

The 2-Minute Secret to Retiring Rich...

The 2-Minute Secret to Retiring Rich...

How To Go From What You've Got
To What You Need To Live Well...

Dear Fellow Hopeful Retiree,

Think you need to be earning six figures and socking away thousands of dollars a month to retire rich?

Think again.

Because even if you haven't saved a single dime toward retirement, I can show you how to pump up your portfolio by $549,998.

Or fill your portfolio with over $240,000 in extra cash even after you're retired!

In just two minutes, you can begin revving up your portfolio and making up for lost time.

You'll discover:

  • Exactly where to put your money to maximize returns if you're at or near retirement right now.
  • A simple technique that could add $94,973 to your nest egg.
  • And so much more...

Even if you're 50 or older, I'll show you how to make a simple change that turns $1,000 into $54,250! Or a losing stock into a cool $750!

What's more, I'll show you how to patch the cracks in your nest egg that could be losing you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Do you own any of these "Pain in the Tax Bracket" Investments?

REITs, TIPS, bonds, bond funds, or stock mutual funds? If the answer is yes, be sure you check out page 6 of the Third Year Anniversary Issue of Rule Your Retirement immediately. It's yours when you try it RISK-FREE for 30 days .

Right now, you can sample all this money-making, money-saving, tax-lowering advice absolutely RISK-FREE for the next 30 days.

Just click here and you'll get immediate access to every expert tip, technique, planning tool, and more.

That way you can see for yourself just how easy it is to create a plan that puts you on the road to retiring rich.

Quite simply, if you can click a mouse and type in some numbers, then there's no need to put off planning.

Can this retirement be saved?

She was 53. Had just $83 saved. In just two years, she had $150,000 and is now on target to be a millionaire by age 67. Want to see her 10 simple secrets and rescue your retirement?

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

In mere minutes you'll discover how easy it is to:

  • Grab an extra $42,589 to spend in retirement -- it's surprisingly simple!
  • One thing you can do to net an astounding $230,000 -- or more -- starting today!
  • An incredible way to double your investment just by filling out a form.
  • The secret to adding years and thousands of dollars to your nest egg without plunking down an extra dime.
  • Three BIG money-making reasons to hold on to losing stocks.
  • And so much more.

To get this kind of advice from your broker (and that's if you're lucky enough to get this advice from your broker) you'd have to give up as much as 2%-3% of your hard-earned cash.

Retire while you're young!

Meet the amazing couple who retired at 38 and began traveling the world. Thanks to their five steps to retiring early, they're living the good life and will have plenty of money to last a lifetime. Want to know if you can pack it in and retire today?

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Think that's a small price to pay? Then take a look at how parting with just a tiny percent of your money plays out, even inside a seemingly safe 401(k)...

The average Joe (or Jane) dutifully contributes $1,200 a year to his 401(k) with a "small" 2% management fee. Assuming 10% growth (the market's average over the long haul) in 40 years, and deducting the 2% management fee, Joe nets out with $335,000 at retirement. Not bad.

But not-so-average you, who decided to Rule Your Retirement, easily finds a fund that charges just 0.4%. By investing the same $1,200 a year, you walk away with a whopping $522,000 when you retire!

Even if you're investing more over a shorter period of time, this "small" fee is still costing you quite a bit.

By following just one idea from Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement, you'll be an astounding $187,000 ahead of the average Joe!

It's simply not fair...

Your broker ends up getting rich off your retirement fund, and you could end up scraping by on Social Security. With life expectancies rising, even a 65-year-old retiree has to think in terms of investing for decades!

It's not enough anymore to just work and save for retirement...

You've got to RULE your retirement to come out ahead.

In fact, when you follow the advice in Rule Your Retirement (instead of letting others make the rules that affect your retirement) you're virtually guaranteed to come out on top.

Just check out Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement's favorite ways to boost the value of your portfolio:

  • Retire 15% richer without changing a single investment!
  • The investment that brings you guaranteed income for life.
  • Best ways to grow your portfolio even after you're retired.
  • Our top stocks for great returns.
  • And much, much more money-making advice!

Where does all this unconventional retirement wisdom come from?

Straight from the experts at The Motley Fool, which Barron's calls "the #1 source for financial education on the Web" and The Economist refers to as "an ethical oasis in an area that is fast becoming a home to charlatans."

Robert Brokamp

And one of the smartest retirement advisors around is Robert Brokamp, CFP®, editor of Rule Your Retirement.

Before joining The Motley Fool, Robert was a financial advisor at Prudential Securities.

He spent years researching the latest money-building retirement strategies, money-saving tax loopholes -- and more -- to help his clients enjoy their golden years.

Though he worked with some excellent people, he wasn't satisfied because he was limited to selling only what the company offered.

So he left Prudential, joined The Motley Fool, and founded Rule Your Retirement, where he combines his love of teaching with his vast inside knowledge of retirement planning to bring you the most up-to-date investment strategies around.

Robert's been a full-time Fool for nearly a decade now and is well known for his articles on Fool.com and in renowned publications such as Better Investing and Newsweek.

More recently, he gave a speech at the SEC that was broadcast on CSPAN.

Rule Your Retirement's 30-minute-a-month promise

I guarantee that by spending just 30 minutes a month, you'll get enough straightforward ideas, planning tools, answers from discussion boards, and more to retire very, very well or get your money back.

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Even with this kind of advisor, I still want to prove to you Rule Your Retirement is not only as good as I say it is...

I want you to read the tips, techniques and specific recommendations that you simply can't get from anyone else, RISK-FREE for the next 30 days, including:

  • How to get rich buying stocks no one else wants. (It's especially important to load up your portfolio with these if you're near or in retirement!)
  • How to get your boss to fund your retirement "FREE."
  • Why you should keep your money OUT of 401(k)s or traditional IRAs or else you could end up with 15%-30% less than your statement shows!

I know what you're thinking...

You've read loads of retirement books. Talked to experts. And you've never heard outlandish ideas like these.

But that's what Rule Your Retirement is all about!

You won't get the same old, same old advice. Robert tells it like it is. He exposes the loopholes and hidden fees and gives you better, safer, higher-interest-earning ideas that work.

So why might you want to keep your money out of a 401(k)?

Here's why: Let's say you work for a great company that matches half your contribution up to 6%. That means you put in 6% of your paycheck and they'll ante up 3%. Pretty easy way to get a 50% return on your money.

So do it!

What to do if you've saved only $45,000 (or less) and want to retire in just 10 years:

Yes, you can still retire with plenty of cash. Find out how right now by joining Rule Your Retirement!

But after you've invested that 6%, is this really the best place for your money?

Although these contributions are untaxed today, they will be taxed at the ordinary income tax rate in the year you take them out.

And with ever-increasing government spending, we can all be sure income tax rates will be going up.

So putting money in your 401(k) or IRA may mean that your Social Security income will get slashed by income tax.

Here's another way 401(k)s and IRAs can get you -- mandatory withdrawals.

At age 70 1/2, you must take mandatory distributions from your tax-deferred retirement accounts. Those withdrawals could mean that up to 85% of your Social Security income will be taxed.

Your Special Offer -- Save Over $130 When You Join Today!

Many folks gladly pay $149 to RULE their retirement, but if you sign up right now through this email, I'll give you a special rate of just $19 for an entire year.

That's more than a $130 discount, which is like getting more than 10 FREE MONTHS!

But wait...

What about Social Security and your pension? Won't that be enough?

Get a bonus from Uncle Sam!

When you try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days, you'll instantly discover how you can cut your tax bill by $1,800 a year!

The horrible truth: You can no longer count on Social Security or a pension!

It's a rude awakening... But here's the crushing news: The old retirement rules are out the window.

You can't count on a gold watch, let alone a pension, from the company you've spent years helping to build.

And the way things are going, you sure as heck can't rely on Social Security. In fact you'll be lucky to get $14,000 a year!

Shrinking Social Security. Corporations ditching pension funds. Taxes. Inflation. And outrageous management fees charged by brokers and financial planners.

These are precisely the reasons why The Motley Fool started the Rule Your Retirement newsletter service!

We make it our business to keep up with all the changes in taxes and investments to help you be your own best financial advisor.

And we don't help ourselves to a percentage of your cash to bring you this advice. The truth is, we'll show you right now, step-by-step, the inside secrets to having a better plan. A fatter portfolio. And a much, much richer retirement.

"I really just want to thank Robert Brokamp and RYR for the excellent service you offer and the education I have received. It really is possible to work at a regular job, put money away each month, and achieve a secure retirement! My wife and I are proving it every day!"
-- WLO in Richmond, VA

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Even if you're just a few years from retirement or in retirement right now, we can show you how to take charge and RULE your retirement, adding huge amounts of money to your portfolio.

  • The type of bond that makes you more cash than Treasuries, without the risk...
  • An eye-popping way to skyrocket your portfolio by up to 73%!
  • The amazing secret for getting your portfolio to cough up bigger returns than all its individual investments without the stomach-churning volatility.
  • The frightening way that Uncle Sam cashes in on your mutual funds even when you haven't sold a single share!

Here's how to fill your portfolio with over $240,000 in extra cash even after you're retired!

Let's say you retired in 1972 and started taking out the typically recommended 4% from your $100,000 portfolio, split 60/40 large-cap stocks to bonds. In 2007 the portfolio is worth $335,711. Not bad.

But change the stock allocation to 50% large-cap and 10% small-cap, leaving bonds at 40%, and you've got an extra $245,452. A meager 10% allocation to small-cap stocks gives you a 73% increase in net value without a drop of additional risk!

"I signed up for your wonderful service because I wanted a knowledgeable partner to help me along the way (and keep me focused), month after month, through the ups and downs of the financial world, toward retirement. I couldn't be more pleased with my choice to go with your newsletter."
-- Karen H., Hartford, CT

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days and you'll get quick, easy, proven ways to help you retire in ultimate comfort.

We don't confuse you with financial jargon or overwhelm you with dozens of charts and graphs.

Instead we take you step-by-step through the best places to invest your retirement dollars and steer you clear of the pitfalls that can suck your portfolio dry.

In just minutes a month we make it easy to help guarantee you're not one of the unlucky retirees who suddenly find themselves with 50% less money in their account than they thought with only a few years left to recapture their wealth.

You'll get the tools, calculators, and unbiased advice you need to ensure that you have the cash you need to travel to places you'd always dreamed of seeing... buy a second home as a great getaway... treat your grandchildren to special trips and wonderful gifts... and still have plenty of money to provide your heirs with a wonderful inheritance.

So where do you start? How do you make sure you have enough cash to last you a lifetime?

Check out Rule Your Retirement absolutely RISK-FREE today and get full access to our 2 best retirement planning tools:

  • Am I Saving Enough: This calculator crunches the numbers to tell you if you're on your way to a great worry-free retirement -- and what to change if needed.
  • 8 Steps to Planning the Perfect Retirement: An at-your-leisure, eight-step program that makes it easy to retire when and how you want!

"The most important RULE I learned was START TODAY and I DID! I developed a plan. I took stock in what I already had. I developed a retirement budget. I learned about asset allocation, safe withdrawal, and... having a better tax strategy."
-- Charley N., Danielson, CT

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

Now here's a shocking question I bet you weren't expecting me to ask:

Are you saving TOO MUCH for retirement?

Not surprisingly, mutual fund company studies show that Americans aren't saving enough for retirement.

By their predictions, most folks will be retiring on less than 60% of their pre-retirement income, setting themselves up for a brutal retirement. That means the average 55-year-old couple could be flat broke by the time they hit 80.

But other sources with a little less interest in your plan, so to speak, have astoundingly different results...

These numbers show that not only won't you run out of money but you could have a whopping $2,000,000 in extra cash at age 80! Want to see if you're saving enough or too much?

Hit the "Am I Saving Enough" calculator in the Resources section of the Rule Your Retirement website. There's no risk. It's yours to try RISK-FREE for the next 30 days along with every other tool, calculator, special report, and expert advice.

You see, at Rule Your Retirement we give you the tips, tools, and techniques you need to take charge of your retirement in just 30 minutes a month. So no matter what you've saved so far, you come out on top!

Take two minutes now to try Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement for 30 days RISK-FREE and uncover these secrets:

  • A sneaky way you can make more money in target funds than others your age.
  • How you can safely withdraw up to 25% MORE from your retirement portfolio and STILL have it last a lifetime!
  • The 4 most critical questions you need to answer now in order to retire well.
  • A simple way to make sure you never have to sell off stocks in a down market.
  • How to travel the world with tax-free money from your 529 plan.
  • The exact places to put your money starting about five years before retirement -- you'll safeguard your savings while increasing your portfolio.

You'll also find the key to protecting your retirement from "portfolio backfire."

What's portfolio backfire? It's what happens the minute all your investments start going through the roof. You're sitting there thinking you're cashing in on soaring investments, and meanwhile your portfolio is headed for serious trouble.

The problem? Your carefully balanced portfolio isn't just gaining lots of cash thanks to all your wise investments, it's also readjusting.

But don't worry. When you try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days, we'll show you how to keep the gains and protect your portfolio, too.

What more could you want? A better offer? You'll never find one.

Because right now I'm granting you full access to every tool, every report, every issue, every expert tip, technique, and secret absolutely RISK-FREE for 30 days.

That's zero risk. Just a full month to tap into the money-saving, money-making ideas in Rule Your Retirement.

And if that's not enough, you'll get instant access to our Retirement Checklist Issue. It brings you the best of the best ideas, and our favorite expert tips -- and you can read it and use it right now!

So give Rule Your Retirement a try RISK-FREE for the next 30 days.

  • Use all our ever-powerful retirement-boosting ideas
  • Enjoy unlimited, full access use of our members-only website
  • Explore our financial calculators and special reports
  • Get instant answers on our member-only discussion boards
  • And loads more.

After all, if you do retirement right, it should feel like you're independently wealthy.

There'll be no time clock to punch. No grumbling boss to deal with. No grueling commute or long hours at the office. Just free time and plenty of money to enjoy it. And that's what Rule Your Retirement is all about.

This is our best-ever deal on Rule Your Retirement

"I was really amazed to see what was available. In one day, I set up my financial plan using the tools and am already thinking of ways to reduce my debt and increase my savings."
-- Vishwesh S., Cary, NC

Click here to try Rule Your Retirement RISK-FREE for 30 days!

For far less than you'd pay a financial planner or even your CPA for an hour of their time, you can get a year's worth of proven, expert financial advice from a team of the nation's top investment minds.

Plus, you'll get this Special Report.

If you act now, you'll get the latest special report from The Motley Fool's top analysts, Stocks 2012: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead. This research report is valued at $99 and hands you 12 companies poised to skyrocket in 2012. You simply don't want to miss this.

You'll also get a copy of Maximize Your Social Security. This report, valued at $29, shares everything you need to know about figuring out your Social Security benefits, how it will be taxed, and more.

And I'll also hand you a copy of How to Rule Your Retirement Accounts. This report, also valued at $29, will teach you how to maximize your savings, why a Roth account makes sense, and how much your 401(k) plan may be costing you.

Don't forget you're not locked into anything. There's zero risk. If you don't find dozens of easy ways to fatten your portfolio during your first 30 days with Rule Your Retirement, I'll refund every cent you paid, with zero hassle.

Don't waste another minute. You're just one click away from discovering how to rule your retirement!

Here's to ruling your retirement and coming out ahead!

Click here to begin!

Matt Argersinger
Matthew Argersinger
Executive Publisher, Motley Fool Rule Your Retirement

P.S. This is a no-lose proposition. Your special report, Stocks 2012: The Investor's Guide to the Year Ahead (a $99 value), is yours to keep with my compliments. There's just one catch: To take advantage of this offer, you must join through this email today.

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