

Email Summit 2012: Only 3 weeks away + Complimentary special report


Email Summit 2012 AD
Limited-Time Offer
Don't miss your chance to reserve your seat while there's still time and seating available.
Read what attendees from a past Email Summit had to say:

"I'm always impressed with the breadth and scope of MarketingSherpa's coverage. In the first hour of the Summit alone I have gained invaluable takeaways to help me achieve better responses to our email campaigns. Sherpa always provides me with 'golden nuggets' of information that I can put into practice right away. Thanks!"
- Tom Ehart, Online Marketing Manager, BNA Tax & Accounting

"I got a lot out of the MarketingSherpa Email Summit, particularly about bartering for co-registration; it's nothing I'd ever thought of, and it's a great idea that's definitely going to impact my business."
- Cheryl Simmons, Email Marketing Manager, Echo Star Satellite, Dish Network

We are just a few short weeks away from Email Summit 2012, so don't miss your chance to reserve your seat - while there's still time and seating available.

At this year's Summit, you'll learn from the industry's best marketers including 32 speakers, 18 brand-side marketing case studies, 5 tactical training sessions and 4 expert panels, all designed with one goal in mind - to help you optimize your email marketing programs.

Here are just some of the many topics covered:
  • Social Marketing: Defining the convergence of media and influence
  • How to use content-rich emails to prime your prospects to buy
  • Copywriting, messaging and optimization
  • B2B email research and marketing automation
  • Lead nurturing using segmented content marketing
  • Cross-channel list building
  • Relevancy, mobile and innovation
  • Email marketing strategies
  • Email messaging
  • And many more
Click here to see the full list of topics, trainings and speakers.

Don't delay - reserve your seat today and take your email program to the next level.

Our goal is to have all attendees leave the Summit with their notebooks bursting with ideas for campaigns. With so many great speakers, it would be impossible to jot down everything they said without giving yourself terminal writer's cramp.

That's why we're giving you our Special Report: 4 key sessions from MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2011. Inside this free report, you'll get transcripts and examples from four highly rated speakers at Email Summit 2011.

Our editors polished these transcripts for clarity and added full-color screenshots and research charts. You'll get a comprehensive look at last year's popular sessions through more than 75 pages of content. The topics covered include:
  • Microsoft's real-time "dynamic content on steroids" for emails
  • Yahoo!'s email content strategy
  • Inbound marketing with email
  • Case Study - Getting off on the Right Foot: Why the first 30 days matter the most
Click to download your free special report right now. You will not be asked for information. This is a direct link to the PDF. We look forward to seeing you and your colleagues in Las Vegas soon.

MECLABS is the parent company of MarketingExperiments and MarketingSherpa, providing research-based training solutions through live certification workshops, online certification courses and on-site company training. We conduct rigorous experiments in the new science of optimization and we apply our discoveries to help leaders optimize the financial performance of their sales and marketing programs.

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