

Wine Club - Sparkling Wines at the Park Pacific

Metropolis Wine Club  - Sparkling Wines at the Park Pacific

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Please note that this event is very different than our usual monthly event at a different time, with food provided, so please read the details. This is also a good event for those who don't like wine, as there will be free beer there!


Celebrate the New Year! Sample sparkling wines at Downtown's newest renovated apartments, the Park Pacific, located in the 1920s Art Deco former headquarters of the Missouri Pacific Railroad.  


Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012 


Location: Park Pacific Apartments, 22nd Floor, 1226 Olive, 63103


Time: 5:30 to 8:00 pm


Activities: Schlafly is providing free beer samples; Triumph Grill is providing free appetizers; Frostbite is providing free ice cream samples. We'll be in the clubrooms on the 22nd floor and guests can tour the rooftop deck and display apartments during the evening. See www.liveparkpacific.com.


After Party: Those still there at 8pm will be given a free drink voucher for the Lucas Park Grille a block north.


Admission Cost: Each guest brings a bottle of sparkling wine. Food will be provided.


RSVP at www.mstl.org no later than Sunday, January 22.


Parking is available in the Park Pacific Garage entered on Olive. $2 for first hour and $1 for each additional hour. Or metered street parking. You must pay meters till 7pm.


VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: If you want to pour wine or register guests, please let me know. It's a great way to meet everyone at the event. Even if you can't get there at 5:30, we could use your help throughout the evening. Contact me at suzannemoak@yahoo.com ASAP if you would like to help.


Partners: We're partnering with countondowntown.com, Downtown Residents' Association, and Downtown Living Now, so it should be a good crowd.


The Location: This is a renovation of a 22 story tiered Neo-Gothic building originally built in 1928 as headquarters for the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company and then became the Union Pacific Railroad's headquarters after merging in 1982. Its last employees vacated in 2005. It is one of the ten largest buildings in Downtown St. Louis, was maintained in excellent condition, still sports an elaborately ornate Art Deco lobby, and is on the National Register of

Historic Places.


The Wines:

All wines, which undergo a second fermentation (and therefore carbonated), are sparkling wines. Only wines made in the Champagne region of France are properly called "champagnes". However, since the U.S. never signed the universal labeling agreement, some American winemakers label their sparkling wines "champagnes", but you're actually safer purchasing an American wine labeled "sparkling wine". French sparkling wines not made in the Champagne region are labeled Vins Mousseux. Italians call their sparkling wine Spumante. The German designation is Sekt and the Spanish bubbly is labeled Cava






This email was sent to ignoble.experiment@arconati.us by suzannemoak@yahoo.com |  
Metropolis | P.O. Box 56578 | Saint Louis | MO | 63108

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