

THURSDAY: The Art of Designing the Customer Experience, Register Today

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The Art of Designing the Customer Experience
Designing for Better Experiences and Business Results
Thursday January 19, 2012 Time: 1:00 pm EST/ 10:00 pm PST

When it comes to the customer experience, marketers and business execs pay extremely close attention to the smallest details. There is special attention paid to the appeal and placement of products. Tens of thousands of dollars are spent making the company's website and web experience as pretty and engaging as it can be.

But the phone system-and its handling of the customer experience-is usually completely ignored. Considering this is perhaps the most significant of all customer experiences, and possibly the first time a customer or prospect hears the voice of the company, can you really afford to continue giving it short shrift?

This Webinar takes a close look at how to design the customer experience, and how your brand can be humanized by taking advantage of new, cloud-based voice technologies in your inbound phone system. You'll hear real examples of IVR systems over the years and be amazed at what can be done to transform voice systems of the past into those that get high marks for innovation, simplicity and anticipating caller needs. You'll see how next-gen systems can:

  • Build the brand experiences from other channels into the customer experience in the phone channel
  • Enhance the customer experience by using their own data sources to increase personalization and interactivity.
  • Improve customer satisfaction by leveraging the cloud to make immediate changes to call flows

Join Blade Kotelly a human-factors engineering and business innovation strategist, author and educator, for this interactive Webinar to take a look at a variety of IVRs -- from those that are complete failures, to those that have only succeeded in making customer service call a dreaded activity, to those that have stepped up and leveraged today's cloud technology to delight, even entertain their callers.

Who should attend:
  • Contact Center Managers looking for greater insight into the performance of call queues and new ways to interact with callers.
  • Customer Experience Managers who want to increase customer satisfaction and customer retention.
  • IT Stakeholders interested in learning about next generation technologies that will impact tough budgeting constraints and cut costs.

Can't wait? Are you looking to create a user-friendly and easy-to-use IVR for your business and customers? Find out how Angel can help you deliver a Caller FirstSM IVR, in days, not weeks at a price you can afford, speak to an Angel representative today by calling 888-MyAngel or contacting us online.

Blade Kotelly
Human-factors Engineer, Business Innovation Strategist, Author and Educator

Blade Kotelly, Human-factors Engineering, Business Innovation Strategist, Author and Educator. In his career, Mr. Kotelly has created hundreds of next-generation speech-recognition systems for companies including FedEx, Dell, Apple, United Airlines and Echostar and performing the analysis of numerous IVR systems. He also wrote the book on speech-recognition interface design, "The Art and Business of Speech Recognition: Creating the Noble Voice" and his work and thoughts have been featured in publications including The New York Times, the Wall St. Journal, and on media including TechTV, NPR, and the BBC.

Blade is a frequent guest lecturer at Stanford University and Harvard University and currently teaches a user-experience design course at MIT in the Gordon Engineering Leadership Program.

Stefania Viscusi
Assignment Desk Editor, TMCnet

Stefania Viscusi is an assignment editor for TMCnet, covering voice and Voice over IP technologies. She also oversees production of TMCnet's e-Newsletters in the areas of Customer Interaction Solutions, Internet telephony and speech technology. To read more of Stefania's articles, please visit her columnist page.

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