

From Tom Horn on Petrus Romanus

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Video update and article entry for Petrus Romanus!
Dear friends!
I have received so many emails from people wanting to know more about Petrus Romanus (the final pope is here). Donna Anderson just uploaded an entry plus a new 2-minute YouTube trailer. Please take time to read this important article and/or to watch the short video.
 Also, if you would, please join me and Cris Putnam by sharing this video with your friends by embedding it on your website, facebook, or via email. I will be sending more updates over the next 8 weeks as we storm toward the finish line.
Nothing. Let me repeat, NOTHING I have ever done is as important as this investigation. We covet your prayers during this time.
And here is PART ONE in the entries we will be making over the next 8 weeks or so: http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/petrus-one.htm
Tom Horn

PO Box 5 | Crane, MO 65633 US

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