Manage Your Profile
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carpal tunnel syndrome

A common form of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) produced by repeating the same small movements many times. As more and more people use computers, carpal tunnel syndrome and other forms of RSI have become more prevalent. Typical symptoms are numbness or burning in the fingers or wrist. If not addressed early on, the injury can cause permanent damage.

There are a number of ways to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome, including adjusting the height and angle of your chair and keyboard, and taking frequent breaks from typing. Modern office furniture, designed especially for computer use, can help considerably.

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White Paper: Antivirus Software Testing Exposed

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As the number of security suites available on the market increases, so does the need for accurate tests to assess their detection capabilities and footprint. At the same time, accuracy and appropriate test methodology becomes more difficult to achieve. This paper examines typical problems like inadequate, unrepresentative sizing of sample sets, limited diversity of samples and the inclusion of garbage and non-malicious files, set into the context of 2010's malware scene. Click Here >>

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